满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.Who lost the backpack? A. Kevin B. Je...


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1.Who lost the backpack?

A. Kevin    B. Jenny      C. Peter      D. We don’t know.

2.Whom(who的宾格) can you call to get the pencil case back(要回)?

A. Kevin     B. Jenny       C. Peter      D. We don’t know.

3.What’s Peter’s telephone number?

A. 8901782     B. 8457298    C. 8547298    D. 8901728

4.Is the pencil case Jenny’s?

A. Yes, it is.    B. No, it isn’t.   C. It’s Kevin’s.    D. It’s Peter’s.

5.Whose dictionary is it?

A. Peter’s    B. Kevin’s  C. We don’t know.  D. Jenny’s


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:信息提示的是一个寻物启示,另一个是失物招领。寻物启示中介绍Peter找不到背包,并介绍了背包中的物品,以及自己的联系方式,以便知情者联系。失物招领中,Jenny发现一个铅笔盒并且介绍了其特征和联系方式,以方便失主联系。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。

Hiboys and girlsDo you need good       Welcome to our storeOur store is very    .We have lots of clothes in it and many of them are      .Every day,       people come and buy clothes in our store. We have   clerks(店员)five boys and five girls. The      in our store are cheap.

Do you      schoolbagsWe have many cheap schoolbags. We     them for only 8 dollars. We also have trousersshoessweatersshirts and shorts. They are in many       bluegreenblackyellow and white. Do you      these thingsCome to our storeplease.

1.A.books    BvegetablesCclothes  Dhamburgers

2.A.big  BredCsmall  Dshort

3.A.in need      Bat schoolCon sale  Don TV

4.A.no      BonlyCmany  Dmuch

5.A.five  BeightCnine  Dten

6.A.clerks      BbooksCthings  Dprice

7.A.take  BneedCthank  Dmeet

8.A.sell  BlostCbuy  Dfound

9.A.prices      BnamesCcolors  Dnumbers

10.A.like  BknowCwatch  Dbring



--There are forty-eight students in our class.


A. You’re welcomeB. You’re all rightC. You’re rightD. Excuse me



--_____he have English ____Thursday?


A. Is; on B. Are; inC. Does; on D. Do; in



--Look at these shoes. They are only $16.

   --They are cheap. __________.

A. I’ll buy it B. I take itC. I buy them D. I’ll take them



Bob is ___________brother.

A. Lucy’s and LilyB. Lucy’s and Lily’sC. Lucy and LilyD. Lucy and Lily’s



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