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1.Where is Orbost Gallery sitting? 2.Wh...


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1.Where is Orbost Gallery sitting?

2.When does Orbost Gallery open every day in April?

3.How far is Orbost Gallery from Dunvegan?

4.What is the telephone number of Orbost Gallery?

5.In which country do you think Orbost Gallery is?


1.On the loop-road. 2.At l0 am. 3.A few miles. 4.01470521207-288. 5.In UK. 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇海报主要介绍了这个画廊的地点,开放时间,联系方式及网址等信息。 1.根据sitting on the looproad through Orbost & Roag a few miles from Dunvegan 描述可知奥尔博斯特画廊在环形路上,故答:On the loop-road. 2.根据Open daily - 10am to 6pm 可知这个画廊在上午十点开放,故答:At l0 am. 3.根据sitting on the looproad through Orbost & Roag a few miles from Dunvegan描述,可知这个画廊距离邓伟根几公里远。故答:A few miles. 4.根据Tel: 01470 521207-288可知这个画廊的联系电话是01470521207-288. 5.结合常识可知Dunvegan是一个英国城镇,故这个画廊在英国,答:In UK. 考点:考查广告布告类阅读

South of Florida, many islands  dot (点缀着) the ocean. One of them is Hispaniola. Its name points to the fact that Christopher Columbus visited the island in 1492. As a result, Spain ruled theisland for th e next 300 years. Two nations now share the island. Haiti makes up (占据) the western third. The Dominican Republic makes up the eastern two-thirds.

The Dominican Republic's area is about 18,000 square miles with the population of 8 million.

Most people live close to the island's coast. Like many other tropical(热带的)islands, the Dominican Republic regards tourism as a key industry. The coastal citie s, especially, depend on tourists to fill their hotels and restaurants. The natural beauty of the beaches and of the forests draw Dominicans and tourists alike. When you're ready for something else,walk into town.Music,dancing,and people in Colourful masks (面具) will greet you at nearly every street corner. Whether you go to join them or get away from them, there will be a place for you in the Dominican Republic.

1.Which of the following maps shows the right position of Hispaniola, Haiti and the Dominican Republic?

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2.What happened to Hispaniola after Christopher Columbus visited there in 1492?

A. Spain ruled the island for 300 years.

B. Two nations shared the island.

C. The Dominican Republic joined the island

D. The name of Haiti began to use.

3.The Dominican Republic is famous for

A. hotels B. restaurants    

C. tourism D. forests 

4.The last paragraph (段落) seems to tell us that people in the Dominican Republic are _____.

A. colourful B. friendly

C. busy D. brave

5.The reading above is probably taken from_________.

A. a science book B. a story book 

C. a geography book D. a picture book



"On a spring night, we offer book lovers a desk and a light. You can stay here as long as you want to." This is the slogan (宣传语) of Sanlian Taofen Bookstore in Beijing. Earlier this month, Sanlian Taofen Bookstore became the first 24-hour bookstore in the city.

It  hopes to encourage more people to read books. Bookstores are the brain of a city. Although many people can now buy books online,  many readers still like the feeling in bookstores. They can touch the books and smell the print In China, most cities are home to at least one bookstore. Some have special themes (主题) . Popular Holdings (大众书局 ) in Shanghai is a film-themed bookstore. There are film books and posters (海报) inside. Other bookstores have colorful activities. Eslite Bookstore (诚品书店) in Taiwan has activities like talks with famous writers as well as  holding gallery shows (画展). People come here not only for reading but also to communicate with others.

1.The best title (标题) to explain the main idea of the text is "_______".

A. Buying Books in Bookstores 

B. Warm Places for Reading

C. A New Bookstore in China 

D. Great Bookstores Online

2.What's special about Sanlian Taofen Bookstore in Beijing?

A. It allows readers to stay there only at night.

B. It offers readers a desk and a light.

C. It is the first 24-hour bookstore in the city.

D. It hopes book lovers will read there.

3.Which of the following can best describe people's feeling in bookstores?

A. Becoming the brain of the city.

B. Touching the books and smelling the print.

C. Staying inside as long as possible.

D. Buying books online with enjoyment

4.Popular Holdings in Shanghai is one of the bookstores with _______.

A. a small gallery B.colourful activities

C. a special slogan     D.a special theme

5.People come to Eslite Bookstore in Taiwan for           .

A. reading and communicating 

B. buying film books and posters

C. encouraging themselves to read 

D. getting ready to be famous writers



It's time for school! But on May 14th, 170 students at Duncanville High School in Texas, US, were told to go back home.Why? Because they were wearing the wrong clothes to school. Schools in the US don't always ask students to wear uniforms. But they have dress codes(着装要求). For example, Duncanville High School tells students to wear belts, shirts without logos (标识).Schools' most-hated clothes are different.

