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完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给...

完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)



Many books have been written aboutthe art of giving. And we also know that its hard to give people a gift, 1.a personal one. If we want to make it better, we should understand who you will give the gift to and their likes and 2.

As is often the case, some little kids think they dont get enough gifts 3.some old people think they get too many gifts. Different people like different kinds of gifts. Some presents are never too 4. For example, when a little child just gives his or her mother a leaf from a tree, it is enough to make her very 5.

Gift giving is different in different 6.Here are some of their likes. In Japan, people sometimes give special gifts. But they are not opened. Later, the same gift may be given away to someone 7.because many people have enough things and dont want 8. gifts themselves. In Canada, a tree can help remember 9.In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buying them gifts. In Sweden, doing something for someone is the best gift. People dont need to 10.too much money. Instead, making a meal for him or her is enough.

To make things 11.some people would rather just give money. In some cultures, however,12.money can make people uncomfortable.When someone gives me money, it just makes me think theyre being lazy,says John Wilson.In England, we have a saying: Its the thought that 13.When someone gives me money, I feel they dont think it about at all. I prefer to receive a gift 14.has some thought behind it.

Different people have very different thoughts 15.this subject! So maybe the art of giving is difficult! What do you think? 

16.A. specially     B. especially      C. commonly     D. usually

17.A. displays      B. disadvantages   C. disagreements   D. dislikes

18.A. while         B. when         C. as             D. if

19.A. same         B. similar        C. small          D. huge

20.A. lonely        B. happy         C. sad            D. angry

21.A. cities         B. towns         C. provinces       D. countries

22.A. else          B. other          C. another         D. elses

23.A. too much      B. much too      C. too many        D. many too

24.A. a child        B. a person       C. a guide          D. a chef

25.A. spend        B. take          C. cost            D. make

26.A. more difficult  B. easy          C. difficult        D. easier

27.A. using         B. giving        C. receiving       D. fetching

28.A. counts         B. discovers     C. finds          D. invents

29.A. who          B. what         C. where          D. that

30.A. to            B. on          C. up             D. in


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了一些送礼的学问,送礼不但要知道收礼的人是谁,还要知道他的喜好。在不同的国家有不同的习惯,有些人为了省事,干脆送钱。但是在一些国家,收到钱会令人感到不舒服。 1.Specially特别地,专门地;especially尤其,特别;commonly一般地,通常地;usually通常地。联系前半句,我们也知道送人一个礼物很难,可知本句指的是,尤其是私人礼物。故选B。 2.Displays陈列,表现;disadvantages劣势;disagreements分歧,不一致;Dislikes不喜欢。句意:我们应该了解这个礼物送给谁,以及他们的好恶。故选D。 3.While然而,当……;when当……时;as 作为,随着; if是否,如果。联系上下文可知前后是转折关系,故选A,一些小孩子认为他们没有得到足够的礼物,然而一些大人认为他们得到了太多礼物。 4.same 相同的;similar相似的;small 小的;huge巨大的。联系后半句when a little child just gives his or her mother a leaf from a tree, 描述,可知一些礼物永远不会太小。故选C。 5.Lonely孤独的;happy高兴的;sad伤心的;angry生气的。结合语境可知此处指的是,这足够让他的母亲高兴。故选B。 6.cities 城市; towns 城镇;provinces 省,州;countries国家。联系下文In Japan, 描述,可知此处指的是,在不同的国家。故选D。 7.Else别的,其它的;other 其它的,另外的;another多个中的另一个;else’s 无此用法。结合语境可知这件礼物能会被给了别人。故选A。 8.much too中心词是too,much此处做副词表示程度,意思是太;too much中心词是much,much此处意思是多,too作为副词修饰much,意思是太多. too many意思是太多,修饰可数名词复数;many too无此用法。本句中gifts是可数名词复数,故选C,太多的礼物。 9.a child一个孩子;a person一个人;a guide 一个向导;a chef 一个厨师。结合语境可知此处指的是,在加拿大,一棵树可能有助于记住一个人。故选B。 10.take 用于 it takes sb ... to do sth句型,仅指花费时间(three hours等),必须用it作形式主语,指代下文不定式内容;spend用于sb spend...on sth或者sb spend...in doing sth(in可以省略),spend的主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱;cost用于 sth costs sb sth,主语必须是物,多指花费金钱,少数情况可指花费时间、气力,有时表示成本的消耗;make制作,使得。结合语境可知此处指的是花费太多的钱,本句主语指人,故选A。 11.more difficult更困难的;easy容易的;difficult困难的;Easier更容易的。句意:为了让事情更容易,一些人宁愿给钱。故选D。 12.Using用;giving给;receiving 收到;fetching 取来。联系后一句描述,可知在一些文化当中,收到钱会让人不舒服。故选C。 13.Counts计算,认为,有价值;discovers发现;finds找到,发现;invents发明。联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是,心意最重要。故选A。 14. 15.To到,向;on在……上面,关于;up 在……之上,向……较高处;in在里面。结合语境可知本句指的是,在这个主题上,不同的人有不同的想法。故选B。 考点:社会现象类阅读

- Bill, can I get you anything to drink? - ______ .

A. You are welcome. B. No problem.

C. I wouldnt mind a coffee. D. It doesnt matter



- I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Lucy?

- Yes. It has been almost 20 years______ we were together.

A. since B. before C. after D. until



- So, can you tell me ______ here today?

- Well, I was walking down Centre Street when a UFO landed.

A. what did you see      B. what you saw

C. when did you see it    D. when you saw



- Grandpa has changed a lot.

- So he has. He spends more time than he used to ______ games

with the children.

A. play      B. playing    C. played      D. plays



- Which of the two magazines will you take?

- Ill take______ though I find ______ of them are very useful to me.

A. all; both        B. either; either

C. either; neither   D. either; both



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