满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Japanese students work very hard but man...

Japanese students work very hard but many are unhappy. They feel heavy pressures from their parents. Most students are always told by their parents to study harder and better so that they can have a wonderful life in the future. Though this may be a good idea for those smart students, it can have terrible results for many students who are not gifted enough. Many of them have tried very hard at school but have failed in the exams and have their parents lose hope. Such students feel that they are hated by everyone else they meet and they don’t want to go to school any more. They become dropouts(退学者).

It is surprising that though most Japanese parents are worried about their children, they don’t help them in any way. Many parents feel that they are not able to help their children and that it is the teachers’ work to help children. To make matters worse, a lot of parents send their children to those schools opening in the evenings and on weekeds—they only help the students to pass the exams and never teach them any real sense of the world.

Many Japanese schools usually have rules about everything from the students’ hair to their clothes and the things in their school bags. Child psychologists now think that such strict rules are harmful(有害的) to the feelings of the students. Almost 40% of the students said that no one had taught them how to get on with others, how to tell right from wrong and how to show love and care for others, even for their parents.

1.How are Japanese students nowadays?

A、They work hard and all of them are happy.

B、Parents give them heavy pressures.

C、Parents can offer a lot of help to their children.

2.The meaning of the underlined word “gifted” in Para 1 means       .


3.According to the passage, it’s necessary to teach students         .

A、to show love and care for others

B、how to study better than before

C、how to follow the school rules

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A、Parents in Japan wish their children to make a great life in the future.

B、Parents in Japan think it’s the teachers’ job to educate children.

C、Only strict rules are helpful for students.

5.In Japanese schools,           .

A、most of the students become dropouts

B、teachers only teach them how to study better

C、there are rules about many things, like clothing, hairstyle and so on


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了日本的学生努力学习但是因为来自父母的巨大的压力他们并不十分的愉快。虽然父母对孩子担心但是他们并没有给孩子在学习上帮助。同时严格的校规给孩子的感情也带来伤害。 1.Japanese students work very hard but many are unhappy. They feel heavy pressures from their parents.描述,可知日本的学生努力工作但是许多人不愉快,他们感到来自父母的沉重的压力。故选B。 2.】词义猜测题。上文描述家长教育孩子努力学习以便于能有更好的生活,虽然这对聪明的学生是个不错的想法但是对不那么聪明的学生却有糟糕的后果。根据句中的转折,可以猜测词义,故选B. 3.短文最后描述Almost 40% of the students said that no one had taught them how to get on with others, how to tell right from wrong and how to show love and care for others, even for their parents.可知这些是急待教给学生的事情,故选A. 4.是非判断题。根据短文最后一段描述可知仅仅有严格的校规对于学生是不够的,故选C. 5.短文最后Many Japanese schools usually have rules about everything from the students’ hair to their clothes and the things in their school bags.可知日本的校规从学生的头发到衣服及学习用品都有规定。故选C。 考点:社会现象类短文阅读。

Much meaning can be carried clearly, with our eyes, so it is often    that eyes can speak.

Do you have such kind of    ? In a bus you may look at a stranger.     he finds that he is being looked at, he may feel uncomfortable. The same things happen    daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at    up and down, to see if there is    wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel   with the person who is looking at you that way. Eyes do     , right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But     things are different. If a man looks at a woman for more than ten , it may mean that he wishes to attract her attention to make her    that he loves her. When two people are in a conversation, the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time to   that the listener does pay attention to what he or she is speaking. Lovers will enjoy looking at each other or being looked at for a long time to show something tha     cannot express.

Clearly, eye contact should be done     the relationshop between tow people and the place     you stay.

1.A.reported   B.said       C.told

2.A.experience  B.situation  C.trouble

3.A.If          B.Unless     C.Before

4.A.on          B.at         C.in

5.A.yourself    B.myself     C.himself

6.A.anything    B.something  C.everything

7.A.pleased     B.angry      C.thankful

8.A.speak       B.smile      C.serve

9.A.always      B.hardly     C.sometimes

10.A.years      B.hours      C.seconds

11.A.understand B.to understand  C.understanding

12.A.get ready  B.take care  C.make sure

13.A.eyes       B.words      C.minds

14.A.according to  B.belong to  C.thanks to

15.A.which      B.that       C.where



Not only        me a dictionary, but also he gave me a magazine.

A、had he given

B、he gave

C、did he give



Paris is one of       in France.

A、lively, city

B、the liveliest cities

C、the lively cities



They prefer        to        .

A、sing, dance

B、to play swim

C、going sightseeing, going bike riding



100 trees must          before March 12.


B、be planting

C、be planted



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