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Teens want structure in their lives, whi...

Teens want structure in their lives, which means they want their lives well-planned. To begin building structure, teens need love and trust. They need to know their parents arc there to give them needed love and support (支持).Teens want to be sure that nothing can prevent parents from shouldering their responsibility for them — not their growing maturity (成熟),misbehavior, nor anger at something they have done. Teens want parents to keep control while allowing them to make some decisions.

There are some ways you can help your teens create reasonable structure and remain close. One way is to spend time together. Parents often mistake their teens’ increased interest in friends for a disinterest in the family.

Teens would like to spend more time doing things with their parents, but watching TV is not counted as spending time together. As your teens mature, it is important for you and your teens spend time alone together, one to one. Your teens need time to talk to you alone without any other family member present.

Talk with your teens about their interests and concerns. Make sure you really show interest in what is happening. When talking with your teens, give full attention and do not stop them.

The way to help your teens become adults is to let your teens into your world. Sharing your emotions and concerns with your teens is important. Avoid causing needless worry.

Trust your teens. Don't expect the worst. Hope for the best. Telling your teens you don’t like their friends will cause the teens not to bring their friends home. If something should go wrong, believe that your teens didn’t do it on purpose.

It is very important that you treat your teens with respect. Teens need the same respect adults show for total strangers. Don’t talk down to your teens.

You need to be supportive o f your teens. What may be a small problem to you may be troubling to your teens. Teens don't have the experiences that adults have had. Let the teens know that you understand how much it hurts when something happens that is upsetting or hurtful to them. As they mature, they can look back at some problems they had and laugh at having been upset by something that now seems unimportant.

The most important things to remember are: talk with your teens, listen to their worries and offer suggestions when needed. This will help your teens to live a well-organized life.

1.According to Paragraph 1, teens ______________.

A. can control themselves.

B. expect direction and freedom.

C. don’t know how to make decision

D. don’t have responsibility for the family

2.The underline part “counted as” in Paragraph 3 probably means “____”.

A. compared withB. used as

C. connected withD. regarded as

3.To help teens organize their lives , parents should __________.

A. invite their teens’ friends home.

B. leave their teens’ problems alone.

C. share their feelings with their teens.

D. pay little attention to their teens’ daily lives.

4.What is the best title of the passage ?

A. Training Teens to Become Responsible Adults.

B. Helping Teens to Build Reasonable Structure.

C. Improving the Relationship with Your Teens.

D. Stepping into Your Teens’ Secret Word.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章主要讲述了青少年和父母之间应该如何相处的问题,以及建议家长应该给予孩子们指导帮助孩子建立合理的生活结构。 1.推理判断题。文章第一段最后一句Teens want parents to keep control whileallowing them to make some decisions.青少年想让家长允许他们做一些决定的同时也能给予他们引导。故答案B. expect direction and freedom 期待指导和自由为正确答案。 2.词义猜测题。Count as: 意为"当作"。该词所在的语句意思为青少年想要和父母一起共度时光,但看电视不能被当做共度时光。故D. regarded as 正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第五段第二句话,Sharing your emotions and concerns with your teens is important. 和孩子分享自己的情感和关注的事情很重要,所以C. sharetheir feelings with their teens 正确。 4.主旨大意题。根据首段第一句和最后一段的总结可以概括出本文的主要内容是给父母建议,让他们帮助孩子们建立合理的生活结构。因此答案为B。 考点:考查社会现象类阅读

Have you ever wondered what goes through your mind when you choose where to sit in a new classroom? Or in a waiting room full of strangers? Or on a bus? Researchers have found out some interesting facts.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, we prefer to sit closer to people like ourselves. Girls sit by girls and boys sit by boys. Adults sit together and young people choose another young person to sit near. But it goes further than this. We even choose to sit near someone who looks like us. People with glasses are more likely to sit near other people with glasses. People with long hair sit closer to other people with long hair.

We seem to believe that people with similar habits or hobbies will share similar attitude and we are more likely to be accepted by people like ourselves or even, we think we may be safer with people who look like us. Sometimes that’s true but it's a pity if we always stick to the same people, the same group. The danger in always staying in our comfort zone (舒适区)is that we just recycle the same opinions, the same tastes and the same ideas. We lose the chance to learn something new, find out about interesting things, hear funny stories and discover difference.

When we always stick to the same people, how can we ever break down the barriers which prevent us from getting to know people with different ideas? And how can we avoid the ignorance (无知),which too often leads to prejudice (偏见) and even fear? If instead you want to live in a society that opens to changes and new things and different opinions, be the cat among the pigeons.

