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Today is Sunday. Tony and his sister Jea...

Today is Sunday. Tony and his sister Jean want to buy some things for the family party. Its a shopping list(购物单).

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They are for mother.

Weight(重量): three kilos

Money: four dollars

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They are for father.

Weight: two kilos

Money: five dollars

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They are for Tony and sister.

Weight: two kilos

Money: six dollars

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They are for grandparents.

Weight: one kilo

Money: three dollars


It is Sunday today. Tony and   1.  want to buy some things for their families. They buy some   2.  . The   3.  are for their father. The cheapest(最便宜)  is the   4. . How much are all of them? They are   5.  dollars.


1.Jean 2.fruit 3.oranges 4.strawberry 5.eighteen 【解析】 试题分析:本文是托尼和简在星期天为家庭聚会购买的水果清单。 1.Tony and his sister Jean want to buy some things for the family party. 可知答案为Jean 2.fruit 3.oranges 4.Money: three dollars可知最便宜的是草莓;故答案为strawberry 5.eighteen 考点:任务型阅读。


1.Do you like soccer ball?        A. December 4th.

2.When is your birthday?        B. Jack.

3.What color is your box?         C. They are two dollars.

4.Whos your math teacher? D. Its blue and yellow.

5.How much are these socks?    E. No, I dont.




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Alice: Hello, Paul! 1.

Paul: Yes, it is.

Alice: Happy birthday to you!

Paul: 2. Ill have a birthday party at home tonight. Would you like to come?

Alice: 3. I want to give you a gift. 4.

Paul: Yes, I do. But my mother buys a white T-shirt for me.

Alice: 5.

Paul: Great. I love cakes.

A. Do you like T- shirts?

B. What about a birthday cake?

C. Is it your birthday today?

D. Thank you.

E. Yes, Id love to.



Mrs. Sato is not happy. It is her birthday, and she has no families with her.

   Mrs. Sato goes to the telephone and calls a company (公司) in Tokyo, Japan.

   “Hello”, a woman answers. “Hello”, Mrs. Sato says. “I’d like to rent a family.

   “What would you like?The woman asks Mrs. Sato. “A son? A daughter? Some grandchildren?

   “I’d like to rent a daughter, two grandchildren and their father. Mrs. Sato says. OK, the cost is $ 1, 000 for three hours. The woman says.

   At seven o’clock that evening, four actors(演员)come to Mrs. Sato’s housea woman, a man, and two children. “Happy Birthday! the actors say. The actors are with Mrs. Sato for three hours. They talk with her, eat dinner with her, and watch TV with her. Then they go home. Mrs. Sato is happy.

   No one came to Mrs. Sato’s birthday, so she called Rent-A-Family. Rent-A-Family is a new company in Tokyo. The company sends(派)families” to people’s houses. The families are really actors. The actors visit for three hours. The cost is $ 1, 000.


1. Mrs. Sato is sad because ______.

A. her husband died(去世)

B. no families come for her birthday

C. her daughter died

2.He calls to ______.

A. her daughterB. her sonC. a company

3.That evening, ______ have the birthday party with Mrs. Sato.

A. her daughter’s family

B. some people near her house

C. some people from the company

4. Those people stay in her home for ______.

A. three hoursB. a nightC. a day

5.What’s the wordrentin Chinese? It’s ______.

A. B. C.  




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按照上面的Family Tree判断正确与错误,正确写T,错误写F(10)

1.There are eleven people in their family.

2.Sam is Paul’s son. His wife is Jean.

3.Mary’s daughter is Lucy. Mary has two children.

4.Paul has three children. They are Jean, Sam and Tina.

5.Jean is Ted’s aunt. Ted has two uncles and one aunt.



Mr. Smith is an English       . He teaches English       . His English       are very interesting. He likes us and we like him,       .

Mr. Smith has       children—Tom and Mary. Tom is seven and       sister, Mary, is four. Tom goes to school but Mary       . Mr. Smith likes blue T-shirt and       .

Football is his favorite       . After school we often play baseball. Mr. Smith plays baseball just (只是) for       .

1.A. menB. manC. woman

2.A. good    B. fineC. well

3.A. classes         B. lessonC. subject

4.A. so           B. allC. too

5.A. two     B. oneC. three

6.A. he                B. hisC. him

7.A. dont    B. doesC. doesn’t

8.A. shorts      B. shortC. a short

9.A. music           B. sportC. subject

10.A. boring           B. relaxC. Fun



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