满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

___________for his good skill, this doct...

___________for his good skill, this doctor has a lot of visitors calling for help all the time.

A. KnowingB. To knowC. KnownD. To have known


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意为:由于他的技术出名,当时这个医生有很多游客前来求助。这是一个独立结构,应该用分词短语作状语,由于其与句中逻辑主语是被动关系,应用过去分词形式,故选C。 考点:考查非谓语动词。  

The harder you__________, the better progress you ___________.

A. will workB. work; have made

C. work; will makeD. will work; make



As ________matter of fact, _________ beauty of __________ nature there made an excellent impression on               me.

A. a; the; 不填     B. a; the; the

C. the; the; 不填D. a; 不填;the



目前,我们的周围环境遭到严重破坏,污染随处可见。请以“How to Protect Our Environment”为题写一篇演讲稿。内容包括:

1. 列举2-3个有关环境污染的现象,如:看不到蓝色的天空,看不到河里的鱼,喝不到干净水等。

2. 提出2-3个建议保护环境,如:步行或骑自行车上学,不随处扔垃圾,不得往河里倾倒废水等。




How to Protect Ou学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!r Environment

Good morning, everyone! Our environment is becoming worse and worse day by day.


That’s all. Thank you.




Everyone should do something to protect the environment. How did we help to save our earth this week?

Mary: My family try to save electricity. We never left the lights on when leaving the rooms. We turn off the TV when nobody is watching it.

Tom: We start recycling this week. We divide our rubbish into different bags for bottles, cans, paper and food. Mom keeps the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them again as rubbish bags. These are great ways to help our environment.

Jack: My family save water. We never take long baths and have short showers instead. We wash the toilet with used water. My sister and I don’t leave the tap running when we brushed our teeth.

Information Card

Ways to help protect the environment

Mary’s family

save electricity

Never left the lights on when leaving the rooms.

1.          when nobody is watching TV.

Tom’s famil学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!y


3.       into different bags for bottles, cans, paper and food.

Jack’s family

save water

Never take long baths.

Wash the toilet4.         .

5.            when they brushed their teeth.





pronounce, easy, try, learn, how, the, it, spend, by, but


I am a student in Grade Three. I began to learn English the year before last year. English isn’t very1.        to learn. But I like it very much.

2.        do I study English?

In the first year, I found3.         very difficult to memorize new words. At first I4.        a lot of time on them. I learned new words only5.         reading

and writing them.6.        a few da学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ys later I forgot them. Later, with7.        help of my teachers, I came to know how to do it well. I paid more attention to8.        and spelling. In this way, I have9.        a lot of new words by heart. Every morning after I get up, I do s学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ome reading. At school I10.       to speak English with my classmates and review what I have learned.

Nothing is too hard if you put your heart into it.



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