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Where to go? Guilin is one of China's t...


Where to go?

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Guilin is one of China's top tourist destinations(目的地)where visitors can explore the beautiful scenery along the attractive Li River and countryside of Yangshuo as well as the best of Cuilin City.

4 Days Guilin and Yangshuo  From US $ 394 per adult

Destination:  Guilin (3 nights) , Yangshuo

Duration(持续时间) :  4 Days& 3 Nights

Tour Type:  Multi-City Tour

Tour Code:  GLCP-3

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Chengdu is full of history and culture. Dujiang Yan, a 2500-year

water conservation system that works as well today as it did when it was set up,  the mystical(神秘的)  temples which housed some of China's great philosophers and of course the panda, all just waiting to be explored.

4 Days Chengdu and Giant Pandas   From US $415 per adult

Destination: Chengdu (3 Nights)

Duration:   4 Days & 3 Nights

Tour Type:  Multi-City Tour

Tour Code:  CDCP-2

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Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet, belongs to the highest cities

in the world at an attitude of 3490 meters.

5 Days Holy Tibet       From US $ 848 per adult

Destination: Lhasa (4 Nights)

Duration : 5 Days & 4 Nights

Tour Type:  Multi-City Tour

Tour Code:  LSCP-1


1. If Ann's parents go on a visit to G.uilin. the tickets will cost them  ______   .

A. $ 830            B. $ 788              

C. $ 1696             D. $ 394

2. Tom is searching for the information about the tour code on the Intemet.  The tour code of Chengdu is ___

A. CDCP-2           B. CLCP-3             

C. LSCP-l             D. CDCP-3

3.. Steve is interested in history and culture, he had better go to______according to theinstructions above.

A. Lhasa             B. CuiLin              

C. Chengdu          D. Yangshuo

4.If David goes to Lhasa for a visit, the whole jouney will last______  .

A. 5 Days & 5 Nights                      B.4 Days & 3 Nights

C. 3 Days & 2 Nights                      D.5 Days & 4 Nights

5. Which of the following is Not true?

A. In Guilin, you can enjoy the best city attractions.

B. In Chengdu, anyone can live in the mystical temples.

C. Lhasa is the capital of Tibet.

D. Dujiang Yan has worked well since it was set up.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了三个旅游胜地:桂林、成都及拉萨。分别介绍了各自的旅游景点、门票及旅行的时间等等。 1.From US $ 394 per adult成人的票价是$ 394 ,那么两个人的票价就是$ 788,故选B。 2.Tour Code: CDCP-2成都的旅行代码是CDCP-2,故选A。 3.Chengdu is full of history and culture.成都是充满历史和文化的城市,故选C。 4.Duration : 5 Days & 4 Nights去拉萨的旅行有5天4个晚上,故选D。 5.the mystical(神秘的) temples which housed some of China's great philosophers and of course the panda, 可知并不是任何人都可以在庙里居住的,故选B。 考点:广告类短文阅读。


"Daddy, can I learn to play the violin?" young Sarah asked her father. She was always    things and her father was not very pleased.

"You cost me a lot of money, Sarah," he said.  "    you wanted to leam horse riding, then dancing, then swimming. Now it's the. "

"I'll play every day, Daddy, " Sarah said. "I'Il try very hard. "

"All right, " her father said. " I know . I'll do.  I 'll pay for you to have lessons for six weeks. At the end of six weeks you    play something for me. If you play well, you can have     lessons. If you play badly, I will stop the lessons. "

"OK. Daddy," Sarah said. "That is _ . "

He soon found a good violin teacher and Sarah began her lessons. The lessons were very expensive, but her father kept his    .

The six weeks passed quickly. It was time for Sarah    for her father.

She began to play. She played very    .  She made a terrible noise.

Her father had one of his friends with him, and the friend put his hands his ears.

When Sarah finished, her father said, "_ _, Sarah. You can have more lessons. "

Sarah ran happily out of the room. Her father's friend turned to him.  "You've spent a lot of money,     she still plays very badly, " he said.

"Well, that's true," her father said. "But since she started learning the violin, I    able to buy five apartments in this building very cheaply. In 5  six weeks I'II own the whole building! "

1.A. caring for  B. preparing for      C. sending for      D. asking for

2.A.First               B. Second               C. Next            D. Finally

3.A. guitar             B. violin                 C. piano           D. game

4.A. which             B. that                  C. what            D. how

5.A. must              B. can                  C. may             D. might

6.A. many             B. much                 C. more           D. fewer

7.A.impossible         B. unfair                 C. funny           D. fair

8.A. waming           B. promise               C. notice           D. excuse

9.A.for playing      B. to play                C. to work          D. for working

10.A.badly              B. well                   C. better           D. worse

11.A. off               B. in                     C. behind          D. over

12.A. Terrible            B. Too bad                C. Well done        D. Sorry

13.A. or                B. but                    C. though          D. so

14.A.will be             B. was                    C. am             D. have been

15.A.other              B. more                   C. another         D. the other



-Would you mind not putting your bike here? An English party will be held here.

-______. I'Il put it somewhere else.

A. Not at all                 

B. Yes, I'd love to                   

C. Certainly



-How many students are there still in the classroom?

-____.The room is empty.

A. Not all               B. Not one              C. None



It is surprising that you have___ that strange idea which can greatly encourage the students.

A. come up with         

B. got along with                 

C. caught up with



He landed at the same place once again in the long jump. I don't think he can jump  a little____.

A. far                  

B. farther                        

C. farthest



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