满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--What’s the ticket on your desk, Li Lei...

--Whats the ticket on your desk, Li Lei?

        ---Its the ticket to Harry Potter. My father ______ it to me as my birthday present.

A. gives      B. will give     C. is giving      D. gave


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:李磊,你桌子上的是什么票?是哈利波特的票。我父亲作为生日礼物给我的。事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时态,故选D。 考点:考查过去时态的用法  

The first thing ______my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.

A. which      B. that       C. why       D. who



If you have lost a library book, you have to ___it.   

A. find out    B. look after   C. pay for    D. take care



Robert with his two kids ______to the beach for vocation every year.

A. goes    B. go    C. went    D. are going



--- Sam, do you know when Alice ______to my party ?

         ---I think she will come when she ______free .

A. comes; is   B . comes ; will be   C. will come ; is  D. will come ; will be



We have two rooms ________, but I cant decide ___________.

A. to live; to choose which one    B. lived ; choose which one

C. to live in ; which one to choose  D. live ; which one



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