满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Lisa and Mike were celebrating their ann...

Lisa and Mike were celebrating their anniversary (周年纪念日).The couple used to be sweet. But now      had changed since they got married. The once lovely couple had turned bitter(痛 苦).They fought over every little thing.      of them hated the way things had changed.

Lisa was       for Mike to come home. She hoped that Mike would remember their anniversary. She      4 imagined that her husband would bring her flowers. In this      ,  they could remember the old happiness again and forget all the      .

But her imagination was cut short(打断)when the phone in the bedroom      .

Lisa answered to the sound of a man.   "Hello madam, I'm calling from the police station.

Is this Mr. Mike Green's      ?”“Yes, it is!”

“I'm sorry madam but there was a traffic accident and a man has      . We got this number from his wallet(钱夹  ). We need you to come and identify (辨认  ) his body."

Lisa was shocked (震惊)!      could this happen! She'd have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She lay and cried      the floor in pain. She lost her chance.  Forever!      , there was a noise at the doorway. The door opened and Mike came in. "My dear, it's a       day today. My wallet was stolen."

"That's the best       I've ever heard," Lisa said with a smile as her eyes were       .

1.A. interests B. things C. habits     D. friendship

2.A. All B. One C. None D. Both

3.A. searching B. Singing C. waiting D. starting

4.A. even B. always C. hardly D.sometimes

5.A. time B. day C. way D. fact

6.A. fighting B. feeling C. decision D. love

7.A. sounded B. rang C. knocked     D. made

8.A. office B. address C. speaking D. number

9.A. lost B.left C. died D. hurt

10.A. How B. When C. Where     D. What

11.A. above B. on C. beside D. to

12.A. Luckily B. Slowly C. Quietly D. Suddenly

13.A. nice B. bad C. cool D. warm

14.A. News B. advice C. lie D.information

15.A. looking B. Putting C. watering D. turning


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了一对夫妇在婚后总是吵架。在结婚纪念日那天,妻子丽萨在等待丈夫归来。突然接到一个电话,说是她的丈夫出车祸死了。就在她悲痛欲绝的时候,丈夫回家了。原来丈夫的钱包被偷了,这对于丽萨来说却是最好的消息。 1.考查语境理解及名词辨析。interests 兴趣;things 东西,事物; habits习惯,嗜好;friendship 友谊。结合语境可知此处指的是,但是现在情况有了变化,故选B。 2.考查语境理解及不定代词。All所有的;One同名不同物的任何一个;None 一个也没有;Both 两者都。此处指的是他们两个都,故选D。 3.考查语境理解及动词辨析。searching搜查;Singing唱歌;waiting等待;starting 开始。联系后一句,可知丽萨正在等麦克回家。故选C。 4.考查语境理解及副词辨析。even甚至,即使;always一直,总是;hardly几乎不;Sometimes有时,偶尔。句意:她甚至想象她的丈夫会给她带一些花来。故选A。 5.考查语境理解及名词辨析。time时间; day日子;way 道路,方法;fact 事实。结合语境可知此处指的是,用这种方法,他们能回想起过去的幸福时光。故选C。 6.】考查语境理解及动词辨析。fighting战斗,搏斗;feeling感受;decision决定;love 爱。联系前文They fought over every little thing.可知此处指的是忘掉他们所有的争吵。故选A。 7.考查语境理解及动词辨析。sounded听起来;rang按铃,铃响;knocked敲门;made 制作,使得。结合语境可知此处指的是卧室的电话铃响了。故选B。 8.考查语境理解及名词辨析。office办公室;address地址;speaking说话,演讲;number 号码。结合语境可知此处问的是,这是麦克格林的电话号码吗?故选D。 9.考查语境理解及动词辨析。lost丢失,失去;left离开,留下;died死亡;Hurt受伤。联系下文We need you to come and identify (辨认  ) his body.可知他的丈夫死了。故选C。 10.考查语境理解及疑问词。How 如何,怎样;When什么时候;Where 在哪儿;What 什么。句意:这怎么发生的?故选A。 11.11】考查语境理解及介词。above在……上方;on在……上面;beside在……旁边;to 到,向。结合语境可知她躺在地板上哭了。故选B。 12.12】考查语境理解及副词辨析。Luckily幸运地;Slowly慢慢地;Quietly 安静地;Suddenly突然地。联系下文,可知突然,门外响起一个声音。故选D。 13.13】考查语境理解及形容词。nice精密的,美好的;bad坏的,糟糕的;cool 凉爽的;warm 温暖的。联系后一句描述,可知本句指的是,这是糟糕的一天。故选B。 14.14】考查语境理解及名词。News新闻,消息;advice建议; lie谎言,位置;Information信息,资料。结合语境可知此处指的是,这是我听到的最好的消息。故选A。 15.15】考查语境理解及动词辨析。looking 看; Putting放;watering浇水,流泪;turning改变。结合语境可知此处指的是,丽萨留着眼泪说。故选C。 考点:考查故事类短文

Sichuan food is hotter than Shanghainese food. That's ______________.

A. what I like it B.what do I like it                 

C. why I like it D.why do I like it



For your homework, I want you to remember the names of all the planets in ___correct  order.

A. our B. your

C. itsD. their



_______ you use your dictionary often, your spelling will improve.

A. Whether B. If 

C. Though D. While



It's hot today. Why not go for a swim?

________. Let's go.

A. Good idea B. That's right 

C. Not at all D. Well done



The office phones are dirty and they _______ next week

A. will clean B. will be cleaned 

C. are cleaningD. are cleaned



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