满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

补全对话。请阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,并在 答...



Kate: Good morning, Jack.  1.

Jack: Oh no!

Kate: What do you mean, "Oh no"?

Jack:I think I left it--  on the kitchen table!  1 was hurrying because l was late.

Kate:  2.

Jack: I'm very sorry!

Kate: Well, it doesn't matter.  3.  But can you bring it tomorrow?

Jack: Yes, OK. I'm sorry!

Kate: It's all right. See you tomorrow.…Oh, Jack, What's the matter?  4.

Jack: Well,I remember your book isn't at home.I think I left it on the bus!

Kate: Oh, my god!  5.

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1.E 2.G 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是杰克和凯特之间的对话。凯特问杰克把她的生物书带来了吗,杰克说他没带来,忘在家里餐桌上了。凯特说今天先和朱迪看一本,让杰克明天带来。但是杰克却说,他认为把那本书忘在了公交车上。原来,他弄丢了那本书。 1. no!和I think I left it-- on the kitchen table!“我把它忘在餐桌上”,可知凯特向杰克要一个物品,但是杰克忘了拿来, 故选E。 2. very sorry!“非常对不起!”可知凯特非常需要这本书,杰克不拿来,影响了她, 故选G。 3. doesn't matter“没关系”,可知凯特已经想到了解决问题的办法,故选C。 4. the matter?“你怎么啦?”可知她认为杰克有问题,故此处认为杰克看起来奇怪,故选B。 5. think I left it on the bus!“我认为我把它忘在公交车上”,可知他把这本书弄丢了。故选A。 考点:补全对话。


A in order to   B all the time  C feel like    D so far   E rather than

F get on with  G by accident  H plenty of   I used to  J grow up

1.When my brother was young, he couldn't wait to__________

2.We have called the restaurant three times__________but the line is busy.

3.The old man ____live here, but last month he moved back to his hometown.

4.Many students' problem is that they can't__________their parents.

5.It's great that she has got a job and doesn't have to stay at home____.

6. If you're afraid of taking the lift or just__________exercising, you can climb the stairs to go up.

7.I really don't want to know your secret.I only found it____.

8.The Internet provides us with__________information which is used in many ways.

9. They are riding a bicycle around the island____experience as much of it as possible

10.The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage____fear in his heart.



-- I want to put up the picture on the wall. Would you mind helping me with it?

-- ______. With pleasure.

A. Of course  B. Of course not  C. You'd better not  D. Thanks a lot



Everyone wants to win. But _____ me, the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.

A. as for    B. thanks to    C. instead of   D. such as



Recycling is good, so don't ______ bottles or newspapers.

A. find out   B. hand in    C. use up    D. throw away



Many students ______ changes to show themselves in class because the class size is too big.

A. don't give  B. aren't given  C. haven't given  D. won't give



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