满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面对话,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。(其中有两项是多余的) A: Hi...


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A: Hi,Li Jun,____1.______

B: Yes,the first National Youth Games will be held in Fuzhou.

A: Great! ____2.______

B: Itll start in Octobor ,2015. Look,here  is a photo of the main stadium .

A: Wow,it  Look grand. _____3._______

B: Fuzhun Strait Olympic Games Center.

A: Really nice . What else about the Games?

B: Thirty-one thousand volunteers are wanted. _____4._______

A: Sure!Its an honor to serve the players and visitor.

B: So it is. _____5._______

A: Lets look forward to this big event .


1.E 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇对话中两个人主要谈到了2015年在福州举行的全国青年运动会,两人期盼这次运动会快点到来,并打算去做运动会的志愿者。 1.. 可知选E,今天的报纸上有什么新消息吗? 2.. 可知选A,什么时候举行这次运动会? 3. 4. 5. 考点:考查情景交际

Miss Lin ,could you tell me _________about the local education ?

---I think WWW. fzedu. gov. CNN will be helpful .

A. how can I find information      

B. what information can I get       

C. Where I can get the news



The relation  between the two countries gets _________. A war  seems to break out soon .

--I hope they will make peace with each other .

A. worse and worse      B. better and better        C. more and more peaceful 



Tim,how do your parents like popular pop music ?

--________my dad _________my mom likes it . They both prefer classical music .

A. Eitheror      B. Neither or       C. Not only but  also



--_____foggy day !

--Something must be done to solve the haze problem .

A.How            B. What        C. What  a



Shall we meet at 8 oclock next Sunday morning ?

— I wont be free then. Lets make it ______day.

A.other        B. another     C. the other 



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