满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据所给汉语提示完成下列英语句子。(10分) 1.他长大了想干什么? What ...



What does he want to be ______ ______?


Would you mind _____ _____the music?


The teacher was _____ _____me just now.


People ____ ____the world like playing basketball.


We ____read in the school gardens,but we ____pick the flowers.


1.grows up 2.turning down 3.angry with 4.all over 5.can ,mustn’t 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:短语翻译。

When you are not well, you may have to _______. The medicine may be not nice to take, but you have to take it, because it will do you good. After a few days, you will get better and you won’t have to take any more medicine. In a short time you will be in good health again, and you will go back to school.

In the cold season, many people catch colds. When you have a cold, your nose is running, so you have to blow () your nose and wipe () it with your handkerchief (手帕). We  call a bad cold with a high temperature the flu. When you have the flu, you may pass it to other people around you, because it is very catching (有传染性的). So when you have the flu, you must stay at home.When you have a bad tooth, you go to see the dentist. He pulls out the bad tooth and looks over the others.

You should look after yourself. If you want to be healthy, you have to take exercise and eat a balanced diet (均衡饮食).


1.在空白处填上一个词组 ___________


If you ___________, you won’t have to take any more medicine.



4.Why should we stay at home when we have the flu? _____________________________

5.What should we do to keep healthy? 

_ ____________________________



Mike and Dick work in the same office. They don’t like the cold weather. 1. Their plane arrived in Sydney at nine in the morning.They had a good rest in a hotel.  2.  A few hours later the sun was shining in the sky and there was no shade () from trees beside the road. 3. They had to stop to look around. Mike found a river about half a kilometer away from them. They were both very happy and drove the car quickly.  4. Before they jumped into the waterDick saw a boy playing under a big tree. He asked,“Are there any sharks(鲨鱼) in the riverplease?”

“Nothere aren’t” answered the boy.

So they began to swim in the river. 5. He told Mike about it.They were afraid and decided to stop swimming. Dick asked loudly“Is it true that there aren’t any sharks in the river?”

“Yessir”said the boy. “But there’re a lot of crocodiles(鳄鱼)in the water.”


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1.Sunny English Club is for          .

A. nurses       B. policemen        C. students

2.You will pay         if you want to stay in the English club for half a year .

A. 300yuan     B.600yuan          C. 1200yuan

3.You can visit Sea Museum           .

A. on Saturday     B. on the Street   C. anytime

4.One can get free exam in Health Center if he is                .

A. 9           B. 17              C. 73

5.If you are interested in the life of fish, you should call              for help.

A. 5439871     B. 3801451         C. 3785290



There are two main kinds of sports. These two kinds of sports are team sports and individual (个人的) sports. Team sports are such sports as baseball, basketball, and volleyball. Team sports need two separate (独立的) teams. The teams play against each other. They compete against each other to get the best score. For example, in a football game, if team A gets 8 points and team B gets 4 points, team A wins the game. Team sports are sometimes called competitive (竞争性的) sports.

Another kind of sports is individual sports. In individual sports there are no teams. There isn’t any competition. People play individual sports in order to get some exercise, not to win a game. Individual sports are such sports as swimming, skiing, and running.

Of course, it is possible (可能的) to compete in individual sports. It is possible to keep a score in individual sports. The main difference, however, between team sports and individual sports is that individual sports can be finished alone. But team sports always need more than one person.


1.There are ____ kinds of sports according to the passage.

A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four

2.In a football match team A gets 1 point and team B gets 3 points, then ____ .

A. team A wins   B. team B winsC. team B losesD. both teams win

3.____ sports need more than one person in the games.

A. NoB. FavoriteC. IndividualD. Team

4.____ is a kind of individual sports.

A. The high jumpB. Table tennis  C. VolleyballD. Basketball

5.Team sports ____ .

A. are also called individual sports

B. can be done alone

C. need two teams to play against each other

D. are the same as individual sports



Does eating a good breakfast improve school study? More than 1,000 students in the city of Lawrence took part in an experiment (试验) a year ago, and the answer is YES. In the experiment, students with breakfast got high scores in their tests than those without breakfast. Among those with breakfast, fewer were late for school and much fewer missed their school. “By eating breakfast, you feel active in your morning study and keep good health,” says Amy Sampson, a famous doctor. He did the experiment for a year.

Students without breakfast may lose important nourishment (营养) in eggs, fruit, bread and so on. So try to get your kids to have breakfast so that they can feel well, keep strong and do their best in the school work.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正 (T) 与误 (F)

1.Over 1,000 students took part in the experiment.

2.It’s good for students to have some eggs, fruit, milk, bread and so on for their breakfast.

3.The passage tells us that a good breakfast will help students to get more scores.

4.Amy Sampson did the experiment for two years.

5.The best title for this passage may be “Breakfast or Not”.



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