满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A: Jessie, I have something to tell you...


A: Jessie, I have something to tell you.

B: So what is it?

A: I think we should 1.  to the countryside.

B: What do you mean?

A: I can’t 2.  the noise outside every day. And parking is not so easy, you know. Do you   3.  that these are good reasons 4.   moving?

B: Yes, I agree. But what about the communications (交通)? We will be a long way from our friends.

A: There’s an airport and a motorway, anyway. Fast trains are also available there. It only   5.    us half an hour to get everywhere in London. It’s quite   6.  .

B: So communications are better than they are here?

A: I think so.

B: But what do we do with our  7.  time? I know going out for walks seems nice. Perhaps swimming is also OK. But we can only do that in  8.    , what do we do in winter? It’s cold and wet, not like London.

A: Don’t 9.  . In the town there, there are cinemas, theatres, good restaurants and a jazz club. There is a large variety of choices to kill the time, isn’t 10.  ?

B: Maybe. It sounds wonderful. But I really don’t know.


1.move 2.stand 3.agree 4.for 5.takes 6.convenient 7.spare/ free / leisure 8.summer 9.worry 10.there 【解析】 试题分析:该对话是两位朋友就要搬迁到乡下的原因而展开的对话。述说了搬到乡下的诸多好处如避免噪音、方便停车等等。 1.句意:我认为我们应该搬到下乡。联系下文Do you that these are good reasons moving?可推知此处该填写move。 2.句意:每天我都不能忍受外面的噪音天。联系下文Do you that these are good reasons moving?可知此处该填写stand。 3.句意:你同意这些都是很好的迁移的理由吗?所以填写agree。 4.句意:你同意这些都是很好的迁移的理由吗?所以填写for。 5.句意:我们只需要花费半个小时就能到了伦敦。It takes sb some time to do sth是一个固定句型,所以填写takes。 6.句意:很方便的。联系上句It only us half an hour to get everywhere in London.可知句意很方便的,所以填写convenient。 7.句意:但我们怎么度过我们的空闲时间?联系后句可知此处是说我们怎么度过我们的空闲时间?所以填写spare/ free / leisure。 8.句意:但我们只能在夏天这样做,我们在冬天做什么?联系下句what do we do in winter 就可知此处该填写summer。 9.句意:不要担心。根据后面句子In the town there, there are cinemas, theatres, good restaurants and a jazz club.可推知此处是说不要担心,所以填写worry。 10.句意:有大量的各种选择来消磨时间,不是吗?isn’t ?与前一分句There is a large variety of choices to kill the time构成反义疑问句,所以填写there。 考点:补全对话。


1. 他宁愿买一辆新车也不愿意去修这辆旧车。(prefer, repair)


2. 我认为他不会把那本书借给你。(think , lend)


3. 在过去的五年里,我们学校发生了巨大的变化。(last, take place)


4.成为一名职业选手是我曾经想做的唯一的一件事情。(professional, ever )


5.只有在那时我才将有实现我的梦想的机会。(only , achieve)





1.Young children seem very e_______  and never feel tired.

2.He wanted to be a doctor , but he became a teacher i_______.

3.They have been training so hard that they’re c_______ to win the race.

4.Few people are able to a_______ to buy such cars like that.

5.It’s n_______ for you to learn a second foreign language.




From: Mary              To: Kate

Date: June 15th             Time: 3: 30  o’clock

Message: please go to her house at five this afternoon.


A: Hello. 5678943.

B: Hello. Could I speak to 1.  , please?

A: Sorry. She isn’t here at the  2.  .

B: Is that 3.   ?

A: Yes. Who’s that?

B: This is Mary speaking.

A: Hello, Mary. Can I take a  4.  ?

B: Yes. Could you ask her to come to my house at five this afternoon?

A: All right. It’s 5. o’clock. I think she’ll be back before 4 o’clock. I’ll tell her about it as soon as she comes back.

B: Thanks a lot. Bye.

A: It’s a pleasure. Bye.




care about      use to    even though    get on      come up with

1. We went on working in the field, _______ it rained heavily.

2. I _______ have short hair, but now I grow it long.

3. That boy, never _______ what his teachers say.

4. We are sure that scientists have _______  to solve the difficult problem.

5. We also learn how to _______ well with other students.



My name is woof. You think that we have a great life,right?Wrong!I am going to tell you why.

First of all,we are bored. Bored, bored and bored. Do you ever think about what a dog does all day? Nothing.  Nothing at all. Our owners are busy,you know,working,going to school,away from home all day. So what are we supposed to do?Watch the house or apartment?Sure. That is like watching paint dry or grass grow. Boring. That’s why we get so excited when our owners come home. We bark and run around and act as if we are very happy. But we only do this because we are bored all day. If we are lucky, our owners take us for a walk.

Then there is the food. We eat the same food,meal after meal,day after day,week after week,month after month. Help!Would you like to eat the same thing all the time?No,you would not. So what makes you think we dogs like it?We don’t. We hate it.

Another thing -television. Dogs hate television. Our owners watch these stupid programs,hour after hour,night after night. Are there any programs for dogs on television?No. Not a single one.

So what can we do?What else can we do but sleep?And so we sleep. We dogs are not lazy,we are bored.

1.Woof may be a              .

A. boy         B. girl         C. dog

2. From the passage,we know that Woof         .

A. lives a great life           

B. hates watching television  

C. likes the food very much

3.How many points does Woof complain about?

A. 2         B. 3          C. 4



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