满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Why are you so happy? --- That’s bec...

--- Why are you so happy?

--- That’s because an old friend of           is coming.

A. I            B. me             C. my             D. Mine


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你为什么如此的高兴?--那是因为我的一个老朋友要来。此题考查的是双重所属格的结构,即 of+名词性物主代词。表达“....中的一个 或 几个”。所以题中需要填写的是Mine代替的是 my friends。故选D. 考点:考查代词的用法。  

-- We don’t need to go to school at weekends.

--- So many of us get up late          Sunday mornings.

A. At            B. on             C. in               D. /



--- What is Nancy doing now?

--- She, with her parents,          some shopping.

A. do            B. does            C. is doing         D. are doing



--- Look, this pair of shoes           beautiful, right?

--- Yes. But they don’t fit me           .

 A. is, very much   B. is, very well      C. are, very much   D. are, very well



--- This dress is a little            . Can you show me another one?

--- What about the orange one?

A. cheap        B. high            C. low            D. Expensive



--- Would you please ____   _ her _____    me back?

--- All right, I will tell her.

A. ask, to call   B. ask, call          C. to ask, call      D. to ask, to call



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