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参考词汇:美德virtue( n.)

If an old man falls down, will you support him with your hands? There are probably two

opinions in our life.





If an old man falls down, will you support him with your hands? There are probably two opinions in our life. Some people think they should help people in trouble actively.Helping others is a virtue.And everyone may need help at any time or in any place. However,other people think they won’t help at once.They will call 110 or 120 for help.Besides,they won’t help unless there are some others around,for they are afraid to get into trouble. I think it’s good to help others in a proper way.If everyone is glad to help others,our world will become more beautiful. 【解析】 试题分析:短文可以分四段:第一段对老人摔倒扶与不扶的问题,引起了民众的热议。第二段主动扶,助人为乐是一种美德,人人都有需要帮助的时候。第三段可先不扶,拨打120或者l10求救。第四段谈谈自己的看法。因为这是社会的一种现象,所以句子应该用一般现在时,要注意上下文之间的衔接。同时选择高级的词汇和语法项目让文章更有文采。 【亮点说明】短文用了一些短语和句式,增加了文章的色彩,如:fall down;help sb in trouble;get into trouble ;it’s good to do sth等,短文用了连词if引导的条件状语从句,用省略了that引导的宾语从句;为了上下文的衔接,使用了一些过渡词,如however,besides等。 考点:提纲作文。  


A:Moming. Are you from Enshi?

B:Sure.  What's 1. ?

A: Nothing important.   It's 2.   that Enshi is a good place to live in.

B:So it is. It's 3.   ,I think.

A: Really? Why?

B:lt's green sea, full of forests and clean water. It is 4.  a backyard garden of the country.

Especially, there is no smog(雾霾)or other serious pollution.

A:Wonderful.I can't  wait to  5. it.





The headmaster, together with his three teachers,___ ___for Beijing tomorrow.


It is my honor____ ____myself to you all.


In___ _  _ Qu Yuan, we eat sweet dumplings on Dragon Boat Festival every year.


Make more friends, _____you will feel less____.


This hill is____ ____tall as that one.




1. If you are always in good s____ in class, you will study better than before.

2. The wind b____ strongly.  We just hid ourselves in the room.

3. It is n____ for you to finish your work in time every day.

4.Among the fastest 6 runners, he won the t_____place.

5.Jane misses you very much.  She is looking forward to h___ from you.



How many hours do you spend sitting in a chair every day? Eight hours in the office and three hours in front of the TV after work is the normal condition for many people.

You  probably don't need an expert to tell you that sitting too much is not good for your health, but the following fact can tell you more.

A study showed the health of 123,000 Americans between 1992 and 2006. The death rate(比率)for men who spent six hours or more per day sitting was about 20 percent higher than for men who sat for three hours or less. The death rate for women who sat for more than six hours a day was about 40 percent higher   

In other words,   

So what can we do about it? Health experts suggest we spend more hours standing instead of sitting. The BBC and the University of Chester in  the UK did a simple experiment with a small group of 10 volunteers who usually spent most of the day sitting. They were asked to stand for at least three hours a day. The researchers took records on days when the volunteers stood, and when they sat around. As a result, there were some great differences, the BBC reported on Oct 16.

The researchers believe that even small movements,  like standing while talking on the phone, going over to talk to a workmate rather than sending an e-mail, or simply taking the stairs instead of lift, will help.


A. you can sit while you're standing for long

B. sitting is killing us

C. than the death rate for women who sat for three hours or less

____    ____

2.In the passage, what do the "great differences" refer to in English?


3. If possible, will you stand or sit while calling according to the passage?




5. Choose a proper title to the passage.______

A. You can Never Sit       B.Always Stand

C.A Survey on Standing    D.Stand More or Sit More



If you had a chance to prepare dinner for your mother, would you choose to make it right now or some day in the future? Watch the video Paradise (天堂) Dinner by Liu Xiaoyu, a junior at[Hebei Institute of Communications, and you will find a right answer.

Recently the six-minute film Paradise Dinner won a great success on the Internet. It told the story of a son who made a big lunch for his mother, but he can only send the dinner to paradise, because his mother has been dead.

"If you do not show your filial piety to your mother right now, you might never have the opportunity in the future, because your mother is growing older and older day by day-this is the main theme of my film, " said the 21-year-old Liu.

Liu conceived(构想)  the story for Paradise Dinner over his 2010 summer vacation.

One day during that holiday,  Liu found his parents were not young any more.  " So I decided to write a story for Paradise Dinner to call for all people, especially young people, to show more filial piety to their parents," he said.

With the help of his teachers and his schoolmates, he found actors, Zhang who played the mother and Yuan Zhen who played the son. At last he finished the film.

Many Web users said they liked the film very much and most of them cried like Liu's parents when they watched it.

1. From the passage, we know Liu Xiaoyu _____.

A. made a big dinner for his mother             

B. made a short video on the Intemet

C. has graduated from a university              

D. sent a dinner to paradise himself

2.What have you known about Liu Xiaoyu's mother?

A. She didn't know the film.

B. She didn't feel moved.

C. She couldn't help crying when she saw the film.

D. She acted the mother in the film.

3. The underlined words "filial piety" probably mean ___in Chinese.

A.友善    B.同情心    C.仁慈心    D.孝心

4.The fifth paragraph mainly tells us___.

A. when Liu Xiaoyu wrote the story        

B. Liu Xiaoyu's parents were old

C. why Liu Xiaoyu wrote the story         

D. why our parents should love their children

5. The writer wrote this article to___.

A. encourage p.eople to care more about their parents

B. introduce a short video

C. think highly of the talent of Liu Xiaoyu

D. show the kind heart of most people



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