满分5 > 初中英语试题 >











1. 文章必须包括表格中的全部内容,可适当增加细节;

2. 建议可面向学生或教师提出,但至少写三条;

3. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数;

4. 词数:80—100个。

参考词汇:合适的suitable  材料material

Recently, our school has done a survey of students’ English reading situation, but the results are not pleasing. ______________________________________________




Recently, our school has done a survey of students’ English reading situation, but the results are not pleasing. Most of the students aren’t interested in reading. And they can find little time to read. They have too much homework. On the other hand, they can’t read in right ways. Besides, there are not enough suitable materials for them to read. In my opinion, we should spend more time in reading. We need to practice reading everyday. As for teachers, I hope they can give us less homework. What’s more, they had better teach us how to read and provide us more suitable materials. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文要求我们按照表格的内容介绍一下一个调查的结果,这是学校进行的关于学生阅读情况的一个调查,结果并不令人满意。表格中给了我们学生阅读的情况,如不感兴趣、没有时间及适当的阅读材料等,我们需要用正确的语言将这些内容表达出来。除此之外,题目还要求我们对这一情况提出至少三条建议,这是要求自己发挥的,可以针对学生,也可以针对老师提出建议。故写作时要注意层次,最好分成三段来写,这样层次比较清楚,结构严谨。 【亮点说明】这篇范文是很优秀的一篇,首先文章的层次很分明,写作时分成了三段,第一段点明了主题,第二段是介绍了这次调查的具体情况,第三段是提出的建议。另外本文行文流畅,注意到了句与句之间的连接,使用了一些较好的连接词,如On the other hand、Besides、In my opinion、As for、What’s more等。提出的建议比较贴合主题。文章中使用了一些较好的句型,如Most of the students aren’t interested in reading、there are not enough suitable materials for them to read. 、we should spend more time in reading、they had better teach us how to read and provide us more suitable materials等,这些句型为文章增色不少。 考点: 提纲类作文。  


A:  Good morning, doctor!

B:  Good morning, young man! What’s 1._____?

A:  I’ve got a headache and a cough.

B:  How 2.______ have you been like this?

A:  Ever since last night.

B:  Have you take your temperature?

A:  Yes, it’s a little high.

B: 3.______ have anything for breakfast?

A:  Yes, I did. Only a few noodles. But I don’t feel like eating anything.

B:  Well, you have caught a cold.

A:  Is it4.______?

B:  No, nothing serious! Take this medicine three times a day and drink more5._____. You’ll be all right




1.—W_________ are you from?   —I’m from Shanghai.

2.—What’s y_________ name?   —My name is David.

3.—Are you f________ Fuzhou?  —No, we aren’t.

4.—What’s your telephone n________?  —It’s (010)8659-7981.

5.—E__________ me, are you Frank?  —Yes, I am.




1.I don’t think the sweater belong to______(he).

2.---I passed the last exam yesterday.   

---Oh, you’re really a ______ (luck) dog.

3.Lily is the ________(bad) of the girls at Maths.

4.We’ll have a three_________(day) holiday on Tomb Sweeping Day.

5.Nobody studies as     (happy) as Simon. He really enjoys studying.




1.It’s my cousin’s        (第十) birthday next week.

2.My grandpa always        (看) sports news if he is free.

3.Donations are welcome        (在……期间) the charity show that will be held in our school.

4.You look so tired. Why not stop for a good        (休息)?

5.I like to keep my window open in the morning. I want to let the        (新鲜) air in.




Reading is a very good hobby for all the students. You can know much about the world _____ the help of all kinds of books. I’m sure everyone has a favorite subject. For example, some are interested in animals, some in history, and some are interested in literature. Mine is science. I like ___it___ because it’s fun and educational.

  My favorite novel is Around the World in Eighty Days.It was written by Jules Verne ,a French writer. Jules Verne was regarded as father of Modern Science Fiction because he devoted(奉献) himself to literature and wrote several well–known scientific romances.

  The exciting story of Around the World in Eighty Days tells us about an English gentleman whose name is Mr. Phileas Fogg , He travels around the world in eighty days. From the story, we can see the writer’s love for the sea, traveling and adventure(冒险).In fact, they played an important role in his life. 多亏了the writer’s imagination, language skills and scientific and geographical(地理的) knowledge, we can feel as if we were there when we read the story.




Jules Verne, the French writer _________ the novel Around the World in Eighty Days.





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