Move out of your comfort zone. Go and sit next to someone different. And don't just sit there in silence. Say hello. Ask a question. Start a conversation. That’s how we make friends. That’s how we learn about people. That’s how we open our minds to new ideas. That's how we live an exciting life.

1.From the passage, we know that people prefer sitting by someone who

A. is like themselves

B. has a sense of humor

C. is open-minded

D. lives an exciting life

2.People like staying in their comfort zone because they may

A.remain comfortable and special

B.be accepted easily and feel safe

C.find out more interesting things

D. discover differences among themselves

3.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To tell us just to be ourselves in social life.

B. To introduce ways to learn about the world.

C. To explain how people communicate with others.

D. To encourage us to meet people of different kinds.



Billy’s favorite color is orange. But he can’t see what orange looks like. Billy is blind.

A month after he was born, his mother noticed that his eyes weren’t quite as big as a normal baby’s.”Billy would never be able to see.” the doctor told his mother. After that Billy’s mother began talking to him, describing things she saw outside the window. She described everything to him.

Billy does not only depend on his mother’s descriptions to learn about the world around him. He sees with his cars and his hands, too. He has perfect hearing. When people make phone calls, he can tell the numbers they dial(拨).

Billy loves computer science. He began teaching himself computer programming when he was just seven years old. His dream school would be Stanford University. He gets top grades in his classes, making that a real possibility.

“You can’t let excuses get in the way of your dreams, and if you do that you can’t move forward and reach your goals, “said Billy.

1.From the passage, we know that_____________.

A. Billy can’t hear.B. Billy can’t see.

C. Billy can’t walk.D. Billy can’t talk.

2.How did Billy’s mother help him?

A. By teaching him how to draw.

B. By asking teacher for advice.

C. By describing everything to him.

D. By sending him to his dream school.

3.When did Billy begin teaching himself computer programming?

A. When he was 7 years old.B. When he was in Grade 5.

C. When he was high school.D. When he was at university.



School   Programs

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1.Which school offers Music Programe?

A. Hillbrook School B. Emerson School

C. Monarch School     D. Almaden School

2.If you are interested in group classes in art ,you can call

A. 650-968-5957 B. 650-903-0986

C. 650-403-3575 D. 650-720-1677

3.Which program helps improve thinking skills?

A. Sports Program     B. Art Program

C. Development Program D. Woodshop Program



Santa Can Come before Christmas

It was last June. I entered a supermarket to pick some vegetables,when a young man asked me,“Can you tell me where the        counter(柜台) is? ”

“Well, the milk is in the lower right corner,” I replied.

Picking up my things,I finally came to the milk counter where I met the same man        almost 10 bottles of milk.

I asked,“Do you need a basket or a trolley?”

“Sure,thank you.”he answered.

I was        he was still picking more bottles and after a few minutes his trolley had 24 bottles of milk.

I laughed and asked, ”Why so many bottles?”

He smiled and said, ”These are for my street  dogs.  Today, I want to be a Santa         them.”

I said,” Well ,it`s too         for you to be a Santa,It is still June and Christmas comes in December.”

He         at me and walked a few steps,as if he wanted to say something but he left the counter without saying anything.

        ,we met again at the bread counter.

“So these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs ,Mr.Santa.”

He smiled and said, ”Yes ,These are also for the dogs and I love to be Mr. Santa in the month of June, Santa is a representation(象征) of surprises and                                     . Santa comes in December as we                       him around Christmas. But in real life there is a Santa in each one of us that shines through our personality at some point of time ,no matter which month it is. Maybe when you offered help to me by getting me a trolley ,there  was a                       Santa in you ,When we offer food to a poor man or a(n)                       to someone who is caught in the rain ,we are being Santa there, So when you offer help to others or get help from others, just think that Santa has come all the way for you.”

He left and I was happy that I had met him. It was right to understand that Santa can come before Christmas, We just need to realize that he is around us by                       happiness and unconditional love.

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1.A. vegetableB. milkC. breadD. fish

2.A.puttingB. choosingC. holdingD. bringing

3.A. sadB. excitedC. angryD. surprised

4.A. forB. onC. ofD.by

5.A. easyB. earlyC. helpfulD. important

6.A.pointedB. laughedC. shoutedD. turned

7.A. LuckilyB. SuddenlyC. HopefullyD. Naturally

8.A. loveB. successC. friendshipD. honor

9.A. callB. showC. expectD. invite

10.A. lostB. frozenC. forgottenD. hidden

11.A. cameraB. umbrellaC. appleD. box

12.A. storingB. facingC. spreadingD. increasing



—Do you know _________ the meeting?

—Tomorrow morning.

A. when they had

B. when they are going to have

C. when did they have

D. when are they going to have



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