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从下面方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相同或相近, 并能替换划线部分的选项。 ...

从下面方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相同或相近, 并能替换划线部分的选项。 (共 4 小题,计 4 分)

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1.Frank has a lovely dog.

2.I was asked to look after my little sister yesterday evening.

3.We have invited some more countries to rebuild the Silk Road.

4.Our hometown is famous for its food, pandas and places of interest.


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 【解析】 1.试题分析:句意:弗兰克有一只可爱的小狗.故选C,可爱的. 考点:考查词语辨析 2.试题分析:句意:昨天晚上(妈妈)让我照顾我的妹妹。故选A,照顾。 考点:考查短语辨析 3.试题分析:句意:我们已经邀请一些更多的国家来建设丝绸之路。结合语境可知选D,几个。 考点:考查词语辨析 4.试题分析:句意:我的家乡以其美食,大熊猫和景点闻名。故选B,知名的。 考点:考查复合词

体育运动是中学生的共同爱好。请你根据下列提示写一篇题为 What We Get from Sports 的短文,短文应包含以下要点:






注意:* 文中不能出现自己的姓名和学校名称。

* 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。字数:80词左右,不可逐翻译

* 参考词语lose weight,keep slim (保持苗条)

What We Get from Sports

Students in our school have one thing in common --- an interest in sports.___                









depend on








South Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun’s popularity has swept(横扫)  1.  Asia. He is  2.  so popular because of the role he played in the popular TV drama My love from the Star.(《来自星星的你》) In the drama, Kim plays a 400-year-old alien and ends up  3.  in love with a modern-day actress.

This is not the first success for the young star. Since he  4.  a professional actor seven years ago, Kim  5.  more than 20 prizes for acting.

Kims serious attitude(态度)towards acting brings  6.  great success. A director once said that the dramas with Kim in were all popular. It is because“he always studies the story very  7.     

before acting out the character.”

As you can see, attitude is everything. Your success  8.  your attitude!





The fire on the bus was ____________________________ soon.

2.—你多久回来? —一个月以后。

—____________________________ will you come back ?

—In a month.


____________________________ swim in the swimming pool. Its safer.


David looks very cool ___________________________.

5. 在公共场合大声说话是不礼貌的。

Its impolite to speak too loudly ____________________________.




1. We usually have ______________(面包)for breakfast.

2.Do you know the person ______________(跑)after the bus?

3. God helps those who help ______________(他们自己).

4. EXO is one of the ______________ (最热的) singing groups in China.

5. We should often ______________(交流)with our parents and understand them.



Moms take care of their children life and dads bring home food and make the family rules. These are the roles moms and dads fall into when they become parents and its common among all cultures. But times change and parents roles seem to be changing, too. More women are bringing home food by having full-time jobs and men are taking care of their children at home.

Chinese TV show Where Are We Going, Dad ? provides a closer look at the changing roles of dads in modern family life. The show follows the adventures(冒险经历)of five celebrity(明星)dads who take trips with their young children (aged 4 to 6) and try to complete a set of tasks. It shows how young dads are trying hard to find the best way to raise their children and keep a closer relationship with them. Young dads no longer want to be cold.

Psychologists(心理学家)say that a strong fatherly influence is important in a childs development. Fathers teach their children skills and encourage them to try new things. They also give them a sense of safety. A child learns that if something goes wrong, he or she can depend on dad to help fix it. The psychologists also say that without a dad, a child is more possible to drop out of school and get into trouble.

A mothers love is important, and so is a fathers love. Chen Mo, a psychology professor says,“It takes both parents to raise a child. Children have different needs at different ages and this needs to be considered by both parents.”

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1. What are the common roles of moms and dads in all cultures? ______

A. Moms take care of their children and dads bring home food and make the family rules.

B. Moms bring home food by having full-time jobs and dads take care of their children at home.

C. Both parents take care of their children at home.

D. Both parents go out to work, while grandparents take care of their children at home.

2. What are the young dads trying to do in the show? ______   

A. They are trying hard to find the best way to raise their children and keep a closer relationship with them.

B. They are trying to complete a set of tasks with their kids. They are also trying hard to find the best way to raise their children and keep a closer relationship with them.

C. They are trying to make more money.    

D. They are trying to be cold to their kids.

3.Why is a strong fatherly influence important in a childs development? ______   

A. Fathers teach their children skills and encourage them to try new things. They also give them a sense of safety.

B.If something goes wrong, a child can depend on dad to help fix it.

C. With a dad, a child can do better in school work.

D. Without a dad, a child is more possible to drop out of school and get into trouble.

4. What is a child more possible to do without a dad?______

A. Stay out late                       

B. Get into trouble and do badly in school work.

C. Drop out of school.

D. Drop out of school and get into trouble.

5.Why does it take both parents to raise a child? ______

A. A child feels safer with both parents.

B. A child feels happier with both parents.

C. Both parents need to consider that children have different needs at different ages.

D. It is both the father’s and the mothers duty to raise a child.



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