满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you write your own blog(博客)?Do you of...

Do you write your own blog(博客)?Do you often    others' blogs on the Internet?

All over the world, not only famous persons but also many students use blogs as diaries and places to share their experience and     advice or help.

“I write my activities every day, including funny things or worries in my life.” says Lali, a 16-year-old high school student at Cambridge High School in Washington." I like putting pictures on my blog because it can make my blog more     and more people will like it, It's a good way to      my life to the world." She has had her blog for eight months.

Students like writing blogs      they can write anything they want to, but don't need to    any money.

Once(一旦)you start to write your blog, you will        that you open up a new world. But what you write down may trouble you sometimes.So, use the blog carefully     you can keep yourself away from some trouble. The blog makes everybody's life colorful.

1.A.read            B. write        C. forget         D. miss

2.A.learen from      B. deal with     C. ask for         D. depend on

3.A.common    B. modern       C. famous        D. interesting

4.A.show       B. send         C. bring          D. report

5.A.unless      B. while         C. until          D. because

6.A.save            B. spend        C. take          D. waste

7.A.dream      B. think         C. find          D. hope

8.A.only when     B. even though   C. so that        D. ever since


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:博客让每个人的生活丰富多彩。在世界各地,不仅名人,而且许多学生都使用博客作为日记和分享他们的经验和请求建议或帮助的地方。学生喜欢写博客,因为他们可以写他们想写的任何事,而不需要花任何钱。 1.你经常在互联网上读别人的博客吗?read 读;write 写;forget忘记;miss怀念。根据others' blogs 结合常识可知该选A。 2.在世界各地,不仅名人,而且许多学生都使用博客作为日记和分享他们的经验和请求建议或帮助的地方。learen from学习;deal with 处理;ask for请求;depend on依靠。根据advice or help 结合语境可知该选C。 3.我喜欢把照片贴在博客里,因为它可以使我的博客更有趣。common普通的;modern现代的;famous 著名的;interesting有趣的。根据常识可知在博客中加入图片是有趣的,所以选D。 4.它是展示我生活的世界的一个好方法。show 展示;send发送;bring 带来;report报告,报道。根据句意可知该选A。 5.学生喜欢写博客,因为他们可以写他们想写的任何事。unless 除非;while当……的时候;until 直到;because因为。they can write anything they want to 是学生们喜欢写博客的原因,所以选D。 6.而不需要花任何钱。save挽救,节约;Spend花费;take花费,带走;waste浪费。根据money 一词并结合语境可知该选B。 7.一旦你开始写你的博客,你会发现你打开了一个新的世界。dream梦想;think 想,认为;find 找到,发现;hope希望。根据句意可知该选C。 8.所以要小心使用博客,以便能保你远离麻烦。only when在…时候;even though 尽管,虽然;so that 以便;ever since自从。故选C。 考点:日常生活类短文。

Many people from overseas believe that it rains a lot in London, but in fact its rainfall is similar to that in other European cities. Rainfall is evenly (平均地) spread during the year, so  even in summer a visitor is likely to experience some    weather. In spring and autumn there are likely to be some heavy showers, often followed by sunshine. In winter the rain is usually lighter but may   for longer.

    In the summer, if there are a few days of particularly hot weather, these are often

    by a thunderstorm. It is because the weather can change very quickly that many British people carry a(an)umbrella with them throughout the year, even when it appears to be a


    The UK’s weather is strongly influenced by the sea which surrounds Britain and Ireland. The sea warms up and      more slowly than land, keeping winters relatively warm but also making the summers cooler.

     You may be wise to bring     warm to wear in the evenings even during the summer months. Very hot days (over 30 C) are not common, so air conditioning is not as widespread as in warmer countries.

     During the winter people will often wear several different layers (层) of clothing. This allows them to keep warm when walking outside, but to    comfortable when inside a heated building.

1.A. dry        B. wet    C. hot  

2.A. last      B. break         C. have    

3.A. received  B. accepted   C. followed  

4.A. fine      B. bad       C. rainy      

5.A. takes off  B. rises up    C. cools down` 

6.A. something  B. anything   C. nothing    

7.A. realize    B. remind     C. remain     



My bike is broken. Could you help me to __________?

A. fix it up                B. set it up              C. make it up 



Mr. Li asks us to remember that _________ careful we are, ________ mistakes we will make.

A. the more; the fewer      B. the fewer; the more         C. the more; the more



What ________ news it is! Nobody _________it.

A. a surprising; believes   B. surprising; believes     C. a surprised; believe



The robot is made_______ all the housework.

A. do        B. to do        C. doing 



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