满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was time for a holiday! Dawn wanted t...

It was time for a holiday! Dawn wanted to go to the beach, but her family had   ideas. Where would Dawn’s family go on holiday?

One day, Dawn   a letter in the letter box(信箱). It said, “You’ve won!”

Dad opened it. Oh, they won a holiday!

“I hope it’s to the   ,” said Dawn. “I can swim in the sea.”

“No, I hope it’s a    holiday, ” said Dad. “I can sleep in a tent(帐篷).”

“Well, I’d like to go to a big   ,” said Mom. “I can go shopping.”

Then they started to argue(争吵). Beach! Camping! City! They argued(争吵)   the evening. Then the phone rang(电话铃响了). Dawn answered it.

“Hello! This is Lucky Holidays. You’ve won a holiday to sunny Alexandria. ”

“That’s where my grandma    .”

“This is Grandma!”

“Oh, Grandma, you tricked(戏弄)  !”

“I invite all of you to spend your summer holiday   me.”

Two days later, they arrived at Alexandria and spent two     weeks at Grandma’s. Dad slept in a tent. Mom went shopping and Dawn swam in the sea. Everyone was happy.

1.A. another     B. other        C. others       D. the other

2.A. wrote      B. found        C. bought      D. made

3.A. park       B. museum      C. restaurant    D. beach

4.A. singing     B. dancing      C. camping    D. swimming

5.A. zoo        B. city          C. lake        D. stop

6.A. when       B. so           C. until       D. before

7.A. lives       B. exercises      C. leaves      D. visits

8.A. him        B. her          C. us          D. them

9.A. for         B. with         C. to          D. on

10.A. relaxing    B. boring      C. busy        D. quiet


1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:是度假的时候了。黎明要去海滨,但她的家人有其他的想法。黎明希望可以在海里游泳。他的爸爸爸爸希望可以睡在一个帐篷里。他的妈妈却想去大城市购物。最终他们到了阳光明媚的亚历山大,每个人都得以尽兴,大家非常快乐。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 考点:日常生活类短文。

If he         to the party, he          a good time.

A. goes; has              B. will go; has

C. will go; will have       D. goes; will have



Soon she will          around the world with his parents.

A. traveling            B. travels        C. travel       D. traveled



--- Is your sister as serious as you?

       --- No, she isn’t. She is           .

A. as friendly as me      B. more serious than me  

C. as tall as me            D. friendly than me



---I’m going to do        for your party.

       ---Sounds great!.

A. something different      B. different something

C. nothing different        D. different anything



--- Hi, Jane! Can you go hiking with me on Sunday?

---         . I have too much homework.

A. I’d love to.     B. Of course not.  C. Sorry, I can’t.  D. OK.



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