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Wonderful Experiences in Australia Phill...

Wonderful Experiences in Australia

Phillip Island Nature Park





Have fun at Phillip Island Nature Park. You will spend half a day there. You can see many animals, such as koalas, kangaroos and penguins at the peak.

Balloon Flight





Enjoy an early morning balloon flight over the beautiful city of Melbourne. After the flight you will enjoy a wonderful breakfast at the Hilton Hotel.

Amazing Sailing





Relax and enjoy the wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney as you sail across the sea in a large boat.

Restaurant Tour—Lunch





Having lunch in Melbourne can be a wonderful experience, specially in old trams(有轨电车)that have become restaurants.

1.11-year-old Tony and his parents will visit Phillip Island Nature Park. They should pay_______.

A.79 B.146 C.158 D.225

2.The Balloon Flight starts in the_______.

A. early morning B. late morning C. early afternoon D. late afternoon

3.When you_______, you can enjoy the wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney.

A. visit Phillip Island Nature Park

B. sail across the sea

C. take a balloon ride

D. have lunch in an old tram

4.From the passage, we can learn that_______.

A. people can see animals at the Hilton Hotel

B. food in the trams is not good

C. Melbourne is a beautiful city

D. there are no aquatic animals at Phillip Island Nature Park

5.People who want to_______are most interested in this passage.

A. travel in Australia

B. learn about the history of Australia

C. eat Eastern food

D. see forests


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了四幅广类的海报。介绍了菲利普岛自然公园,气球飞行,等。 1.第一份海报的价格Adult:£79.00,Child:£67.00两个成人一个孩子,通过计算,故选D 2.个海报Enjoy an early morning balloon flight over the beautiful city of Melbourne.可知时间在大清早,故选A 3.细节理解题。根据第三个海报Relax and enjoy the wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney as you sail across the sea in a large boat.描述,故选B 4.Enjoy an early morning balloon flight over the beautiful city of Melbourne.可知墨尔本是个美丽的城市,,故选C。 5.】推理判断题。根据Wonderful Experiences in Australia可知海报是关于澳大利亚的旅行,故选A。 考点:广告类短文阅读。

The food guide pyramid(金字塔)was the model for healthy eating in the United States. Now it has been replaced(代替)by a colorful platecalled MyPlatewith some of the same messages: Eat different kinds of foods, and eat less of some foods and more of others.

The pyramid has six parts to show the five food groups and fats, oils and sweets. Basic(基本的)foods are at the bottom(底部)and include bread and rice. In two middle parts are vegetables and fruits. In two top parts are milk and cheese, and meat, fish, eggs and so on.

The plate has four parts: vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein, and a side order of dairy(乳制品)in blue. The big message is that fruits and vegetables take up half the plate and the vegetable part is a little bigger than the fruit part. The grain part is bigger than the protein part. The MyPlate seems to be encouraging us to eat different food groups at each meal.

First Lady, Michelle Obama, has introduced the plate. And she will use it with her family. She said the pyramid just wasnt easy enough for parents and kids to follow.

1. MyPlate is for_______.

A. weight training B. healthy eating C. protecting animals D. sleeping well

2.Which are in the highest part of the pyramid?

A. Meat, fish and eggs. B. Vegetables and fruits.

C. Bread and rice. D. Fats, oils and sweets.

3.According to the passage, which is TRUE?

a. vegetables b. fruits c. grains d. protein e. dairy

A.白图a_调整大小B. 白图b_调整大小 C.白图c_调整大小D. 白图d_调整大小

4.The following words can describe the plate EXCEPT_______.

A. colorful B. wasteful C. simple D. useful

5.We can infer from the last paragraph that_______.

A. First Lady, Michelle Obama, likes the plate

B. Michelle Obama invented the plate

C. First Ladys family dont want to use the plate

D. the pyramid is too difficult for us to follow



It was a bright Saturday morning. I stopped at a café to enjoy a cup of coffee and read the morning newspaper. Suddenly, I felt a hand on the back of my jacket and heard someone say, “Hey Steve! How are you doing?”

    Looking back, I saw a man. He looked familiar, but I couldnt remember where we had met.

    The young man also held a cup of coffee, so I asked him to join me. Very soon, his story began to thaw out my memory.

     Five years earlier, Johnson was traveling home late on a February night. A heavy snow had arrived that afternoon, and by midnight, the snowdrifts(雪堆)were getting deep. His car was stuck in a snowdrift just down the road from my house.

     He walked to my house for help. I helped him pull his car out of the snowdrift and up to the street where the snow had been cleaned away.

