满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Six mornings a week, Rajendra Prasad get...

Six mornings a week, Rajendra Prasad gets on his bicycle and starts work. He puts on his postman’s uniform(制服), and takes   1.  to the desert villages of Rajasthan. He wears a turban on his head because the desert sun is very hot. When he gets to a village, he rings the bell(按铃) on his bike and everybody 2. out. They don’t get many visitors  3.  they’re excited. Today, Rajendra’s first stop is Geeta’s house. She’s got a postcard _4._ her cousin in Bangalore. Rajendra has to read it because Ceeta can’t read. The news is good, so she’s happy.

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Rajendra doesn’t 5.  take the mail. He also takes the pension(退休金) money for the old people. Today Sua gets her pension. She can’t 6.  her name, so she has to give her fingerprint(指纹) intead. Rajendra has to 7. because she’s old. “I don’t know how 8. I am,” says Sua. “Maybe 50 or 60?” Her friends think she’s ahout 75.

Rajendra also takes a telephone becauae many of the villages don’t have phones. Today, Samundar wants to make a call. She 9.  Rajendra the phone number and he dials(拨电话号码) for her. She speaks to her son Vishnu. “I told him to come home hecause I need some money,” she says.

At the end of the day, Rajendra does the paper work and thinks about his 10. . “Sometimes it’s difficult, but it’s a good job,” he says.

11.A. work        B. mail        C. food        D. call

12.A. works       B. takes       C. runs        D. stands

13.A. but         B. so          C. because      D. or

14.A. with        B. for         C. from         D. as

15.A. even        B. also        C. often        D. only

16.A. write       B. read        C. say          D. hear

17.A. help        B. know        C. make         D. put

18.A. clever      B. kind        C. tall         D. old

19.A. buys        B. gives       C. catches      D. sends

20.A. travel      B. study       C. job          D. life


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了在拉贾斯坦邦的沙漠村庄送邮件的一个邮递员,他不仅给人们送信,还给老人送退休金,帮助打电话,帮助老人签名等等。对自己的工作,虽然感到艰难,但更感到有意义。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 考点:人物介绍类阅读短文。

—Would you like some vegetables?


A. You’re welcome        B. Yes, please             C. Here you are



—Lingling, where ____________ our foreign teachers___________ from?

—They come from the UK.

A. does; comes         B: does; come            C. do; come



—Listen! Someone ____________ on the street.

—Singing? He is crying.

A. is singing          B. sing                C. sings



—Dad, ___________ are my sports shoes?

—They’re under the chair.

A. which               B. what               C. where



The tomatoes _________ very fresh. I want some.

A. is               B. are               C. be



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