满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



John: Would you like to go to New York with me over the vacation, Jim?

Jim: 1.   But where will we stay?

John: At my uncle´s. I always stay with him and there´s a room for you, too.

Jim: OK. He won´t mind?

John: Of course not. 2..

Jim: Will we drive to New York?

John: Yes, it takes about six hours.

Jim: 3.

John: It may be cloudy and rainy. 4..

Jim: Well, when will we leave?

John: 5.

Jim: No problem. See you then.


1.Yes, I’d love to. 2.He’s looking forward to meeting you. 3.What’ll the weather be like? 4.We’d better take our jackets. 5.How about Saturday morning? 【解析】 试题分析:这是John和Jim之间的对话,两人商量着假期去纽约玩。通过对话练习了对would like to 的回答, 关于天气的问答 以及提建议的说法和对对话的理解。 1.考查一般疑问句的回答和上下文的理解能力。上文问:Jim,你想和我去纽约假期吗?下文问:我们住哪儿?所以这里应该回答: Yes, I’d love to. (是的,很想。) 2.考查上下文的理解能力。上文的意思是:他不会介意吗? 下文说:当然不会。 所以这里应该说:He’s looking forward to meeting you.(他正期待着和你见面呢。) 3.考查上下文的理解能力。下文的意思是:天气可能多云而且有雨。 所以这里应该问天气如何:What’ll the weather be like? 4.考查上下文的理解能力。上文的意思是:天气可能多云而且有雨。。所以这里应该是最好带些厚衣服:We’d better take our jackets.。 5.考查上下文的理解能力。上文问:我们什么时候出发?所以这里提建议:How about Saturday morning?(星期六早晨怎么样?)和后面的答语相符合。 考点:信息匹配。


Now satellites are helping to forecast(预报) the weather . 1.______The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere(大气),because this is where the weather forms(形成). 2.______So the scientists there can see the weather of any part of the world and tell how the weather will change.

Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries can receive satellite pictures. When they receive the new pictures ,they compare(比较) them with the earlier ones . 3._______This may mean that the weather forecast, 4._______

So the weather satellites are of a great help to the scientists at the station. 5.________Now they can make good forecasts for 3 or 5 days .Soon perhaps, be  able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead(提前).

A. In the past they could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours earlier.学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!

B. They send these pictures to th学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!e weather station .

C. they can tell people about it .

D. They are in space , and they can reach any part of the world .

E. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours.




Every Saturday, Grandpa and I walk to the nursing home to visit some of the old and sick people there because they can’t take care of themselves.   First we visit Mrs. Sokol. I call her “The Cook.” She likes to talk about the time when she was a well-known cook in Russia. People would come from miles, just to taste her chicken soup. Next we visit Mr. Lipman. I call him “The Singer” because he loves to sing for us. Whenever he does, his voice fills the air, clear and full of energy. I also enjoy Mrs. Kagan’s stories about her own experiences during the old days. I call her “The Memory Lady.”

One day Grandpa got very sick and the doctor said they didn’t think he would get better.

It was time to visit the nursing home again.学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! I had to go alone. Everyone was surprised when I told them that my grandpa was ill and in hospital.

A few days later, Grandpa was not able to sit up, eat and even speak. I went to the corner of the room so Grandpa wouldn’t see me cry. Suddenly, I heard someone singing. I looked up. It was The Singer. Behind her were The Cook. and The Memory Lady. The Cook brought her famous homemade chicken soup. The Memory Lady held Grandpa’s hand and told us how Grandpa once came to visit her in a snowstorm, just to bring her some roses for her birthday.

Before I realized it, visiting hours were up. That evening, Grandpa called the nurse in and said he was hungry. Soon he began to sit up. Finally he was able to get out of bed. It is really a miracle (surprising event), isn’t it?

1.Why did the writer and his grandpa go to the nursing home every Saturday?

2.Who were Grandpa’s good friends in the nursing home?

3.Why did the writer cry?

4.Please put the sentence “ Before I realized it, visiting hours were up.” into Chinese?

