满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

"Daddy, can I learn to play the violin?...


"Daddy, can I learn to play the violin?" young Sarah asked her father. She was always    things and her father was not very pleased.

"You cost me a lot of money, Sarah," he said.  "    you wanted to leam horse riding, then dancing, then swimming. Now it's the. "

"I'll play every day, Daddy, " Sarah said. "I'Il try very hard. "

"All right, " her father said. " I know . I'll do.  I 'll pay for you to have lessons for six weeks. At the end of six weeks you    play something for me. If you play well, you can have     lessons. If you play badly, I will stop the lessons. "

"OK. Daddy," Sarah said. "That is _ . "

He soon found a good violin teacher and Sarah began her lessons. The lessons were very expensive, but her father kept his    .

The six weeks passed quickly. It was time for Sarah    for her father.

She began to play. She played very    .  She made a terrible noise.

Her father had one of his friends with him, and the friend put his hands his ears.

When Sarah finished, her father said, "_ _, Sarah. You can have more lessons. "

Sarah ran happily out of the room. Her father's friend turned to him.  "You've spent a lot of money,     she still plays very badly, " he said.

"Well, that's true," her father said. "But since she started learning the violin, I    able to buy five apartments in this building very cheaply. In 5  six weeks I'II own the whole building! "

1.A. caring for  B. preparing for      C. sending for      D. asking for

2.A.First               B. Second               C. Next            D. Finally

3.A. guitar             B. violin                 C. piano           D. game

4.A. which             B. that                  C. what            D. how

5.A. must              B. can                  C. may             D. might

6.A. many             B. much                 C. more           D. fewer

7.A.impossible         B. unfair                 C. funny           D. fair

8.A. waming           B. promise               C. notice           D. excuse

9.A.for playing      B. to play                C. to work          D. for working

10.A.badly              B. well                   C. better           D. worse

11.A. off               B. in                     C. behind          D. over

12.A. Terrible            B. Too bad                C. Well done        D. Sorry

13.A. or                B. but                    C. though          D. so

14.A.will be             B. was                    C. am             D. have been

15.A.other              B. more                   C. another         D. the other


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了Sarah要学很多东西,她要学习骑马、跳舞和游泳,到后来她又要学习拉小琴,这时爸爸很不满意,就提出要求,如果6个月过后她的小提琴学得不好,其他的功课也就不要学了,如果小提琴学得好,就可以学更多的功课。到了6个月了,结果Sarah的小提琴拉得很糟糕,把公寓的人都吓跑了,这时爸爸高兴了,他可以廉价地买下这里的公寓,于是决定还是让Sarah继续学习。 1.考查动词短语辨析及语境的理解。A. caring for关心; B. preparing for准备; C. sending for派人去叫; D. asking for请求要某物。她总是向她的爸爸要东西。根据"You cost me a lot of money, Sarah," he said. " you wanted to leam horse riding, then dancing, then swimming. Now it's the _ . "可知她要的东西很多,她的爸爸很不高兴,故选D。 2.考查副词辨析及语境的理解。A.First开始,首先,起初; B. Second 第二; C. Next 其次; D. Finally最后。一开始你要学习骑马,然后是跳舞和游泳。根据后面的then可知前面应该是起初,故选A。 3.考查名词辨析及语境的理解。A. guitar吉他; B. violin 小提琴; C. piano钢琴; D. game游戏,比赛。现在就是小提琴。根据Daddy, can I learn to play the violin?可知她要学习小提琴,故选B。 4.考查连词辨析及语境的理解。A. which哪个;B. that 引导宾语从句,没有词义; C. what 什么; D. how怎样。我知道我将做什么。这里缺少do的宾语,所以应该用what,故选C。 5.考查情态动词辨析及语境的理解。A. must必须; B. can 能,会; C. may也许; D. might也许。到6个月底的时候,你必须给我拉一下小提琴,让我听一下。根据If you play well, you can have lessons. If you play badly, I will stop the lessons. 可知她必须要拉小琴让爸爸听一下,故选A。 6.考查代词辨析及语境的理解。 A. many许多,后跟可数名词的复数; B. much 多,后跟不可数名词; C. more 更多,是比较级; D. fewer更少,修饰可数名词复数。根据If you play badly, I will stop the lessons.可知如果拉得好爸爸就让学习更多的课,如果拉得不好就停止这些功课。前后是对比的关系,所以用比较级,故选C。 7.考查形容词辨析及语境的理解。 A.impossible不可能; B. unfair不公平的; C. funny有趣的; D. fair公平的。那是公平的。根据"OK. Daddy," Sarah said.可知Sarah认为爸爸的说法是公平的,故选D。 8.考查名词辨析及语境的理解。 A. waming警告; B. promise答应; C. notice通知; D. excuse借口。功课很贵,但是她的爸爸还是遵守了诺言。根据The six weeks passed quickly. It was time for Sarah for her father.可知她参加了学习了小提琴课,所以爸爸兑现了诺言,故选B。 9.考查动词不定式及语境的理解。6周过去了,到了爸爸听她拉小琴的时间了。这里是句式It is time for sb to do sth 到了做某事的时间了。根据can I learn to play the violin 可知拉小琴需要用动词play,故选B。 10.考查副词辨析及语境的理解。A.badly 糟糕; B. well好; C. better更好; D. worse更糟糕。她拉得很糟糕。根据She made a terrible noise.可知她拉出来的声音不是悦耳的声音而是噪音,故选A。 11.考查介词辨析及语境的理解。 A. off 离开; B. in 在里面; C. behind在后面; D. over在……之上。那位朋友把手放在耳朵上。根据She made a terrible noise.可知声音难听,所以朋友捂住耳朵,故选D。 12.考查副词辨析及语境的理解。A. Terrible糟糕的; B. Too bad 太糟糕了; C. Well done做得好; D. Sorry对不起。根据You can have more lessons. 及下文But since she started learning the violin, I able to buy five apartments in this building very cheaply.可知爸爸认为她做得好,因为她拉小琴的噪音把邻居都吓跑了,爸爸可以更加便宜地买下这个公寓,故选C。 13.考查连词辨析及语境的理解。 A. or或者,表示前后是选择关系; B. but但是,表示前后是转折关系; C. though尽管; D. so因此,表示前后是因果关系。你花了许多钱,但是她仍然拉得很糟糕。前后表示转折关系,花钱学习了,应该有所进步才行,可是结果不是这样,故选B。 14.考查动词时态及语境的理解。当since“自从”讲时,since引导的从句用一般过去时,而主句应该用现在完成时,故选D。 15.考查代词辨析及语境的理解。A.other 其他的; B. more 更多; C. another 另一个; D. the other其他。再过6周,我就会拥有整幢大楼了。这里是another +数词+名词,表示再过多长,故选C。 考点:故事类短文。

-Would you mind not putting your bike here? An English party will be held here.

-______. I'Il put it somewhere else.

A. Not at all                 

B. Yes, I'd love to                   

C. Certainly



-How many students are there still in the classroom?

-____.The room is empty.

A. Not all               B. Not one              C. None



It is surprising that you have___ that strange idea which can greatly encourage the students.

A. come up with         

B. got along with                 

C. caught up with



He landed at the same place once again in the long jump. I don't think he can jump  a little____.

A. far                  

B. farther                        

C. farthest



Nobody knows when the stone bridge ­­___ , because there is no record about it.

A.  has built           

B. was built                     

C. built



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