满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

He hardly goes to school by car, _______...

He hardly goes to school by car, _________ he?

A. doesB. doesnt

C. isD. isnt


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:他几乎不坐小汽车去上学,是吗?反义疑问句和后面的简单反问,经常构成两种情况1.前肯后否2.前否后肯。这里前面句子中的hardly 是表示否定意义的副词,所以反义疑问句的简单反问应该用肯定。根据goes可知,应该用助动词does。如果前面用系动词be的否定形式,则可以用is。故选A。 考点:考查反义疑问句的用法。  

—Is this_________ bike?   —No, its Lilys. _________ is over there.

A. your, My    B. your, Mine

C. yours, MineD. yours, My



There _________ a sports meet in our school next week.

A. isB. will have

C. areD. will be




请以1 want to be..为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。













Four ways to have a good school-life

Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life.   How can you get the most from them, and make sure you do not waste this excellent chance to learn?

Be active at school

Don't say things are difficult or boring. Be interested in school-life and your school   subjects. Join in lots of activities.        (hands, quickly, your, class, in, up, put).  Go   around the school with a big smile. If you are not working, you are wasting your time at school.  Teachers can not make everything enjoyable.

Keep fit

If you do not eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class.  If you go to bed late and do not have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class. __   Play enough sports every day in order to keep your body strong.

Face the problem

Do not say you will do things tomorrow. If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to   get back in front.        You can not finish the race. if you rest all the time.  Everyone   fails some exams, loses some matches and has bad days.  Don’t let small problems seem very   big and important.  Don't forget to ask for help. You are young; no one thinks you must do   everything quite well!

Don't waste time lying in bed on Saturday or Sunday morning.  Go and play a sport, get   together with friends in the park to relax, learn the piano, or help someone with problems.  If   you don't want to go out, there are also a lot of things to do.  You may read a book, practice   English or help Mother with housework.

Do as I say, and have a happy school-life!


Having a good breakfast and having enough sleep can keep you一


3.请把文中处斜体部分改为含有“so that”的句子,使之与原句意思相同。____.

4.请把文中处画线部分f向句子译成汉语。    一。





(Lily is talking with her friend Mike on the phone.)

L: Hello. this is Lily. Who’s that?

M: This is Mike,1 want to visit your hometown. Can you give me Some advice?

L: Sure, What do you Want to know about Anshun?

M:    1.  ?(那儿很热吗?)

L:No,it’s cool.But sometimes it’s rainy.    2.  .(你最好随身带把伞。)

M:0Kbytheway,    3.    ?(我能参观哪些地方?)

L: You Can visit many places Of interest here, Such as Huangguoshu Waterfall and me

Dragon Palace, and you can also eat some delicious food.

M:Rea11y?I can't wait for it.___  4.____.(我期待着参观安顺。)

L:That’s wonderful. __5.____.(我想你会在我的家乡玩得很开心。)

M: Thank you for your advice. Bye-bye!




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