5.What do you think of Grandpa?




1.I met an old friend of _____(I) in the bookshop last Sunday .

2.You can buy a TV set on the ______(five) floor of the shopping mall .

3.The instructions must _________(follow) before you take the medicine .

4.I hope that all my dreams ________(come) true in the future .

5.The more careful you are ,_______(few) mistakes you will make .

6.Both coats look nice on me .I really don’t know which _______(choose).

7.Paris is one of the ________(lively) cities in Europe .

8.My parents ________(clean) the ho学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!use at four yesterday afternoon .

9.Chocolate is usually the _______(child) favorite food .

10.Have you got used to _______(ride) a bike to school



To make Chinese students healthier and stronger, China’s Ministr学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!y of Education (教育部) has started a campaign. The campaign asks students to run every school day. Te campaign has started since October last year and will last until April this year.

Kids at primary s学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!chools have to run 1km per day. It’s 1.5kms for middle school students and 2 kms for high  school and university students. And records will be set for every student. By the end of April 2009, a primary school student has to run 120kms in total/ A middle school students have to run 240kms by that time.

Since the campaign started, people have had different ideas about it. Some people think it is good for students. They think the campaign can make students healthier. Some students have little exercise and the campaign can make them run. But some people don’t think so. They think some schools don’t have enough place for students to do running. If students have to run on the road, maybe it is not safe. They also think there are many ways to become healthier; running is not the only way. So they think the campaign is not a right decision.

1.Why Chinese government started the running campaign?   Because _____

A. they think Chinese students like running very much

B. they hope Chinese students become healthier and stronger

C. they know Chinese students have no time to exercise

D. they find out Chinese students are too lazy

2.How long will the campaign last? ______

A. Seven months           B. Two months        C. In October        D. In April

3.How many kilometers will a high school student run in total during the campaign?

A. 120kms.               B. 180kms.             C. 240kms.        D. 200kms.

4.Which is NOT right according to the passage?

A. The campaign started from April last year. 

B. The campaign asks Chinese students to do exercise.

C. The campaign will set running records for each student

D. The campaign cares about the health problem of Chinese students

5.Why don’t some people think the campaign is good?

A. Because they don’t think it’s safe enough for a student to run such a long way every day.

B. Because they don’t think it’s safe to make so many students run together every day.

C. Because they think students are busy with their school work and have no time to run.

D. Because they think there are other ways to keep healthy besides worrying about the safe problem.



Here are some tips on how to talk with your parents.

Try to start your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier. For example, ask your parents questions about their day. They love this!

Make it clear what you want to tell your parents If they have an opinion, let them finish and don’t disturb. Ask them to do the same for you.

Show them respect by listening to them carefully. Look at their eyes sincerely.

Be honest. Honesty builds trust(信任).  Life is good when your parents trust you.

If your parents don’t understand, that’s OK. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you pr they’re not trying. Sometimes you have to explain things to them again or in a different way,

When you finish the talk, thank them for listening,. Say something like, “thanks! That helped.” It will let them know this is important to you, and make them want to do it more often.

If you feel there are still things to talk about, set up a time with them to talk about it another day.

1.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. We should show respect to our parents.       

B.  It’s important to trust our parents.

C. We should be thankful to our parents.        

D. There are some ways to talk with our parents.

2.What should we do when our parents have some opinions?

A. Ask them to stop                       

B. Argue with them and then sat sorry

C. Let them listen to you                   

D. Let them finish and don’t disturb

3.Why should we look at their eyes while listening?

A. Because they make us do that.           

B. Because this shows we agree with what they say

C. Because this makes them feel respected    

D. Because this shows we understand them

4.When wee finish the talk, we should tell our parents that we _____ what they have done for us. This will let them know talking is important to us.

A. are careful of           B. are satisfied with       C. are angry about        D. are thankful for

5.Which is the best title of this passage?

A. 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!Some Tips on How to Talk with Parents         B. Parents Are Very Important

C. Try to Talk with Parents                      D. Respect Patents



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