满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A:1._____________________ B: Yes, please...


B: Yes, please.2._________________


B: Blue.

A: What about this one?

B:4.__________________,but it’s small for him.5._______________

A: Yes, we do. How about this one?

B: Great! I’ll take it.

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1.D 2.F 3.C 4.E 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是售货员跟一名顾客的对话。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:补全对话。

情景交际。 从栏中选出与栏对应的答语。(每题1分,共10分)


1. What’s the date today ?                    A . Yes, she does .

2. How old are you ?                        B. They’re blue .

3.When is your birthday ?                   C. It’s 38 dollars .

4..Do you have a volleyball ?                 D. It’s September 8th.

5.Is Sally fourteen ?                         E. My birthday is on July 10th.

6. Can I help you ?                         F. I’m 28 .

7.Is February the second month ?             G. No, she isn’t .

8. Does Lily like broccoli ?                  H. Yes, please .

9.How much is your sweater ?               I. No, I don’t .

10. What colour are they ?                  J. Yes, it is .




1.He has a tennis racket .(改为否定句)

He _______  ________ a tennis racket .

2.The shoes are under the bed .(对划线部分提问)

________  ________ the shoes ?

3.We play football .(变成由let 开头的祈使句)

  ________   _________ football .

4.The sweater is ﹩50 .(对划线部分提问)

_________   ________ is the sweater ?

5. They play sports every morning .(改为一般疑问句)

________ they ______ sports every morning ?




1. How much______bethe blue socks?

2.I’ll ______takeit.

3.Thank you for                (help) me.

4.I want _____    _____  (buy) a shirt, a cap and a pair of shoes.

5.Let’s ______  _____ (meet) at 10 o’clock at my home.

6.I have two________  (dictionary).

7.What _________ (do) your father like ?

8.Her_______  (eat ) habits are good

9.I have some _________milkfor breakfast.

10.What’s _______ (you) favourite subject ?



Wen Feng Store Sale





Black, white, green






Blue, white



Red, green



Black and white






1. In all goods(商品), ______isarecheap(便宜).

A. Bag    B. Shoes     C. Hat     D. Socks

2. Jack wants to buy two pairs of socks, one bag and two hats. How much are they?

A. Twenty-one yuan.     B. Nineteen yuan.

C. Eighteen dollars.     D. Nineteen dollars.

3. Mary only likes blue, so she will(将要)buy______.

A. socks and bag    B. pants and sweater

C. hat and bag      D. shoes and hat

4. The store has hats in______.

A. all colors    B. blue, white and black

C. blue and black     D. white and blue

5. Peter has twenty dollars, so what can he buy?

A. Two bags and one T-shirt.

B. Three hats and two bags.

C. One sweater and two pairs of socks.

D. One T-shirt and one bag.



Look! Here’s a pencil box, it’s orange, it’s my pencil box, it’s on the desk. Look! This is a pen, it’s black. And this is an eraser, it’s blue and white. They’re both(都)in the pencil box. This is a ruler, it’s red, it’s on the pencil box. That is a ruler, too. It’s yellow. It’s in the drawer. Where’s my math book? Ah, it’s there, under the sofa.

1.The pencil box is____________.

A. yellow     B. white     C. blue     D. orange

2.The yellow ruler is____________.

A. in the school bag    B. in the drawer

C. on the pencil box    D. on the sofa

3.______in the pencil box.

A. A pen is              B. An eraser is

C. A ruler and a pen are    D. A pen and an eraser are

4.The math book is______. 

A. under the sofa    B. in the pencil box

C. on the pencil box     D. under the pencil box

5.Where is my English book?

A. Under the sofa.    B. On the desk.

C. Sorry, I don’t know.  D. On the sofa.



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