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1.The leaflet is written for . A. visit...


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1.The leaflet is written for       .

A. visitors    B. teachers    

C. parents    D. students

2.Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word "frightened"?

A. scary        B scared        

C. surprised     D. surprising

3.Visitors can throw their rubbish

A. on the ground        B. in the rubbish bags

C. in the plastic bags  D. in the car

4.Visitors are allowed to

A. get out of their cars             B. give food to the animals

C. use flash photography             D. keep their car window closed

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?

A. The passage is a safety leaflet.

B. We need to read the leaflet carefully.

C. We can talk with each other loudly.

D. We can listen to beautiful sound of nature.


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这是华盛顿国家动物园为游客们列的安全宣传单。重点强调让大家认真阅读。在要求中,明确地说明了,要求做什么和禁止做什么。这样的布告能让游客们在动物园参观游玩的时候能够不影响到动物,同进也能保证参观的安全。 1.宣传单是为谁所写的?分析原文:Washington National Zoo Safety Leaflet for Visitors.句意:华盛顿国家动物园为游客们列的安全宣传单。明确宣传单是为游客所写。故选A 2.使人惊慌的; 胆小的,scared恐惧的; 惊恐的; surprised动词或名词,惊奇;surprising 使人惊讶的,出人意料的; 动物们见到闪光灯会害怕,因此用scared.故选B 3. 4. 5. 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。

补全对话从每题A、B. C.D中,选出一个能够填入对话空白处的最佳选项。(5分)

A: Hello, Mrs. Dean. I'd like to be a volunteer.         

B: Sure. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do ?


B: Do you know how to play basketball? We need someone to help teach kids basketball.

A:          .Is there anything else?

B:Sure. There's a job cleaning up the parks.

A:          __.When do I start?


A: OK, no problem. Thanks.

B:You're welcome.


A. Can you help me?                      

B. Can I help you?

C. What are you doing?                     

D. How's it going?


A.I want to go shopping with you.           

B. This kind of work is boring.

C.I like working with kids.                  

D. I like to watch TV.


A. Yes, I do.                              

B. Playing basketball is very exciting.

C. No, I don't really like basketball.           

D. Let's play basketball.


A. That's not good.                        

B.I don't think it interesting.

C.I don't like it.                           

D. That sounds good.


A. You can't do it.                         

B. How about this Sunday

C.So l do                               

D.Twice a week



Mr. Green is an old man. He is very kind, and he has many friends. But there is _    wrong with his eyes. So he can't see clearly.

One day, he went to New York    train. He went there to visit his best friend. After he got here  _       the evening, he found his friend      at home. So he       find a hotel to live in. The next day, his friend didn't come back. In the afternoon he went to buy two bottles of wine(酒).When he came back to his room in the hotel, he found a fly(苍蝇) was on the wall. But he thought it was a snail(钉子),so he put the bottles on       .Of course, the fly flew away and the bottles were broken. He had to buy        two bottles.

The waitress in the hotel knew this, then she put a          into the wall.

       When he came back, he looked up at the wall and found the "fly" was there again. So he walked       and hit(敲)it hard with his hands. At once(立刻)he cried        .

1.A. something      B. everything      C. nothing          D. anything

2.A.in           B.on           C.by            D.at

3.A. at            B. in            C. on              D. from

4.A. was          B. wasn't         C. did              D. didn't be

5.A. could         B. would        C. did             D. had to

6.A. it            B. them          C. that            D. this

7.A. other         B. the other..       C. more           D. another

8.A.fly           B. snail           C. bottle           D. friend

9.A. quickly       B. fast            C. careful          D. quietly

10.A. loudly     B. happily         C. quickly         D. clearly



- -Could you tell me          ?

--Sorry, I don't know .I was not at the meeting.

A. what does he say at the meeting

B. what did he say at the meeting

C. what he says at the meeting

D. what he said at the meeting



--"How long has the movie       ?

--About ten minutes. You haven't missed too much.

A. started       B. finished   

C. been on        D. been over



--What did you do last weekend, Sarah?


A. would do my homework                   

B. was practicing speaking English

C. had surfed on the Internet                  

D. studied for the test



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