满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you know why different animals or pes...

Do you know why different animals or pests have their special colours? Colours in them seem to be mainly used to protect themselves.

Some birds like eating locusts(蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colurs with the changes of the colours of crops .When crops are green, locusts look green .But as the harvest time comes, locusts change into the same brown colour as crops have .Some other pests whose colours are different from plants are easily found and eaten by others .So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.

If you study the animals’ life, you’ll find the main use of colours is to protect themselves .Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests .They cannot be easily seen by hunters because their colours are much like the trees.

Colours are useful not only on the land , but also in the sea .A kind of fish in the sea can give out a kind of black liquid(液体)when the fish face danger. The liquid spreads over quickly, so they cannot be found by their enemies and can quickly swim away. That is why they can live safely though they are not strong at all.

1.From the passage, we can know that       .

A.locusts are big animals

B.locusts are easily found by birds

C.locusts are dangerous to their enemies

D.locusts can change their colours to protect themselves

2.Those pests with different colours from plants have to       to keep out of danger.

A.change their colours

B.hide in the day time and appear at night

C.move quietly

D.hide at night and appear in the day time

3.Bears and lions can keep safe because       .

A.their colours are much like the trees

B.they move quickly

C.they are very strong                

D.they live in forests

4.According to the passage, the fish can keep safe because       .

A.they can change their colours

B.they can give out a kind of black liquid

C.they are strong enough

D.they swim faster than any other fish

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.The colours of the seasons

B.Animals on the land and in the sea

C.The main use of colours for animals and pests

D.How to keep safe in the sea


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍不同的动物和昆虫有着它们特殊的颜色。文章介绍,动物和昆虫的颜色随着环境的变化而变化,主要目的是保护自己不受侵害。 1.第一段第二句“Colours in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.”及第三段的描述可知,蝗虫改变颜色是为了保护自己。故选D。 2.短文第二段最后一句“So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.”的描述可知,这些动物白天躲藏起来,晚上出来活动。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据短文第三段最后一句“This is because they have the colours much like the tree.”的描述可知,熊和狮子可以保持安全是因为它们的颜色比较像树木。故选A。 4.最后一段A kind of fish in the sea can give out a kind of black liquid(液体)when the fish face danger. The liquid spreads over quickly, so they cannot be found by their enemies and can quickly swim away. That is why they can live safely though they are not strong at all.的描述可知,鱼能够保持安全是因为它发出来的液体能帮它躲避敌人。故选B。 5.标题归纳题。联系上下文的描述可知,本文主要介绍了“颜色对动物和昆虫的主要应用”。故应选C。 考点:科普类短文阅读。



Telephone: 22706030

Address: 9020 Bridgeport Road

Open: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 a.m.— 2:30 p.m.

and 5:00 p.m. —9:00 p.m.

Sat.: 7:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m.

and 5:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m.

Sun.: 11:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

and 5:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m.



Telephone: 33562367

Address: 5300 No.3 Road

Open: Mon., Tues.& Sat.:

9:30 a.m. —5:30 p.m.

Wed. to Fri.: 9:30 a.m. —9:30 p.m.

Sun.: 11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.


Telephone: 77364431Address: Vanier Park, 1100 Chesnut St. New York America’s largest museum specialized in(专业研究)American history and our native people

open: Mon. to Fri.: 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. (Monday free)

Sat.: 9:00 a.m.—1:00 a.m.


Telephone: 22785161

Address: 3031 No.3 Road (at Sea Island Way)

The Hanger Den: Wed. to Sun. Dinner from 5:30 p.m.

Coffee Shop: Mon. to Fri.: 6:00 a.m.

Sat.: 6:30 a.m.

Sun.: 7:00 a.m.

Mon.—Wed.: to 10:00 p.m.

Thurs.—Sun.: to 11:00 p.m.

1.If you want to buy a new jacket, you’ll have to go to       .

A.3031 No.3 Road     B.5300 No.3 Road

C.9020 Bridgeport RoadD.1100 Chesnut Street

2.If you want to go out for dinner on Sunday, you can call up the number       .

A.22785161 or 22706030B.22706030 or 33562367

C.77364431 or 22785161D.33562367 or 22785161

3.You don’t have to pay on Monday if you go to       .

A.Skyline Hotel

B.Lansdowne Park Shopping Center

C.New York Museum

D.Garden Restaurant

4.If you want to enjoy yourself on Sunday mornings, you can go to       .

A.Lansdowne Park Shopping Center

B.New York Museum

C.Garden Restaurant

D.Coffee Shop

5.Visiting New York Museum, you can know       .

A.the history of American native people

B.the history of New York

C.the art of America

D.the art of New York



When you get up in the morning, do you find it hard to choose what clothes to wear? If so, you probably need help to make the bigger choices in your life, like what to do when you’re older. “Brave New Girls”, by American author Jean Gadeberg, will help you make such choices. It says you must be a brave new girl. A brave new girl is one who is confident, healthy and happy. A brave new girl can realize her dreams. To be brave, you need to make a decision for yourself. Other people may tell you what to do, but you should not listen to them. You must only do what you want. If you always wear clothes like your favourite TV star, you must stop doing so. Instead, become your own star and wear the clothes you want. You have to like your body, it says. If you don’t, you will not take good care of it and won’t stay healthy. The book also says that girls must start becoming more confident. If you are confident, you’ll succeed in life. A good way to become confident is to realize that you are as clever as boys. In fact you are. Just look at their grades! Only then can you realize your dreams and become who you want to be.

1.What quality should a brave new girl have?


CHappyDA, B and C

2.“Brave New Girls” is a       .



3.Suppose(假如)you are a brave new girl, which answer is wrong?

AMake a decision for yourself

BWear clothes like your favourite TV star

CLike your body

DRealize that you are as clever as boys.

4.What’s the meaning of the word “grade” in this passage?



5.What’s the best title of the passage?

ATo be brave

BA good book

CTo be a brave new girl

DRealize dreams



Shyness(害羞)means feeling frightened when you’re around other people. Some children are    shy. Some become very shy later because of their life experience.    , everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It’s just how much they feel shy.

Most people have red faces and talk in     sentences when they are shy. But some become    shy that they won’t go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to     and pay for their food. Some are afraid of meeting       people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be     for a person.

If shyness doesn’t stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isn’t a big     . Some experts(专家)say shy people are good at working because they think more and     less. But remember not to let good opportunities(机会)pass you by just because of it. If you have to sing a song at a birthday party or give some performances in front of others, just do it. There’s nothing to     .


2.A.For example   B.In factC.So far      D.First of all








10.A.think about  B.pay attention toC.worry aboutD.be afraid of



Tom would rather       than       .

A.stay at home, go out

B.to stay at home, to go out

C.to stay at home, go out

D.stay at home, to go out



He would not mind       extra work for the student’s union because he has all the good       .

A.doing, qualityB. to do, quality

C.doing, qualities    D.to do, qualities



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