满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

- It has been so foggy recently? - Cheer...

- It has been so foggy recently?

  -  Cheer up! The fog______ to clear up from tomorrow.

A. expects    B. is expected    C. will expected D. was expected


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---最近有雾。---高兴点吧。明天开始预计雾会散开。被预计应用被动语态。tomorrow指的是明天雾会散开,不是明天预计。根据题意,故选B。 考点:考查被动语态的用法。  

With a school built in the village, the children needn't climb______ the mountain for study.

A. over    B.at    C.for    D.in



The boy was______ by all family in his efforts to become a doctor.

A. hoped    B. suggested    C. encouraged    D. agreed



When you finish reading the book, you will have______ better understanding of______ life.

A. a; the    B. the; a    C. /;the    D. a;/











参考词汇:respect(尊敬);be polite to;obey(遵守);traffic rules;zebra crossing(斑马线)







It was near Christmas during my first semester teaching at a new school.I loved my small special class more than any group I had taught in the past.They were hungry for knowledge and I was enjoying teaching.

Other teachers had told me that our children were from poor families and not to expect any child to bring a Christmas gift.In fact,I wasn't expecting any gifts.

Imagine my surprise when every child brought me a gift on the day before our holiday break.First,I got a much­loved stuffed monkey from a shy girl.I was told,“He is my favorite,but I love you and I want him to be with you,Miss Taylor.”How thrilled I was!

   Next came a new set of Christmas tree lights that was “missing” from a mother's cupboard.

   Finally,I came to one little boy's gift which I had never received.It was an old,dirty and broken Christmas story book.Just when I wanted to express my happiness,I was interrupted(打断)by the giver,“And see,it is new!It still has the price tag.”

When other children laughed at him,I stopped them and said,“Oh,books are good in that way.The story is always new if you have not read it before.Now,let's share one together.”Everyone listened quietly as I read the most wonderful Christmas story of my life.

I still keep those Christmas gifts.They always remind me of my lovely kids.

1.Why did the teacher like her small special class?


2.When did the children bring their teacher gifts?


3.Who sent a stuffed monkey to the teacher?


4.Was the Christmas story book new?


5.How did the teacher feel when she got the gifts?



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