满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—I’m sorry I ________ my exercise book a...

—I’m sorry I ________ my exercise book at home this morning.

—It doesn’t matter. Don’t forget ________ it here this afternoon.

A. left; to take      B. forgot; bringing    

C. left; to bring      D. forgot; to bring


C 【解析】 试题分析:— 对不起,我今天早晨把我的作业本落在家里了。— 没关系。别忘了今天下午带来。forget忘记,后跟to do表示忘记去做;后跟-ing表示忘了做过某事;leave在这里的意思是:把某物落在某处;bring带来;take带走。故选C。 考点:考查动词的用法。  

—What does your mother do?      ________.

A. She does the housework                   B. She is a nurse

C. She is very thin                          D. She looks very young



After P.E., I often feel very thirsty.    —Why not buy some ________ to drink?

A. bread             B. noodles           

C. apple juice         D. teas



—Excuse me, is this ________ new pencil sharpener? —Yes, it’s ________. He bought it just now.

A. Tom’s; his         B. Tom; his           

C. Tom’s; hers         D. Tom’s; yours



Look! There is a monkey eating ________ apple in the tree. —En, ________ monkey is very cute.

A. a; a              B. a; the             

C. an; an             D. an; the



你即将升入高中,面临寄宿(a boarding school) 和走读(a day school)

两类学校的选择。请你以 A boarding school or a day school? 为标题,

写一篇 80-120 词的短文,内容须包括:

1. 读寄宿学校的利和弊各一点;

2. 读走读学校的利和弊各一点;

3. 你的选择和理由(理由不得与上述两点内容重复)

注意:1. 短文必须包括所有要点;

2. 可根据内容要点适当添加有关细节,使行文连贯;

3. 书写规范,卷面整洁。



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