满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I am Zhang Hui. There are people in my f...

I am Zhang Hui. There are      people in my family. My grandfather is seventy      old and my grandmother is sixty-nine. My father likes running, my mother        watching TV, and I like       soccer.

  My grandfather’s birthday is New Year’s Day,     .My grandmother’s birthday is    ,Women’s Day. November 15th is my father’s birthday and December 20th is       . When is my birthday? My birthday is June 1st ! It’s         !

   Every Sunday we have a family party and every       we have a trip. I have a very        family.

1.A. three            B. four                C. Five

2.A. year              B. years               C. months

3.A. likes              B. like               C. likes to

4.A. play              B. plays               C. playing

5.A. January 1st       B. February 2nd          C. April 1st

6.A. March           B. March 8th             C. December 25th

7.A. my mother        B. my mother’s birthday   C. my birthday

8.A. fun              B. red                  C. boring

9.A.day              B. months               C. year

10.A.old             B. small                C. happy


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是张慧的家庭,他们家一共有五口人,他的爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和他。他告诉了我们他一家人的生日都是什么时候,很有趣。他们一家人生活得很快乐。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.st 是1月1 号;February 2nd 是2月2号;April 1st 是4月1号。故选A。 6.th 是12月25号,也就是圣诞节。 7. 8. 9. 10. 考点:日常生活类短文。

--- When     Mary’s birthday?

      --- It’s    September.

A. am; on            B. is; in           C. is; on



Tina’s        subject is history.

A. like               B. favorite         C. best



--- Why do you like playing ping-pong?

     ----       it’s interesting.

A. Because           B. favorite         C. but



There is some          in the fridge.

A. carrot             B. eggs            C. chicken



--- How do you like your math teacher?

      --- She is strict    us.

A. with              B. in              C. at



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