In 2011, the saggy ( 松 垮 的 ) trousers law was passed in Florida. It stops students from wearing trousers that show body parts.

Now, "the favourite new target ( 目 标 ) of the school dress code" is leggings( 紧 身 裤 ), reported the Associated Press. Some schools don't allow leggings. Other schools ask students to wear a shirt or a skirt over leggings.

Some students complain  (抱怨)   that schools are going too far. But schools say dress codes help protect students' safety and make sure they grow up with good taste."We want to teach them that they must meet the expectations (期望) not only here in school, but also outside school," said Andre Smith.

1.What happened to 170 students at Duncanville High School on May 14th?

A. They were told to go back home.

B. They were wearing the uniforms to school.

C. They followed the school dress codes.

D. They didn't know it was time for school.

2.In Duncanville High School,   students are allowed to wear______.

A. the wrong clothes 

B. belts, shirts without logos

C. their favourite clothes 

D. schools' most-hated clothes

3.How long has the saggy trousers law been used in Florida?

A. For a few weeks. B. For several months.

C. For two years. D. For three years.

4.Some students complain that schools are going too far probably because _______.

A. they want to grow up with good taste

B. they want to protect themselves

C. they are not happy with the rules

D. they are interested in skirts over leggings

5.We can infer (推断) from the text that Andre Smith may be _________.

A. the head of Duncanville High School

B. a student from Duncanville High School

C. the head of the Associated Press

D. a news reporter from the Associated Press



Many things can make summer great: swimming, camping, and the World Cup! The 20th FIFA World Cup will take place in Brazil from June 13 to July 14. Get ready for it!  People around the world love football. The sport is very easy and cheap to play. All you need is a ball. Anyone or any country, rich or poor, can play it. A small or poor country like Ghanacould never beat the US at the Olympics. But they can send the US home at the World Cup.

In countries like Brazil and England, football is so popular that it has  become part of theirculture. People there will be very happy and proud if their national team wins the World Cup. This summer thousands of England fans will go to cheer for their team in Brazil, even though the trip could cost each of them 10,000 pounds!


World Cup Numbers

●The FIFA World Cup happens every four years.

●Thirty-two teams play in the World Cup.

●The World Cup usually lasts 30 days.

●Only eight nations have won the 19 World Cup titles (冠 军头衔).Brazil is on top of the list   with 5 wins. Others include Italy, Germany, Argentina, Uruguay, England,France and Spain.

●According to FIFA, 3.2 billion people watched the 2010 World Cup. That is nearly half of The world population.

(From 21st Century, April 28, 2014)

1.The final of the 20th FIFA World Cup will take place in Brazil _______.


C.OnJune13th    D.OnJuly14th

2.Why do you think people around the world love football?





3.Although the US is very powerful at the Olympics, _________.





4.A large amount of cost can't prevent thousands of England fans from _______.





5.Among all the eight nations who have won the 19 World Cup titles, Brazil _______.





Lisa and Mike were celebrating their anniversary (周年纪念日).The couple used to be sweet. But now      had changed since they got married. The once lovely couple had turned bitter(痛 苦).They fought over every little thing.      of them hated the way things had changed.

Lisa was       for Mike to come home. She hoped that Mike would remember their anniversary. She      4 imagined that her husband would bring her flowers. In this      ,  they could remember the old happiness again and forget all the      .

But her imagination was cut short(打断)when the phone in the bedroom      .

Lisa answered to the sound of a man.   "Hello madam, I'm calling from the police station.

Is this Mr. Mike Green's      ?”“Yes, it is!”

“I'm sorry madam but there was a traffic accident and a man has      . We got this number from his wallet(钱夹  ). We need you to come and identify (辨认  ) his body."

Lisa was shocked (震惊)!      could this happen! She'd have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She lay and cried      the floor in pain. She lost her chance.  Forever!      , there was a noise at the doorway. The door opened and Mike came in. "My dear, it's a       day today. My wallet was stolen."

"That's the best       I've ever heard," Lisa said with a smile as her eyes were       .

1.A. interests B. things C. habits     D. friendship

2.A. All B. One C. None D. Both

3.A. searching B. Singing C. waiting D. starting

4.A. even B. always C. hardly D.sometimes

5.A. time B. day C. way D. fact

6.A. fighting B. feeling C. decision D. love

7.A. sounded B. rang C. knocked     D. made

8.A. office B. address C. speaking D. number

9.A. lost B.left C. died D. hurt

10.A. How B. When C. Where     D. What

11.A. above B. on C. beside D. to

12.A. Luckily B. Slowly C. Quietly D. Suddenly

13.A. nice B. bad C. cool D. warm

14.A. News B. advice C. lie D.information

15.A. looking B. Putting C. watering D. turning



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