满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据所给句子和音标提示写出恰当的单词,每空一词(3分) 1.Please ___...


1.Please ____________ / nɒk / on the door before entering the teachers’ office.

2.Are you ____________ /fri:/ this afternoon? Let’s go swimming.

3.Sweet snacks give us ____________ /'enədʒɪ/ but they are not healthy food.


1.knock 2.free 3.energy 【解析】 1. 2. 3. 考点:词类活用。


1.C____________ beautiful stamps makes me feel great.

2.He invited her to have dinner at a French r____________.




1.The food there ____________ (尝起来) delicious.

2.‘Dad, where we go?’ is one of the most ____________ (受欢迎的) TV programmes (节目)in China now.

3.Jack _____________ (搬运) the books to the classroom every day.




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How much sleep do we need? We are all different. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night. Others need ten hours of sleep a night. Most Americans sleep an average (平均) of seven to eight hours a night. After the age of fifty, the average sleeping time goes down to 6.5 hours a night.

Most people have a bad night when they can’t fall asleep (入睡). The name of this problem is called insomnia.

This isn’t a new problem. Many famous people in history had insomnia, too. Some of these people had special ideas to make them sleep. Benjamin Franklin, the famous inventor, had four beds. He moved(移动) from one to another to fall asleep. King Louis XI V (国王路易十四) of France had four hundred and thirteen beds and hoped to fall asleep in one of them. Mark Twain, the famous American writer, had a different way. He lay on his side across the end of his bed.

1.After the age of fifty, the average sleep hours are_______ a night.

A. 3 hours    B. 7or 8 hours    C. 6.5 hours    D. 10 hours

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. King Louis XI V was an American.

B. Many famous people in history had a bad night when they couldn't fall asleep.

C. Benjamin Franklin was a famous writer.

D. Most young Americans sleep for an average of 6.5 hours a night.

3.Why did King Louis XI V of France have more than four hundred beds?

A. Because he hoped to fall asleep.

B. Because he was a famous inventor.

C. Because he had a lot of money.

D. Because he liked to lie on his side across the end of his bed.

4.What does the word insomnia mean (意思) in Paragraph (段落) 2?

A. too many beds    B. sleep well    C. can’t sleep well   D. problems

5.What’s Paragraph (段落) 1 talking about?

A. The history of sleep.      B. How much sleep do we need?

C. The story of famous people.   D. Why can’t we sleep?



Lin Dehua, boy, 13

School should make our lunchtime longer. Now, our lunchtime is short. Many of my classmates have some homework to do after lunch . But if they do not get a good rest, they won’t have enough energy for the afternoon. So I would like to have some time to take a nap (午睡)after lunch . That way we will learn well in the afternoon.


Zhang Huilin, girl,13

Food in our dining hall is not nice at all. There is always pork, fish, and cabbages. The soup is always cold. I think we should have different kinds of food every day. And why can’t we have hot soup every day ? I am fed up with what we eat !


Zheng Chuyu, boy,14

We want more time for sports activities. Students all need time for ball games. But there are only two hours for us to play ball games a week. I think school should be over before 4.30 p.m. every day and then we can go to the playground. I like badminton. All work and no play makes Jack a dull(迟钝的) boy !   

1.What do many of Lin Dehua’s classmates do after lunch ?

A. They get a good rest.           B. They get a nap.

C. They chat with each other.       D. They do their homework.

2.Lin Dehua thinks       will help him learn well in the afternoon.

A. having a good lunch             B. having a nap

C. doing some exercise             D. having short lunchtime

3.What is the meaning of ‘fed up with ’ in Chinese ?

A.喜欢      B. 渴望       C. 厌倦       D. 欢迎

4.How long does Zheng Chuyu exercise at school every day on average (平均)?

A. Less than half an hour.            B. Two hours.     

C. More than half an hour.           D. Half an hour.

5.Which is NOT true ?

A. Zheng Chuyu likes playing badminton. 

B. Zheng Chuyu doesn’t want to be a dull boy.

C. Lin Dehua thinks lunchtime is too short now.

D. The students seldom have pork for lunch in the dining hall.



A king is old and he knows it is time to choose (选择) a new king. He      all the young people in his country,“I will give      of you a seed (种子). Plant it and       it back here one year later. Show me the plants (植物) you bring,       I’ll choose a new king from you.”

A boy named Peter gets a seed, too. He      it carefully. But the seed doesn’t grow at all. A year later, Peter        take his empty (空的)box to the palace (宫殿). Others all take beautiful plants there and Peter feels       .

The king gets to the palace and looks around. When he finds there is nothing      Peter’s box, the king smiles and says to the others,“One year ago, I gave everyone a seed. In fact (事实上), all the seeds can’t grow. But all of you, except (除了) Peter, brings me beautiful plants. Peter is the      one with the honesty (诚实) to bring me such a box. So he will be the new       !”

1.A. says B. tells C. speaks D. asks

2.A. manyB. some C. one D. each

3.A. take B. bring C. go D. come

4.A. but     B. so C. and D. if

5.A. plants B. makes C. finds D. gets

6.A. listens to B. has to C. wants to D. needs to

7.A. happy B. excited C. sad D. soft

8.A. on B. in C. behind D. over

9.A. first    B. last C. next D. only

10.A. plant B. man C. king D. palace



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