     This was a normal happening here during the winter. I couldnt count the times someone has helped me to pull my car from a snowdrift. However, it was an unforgettable experience for him. He was only eighteen at that time, and he said he was very afraid. No one wants to be stuck in a snowdrift at night.

Sometimes, one simple kindness at the right moment can change the direction of a life. So, be kind and helpful.

1.Where did Steve meet Johnson for the first time?

A. At a café. B. At Steves house. C. At a bus station. D. On a street.

2.The underlined phrase thaw out in Paragraph 3 means “_______” in Chinese.

A. 打断B. 珍藏C. 增强D. 唤起

3.Johnson asked Steve for help one night because_______.

A. he lost his way home

B. his friend was injured

C. he was caught in a heavy snow

D. his car broke down on the way

4.According to Steve, helping Johnson was_______.

A. a normal thing

B. a strange thing

C. an unusual behavior

D. an unforgettable experience

5.The writers purpose of writing the passage is to tell us_______.

A. friendship is very important

B. even a simple kindness matters

C. meeting an old friend is a pleasure

D. it is better not to drive in a snowy night




A: Is that Peter speaking?

B: Yes, this is Peter.

A: Hi, Peter. My cousin, Alan, is going to visit me tomorrow. We plan to go to a movie. 1. 

B: Ye, Im free tomorrow. But when are you going to see the movie?

A: 2. 

B: Thats fine with me. That what will we do after the movie?

A: 3.  Do you have any good ideas?

B: Theres a good restaurant near the movie theater. The food is delicious and the waiters are very kind.


A: That sounds great!

B: Oh, I almost forget one thing. 5.  You know there are always traffic jams on Saturdays.

A: I quite agree.

A. Its better for us to walk there, rather than take a bus.

B. Would you like to join us?

C. What kind of movie do you like?

D. How about at 11 oclock in the morning?

E. I have no idea.

F. Ill meet you in front of the movie theater.

G. Why not have lunch there?



Packing too many things is one of the fastest ways to make your trip less enjoyable. When you leave, it always seems like youre going to need every item(物品)in your suitcase.       when you finish your journey, you may havent been worn once. Unless you can      a porter(行李)everywhere you go, all of those extra items are going to weigh you down. Here are      on how to pack for vacation and make your trip a pleasure.

Choose a wheeled suitcase and a small backpack. The wheeled      saves(避免)you from carrying heavy baggage. The small backpack lets you keep      items close.

Put your necessary travel items in the backpack. They      things like money, medicine and a mobile phone. If you have space, add some      items as well as a book, a snack and sunglasses.

Bring less. Youll have to carry your bags      airports, train stations and city streets, so you don’t want to pack more items than necessary. Leave home any items      you may not need during your trip.

Dont      your suitcase. You are sure to buy at least a few souvenirs during your trip, and leaving space for them in your suitcase will reduce your travel stress.

1.A. So B. And C. But D. Since

2.A. support B. afford C. provide D. serve

3.A. skills B. researches C. messages D. suggestions

4.A. car B. bike C. robot D. case

5.A. interesting B. important C. wonderful D. educational

6.A. include B. prepare C. experience D. discover

7.A. expensive B. necessary C. extra D. correct

8.A. around B. through C. between D. inside

9.A. when B. where C. why D. that

10.A. fill B. lose C. forget D. lock



Jerry was always in a good mood.      someone was having a bad day, Jerry would tell him how to look on the positive(积极的)side of the situation.

One day I asked him, “How can you be positive all the time?”

Jerry replied, “Each morning, I say to     , ‘Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or in a bad mood.’ I choose to be in a good mood.”

Several years later, I heard Jerry was hurt      three robbers(强盗). Luckily, Jerry was sent to the    quickly.

I asked him what his thought was when the robbery took place. Jerry replied, “As I    on the floor, I remembered I could choose to live or to die. I choose to live.”

“Weren’t you      I asked.

“Yes, I was really afraid when I saw the expressions on the      of the doctors.”

“What did you do?” I asked.

“When a nurse asked if I was allergic(过敏的)to     . I shouted, ‘Bullets(子弹)!’ Over their laughter, I told them,    

Thanks to the super medical      of his doctors, Jerry lived, but also because of his amazing attitude, Attitude, after all, is everything.

1.A. If B. After C. Though D. Since

2.A. himself B. itself C. myself D. yourself

3.A. in B. with C. for D. by

4.A. school B. hospital C. bank D. court

5.A. lay B. ran C. danced D. walked

6.A. sad B. awake C. afraid D. excited

7.A. hands B. faces C. heads D. arms

8.A. nowhere B. nothing C. anywhere D. anything

9.A. live B. decide C. depend D. feed

10.A. research B. place C. skill D. position



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