满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

For hundreds of years, Japan has been hi...

For hundreds of years, Japan has been hit, from time to time, by enormous (巨大的) tsunamis(海啸). These awful sudden risings of the sea are caused by earthquakes or underwater volcanic actions. The story of the boy Yuuki is the story of such a disaster.

    Yuuki lived with his family in a seaside village, below a small mountain. One day, as he played on top of the mountain, Yuuki felt a small earthquake but it was not strong enough to frighten anybody and passed quickly. Soon after, however, Yuuki noticed the sea darken and begin running away from the shore very fast, leaving behind wide stretches of beach that had never been seen before.

    With a grasp, Yuuki remembered reading that just before a terrible tsunami, the sea suddenly and quickly rolls backward. He ran to the beach, warning the villagers who had gathered to admire the new beach land.

    “Get back!” shouted the boy, “There is a terrible danger!”

But no one listened. They laughed at him and continued playing in the new sand and watched the sea roll backward even more.

    Desperate, Yuuki could think of only one thing to do. He lit a tree branch, raced to the rice fields and began burning the harvested rice. Then he called out, “Fire! Fire! Everyone run to the mountain! Now!”

    When everyone reached the mountain-top, a villager cried out, “Yuuki is mad! I saw him set the fire.” Yuuki hung his head in shame, but said nothing as the villagers cursed him. Just then, someone shouted, “Look!”

    In the distance what seemed to be a huge dark line was speeding towards the shore. As it got nearer the people realized the long thin line of darkness was the returning sea, towering like a mountain.

The villagers watched in terror as the water struck the shore, smashing over their homes then tearing out the land as it receded.

On the mountain everyone stared speechlessly at the destruction below.

“I'm sorry I burned the fields,” said Yuuki, his voice trembling.

“Yuuki,” village-chief answered. “You saved us all.”

The villagers cheered and raised Yuuki into the air. “We were going to

celebrate our rice harvest tonight,” said one, “but now we’ll celebrate that we’re all still alive!”

1.Where was Yuuki when the earthquake struck?

A. On the beach.

B. On the mountain.

C. In the rice fields.

D. At his family home.

2. In what order did the following events take place?

a. Yuuki set fire to the rice fields.

b. The villagers laughed and played on the beach.

c. The land was torn away by the water.

d. Yuuki ran to warn the villagers.

e. The villagers stared at the destruction.

f. The people were cursing Yuuki.

A. d, b, e, a, c, f

B. b, a, d, e, c, f

C. d, b, a, f, c, e

D. a, d, b, e, f, c

3.How did Yuuki save the villagers from the disaster?

A. He told them about the earthquake.

B. He explained why the sea was flowing out.

C. He told the village chief to warn the people.

D. He set fire to the rice field.

4.What were the people planning to do before the tsunami struck their village?

A. Harvest the rice crop.

B. Play on the beach.

C. Climb the mountain.

D. Celebrate the rice harvest.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述一个叫Yuuki的日本男孩如何在海啸来临之前拯救村民的故事。文章介绍,Yuuki在山上玩耍时觉察到了细微的地震,并注意到大海的昏暗,他赶紧警告海滨的村民撤离,但是没有人相信他。无奈之下,Yuuki放火焚烧了收割的稻谷以逼迫村民跑上山顶。就这样,在海啸来临之前,Yuuki拯救了村民。 1. 2. 3. 4. 考点:故事类短文阅读。

To my family and friends,

As some of you know, I have just started my tour in the remote mountain area. Everything is going really well, so no      .The land is beautiful but unfortunately it has a lot of      too. I have received several emails asking what I need while I'm here .so I decided to write you all and let you know that I don’t need anything. At least not for me. I’m asking all of you to send me a few     to help the local children. Let me explain.

On 12 May 2009, in a small village here, 120 school age girls were       by a gas leak(煤气泄漏). Most have      but 6 are still in hospital. Even though the local government speaks about the      of education for both boys and girls but most of these kids only attend school for four hours a day if they are even allowed to go. They are so excited and      to learn, but then have to     things like being sprayed(喷射) with acid or poisoned. Most of these kids are poor and can’t     a pencil, pen or even paper to write on. So my co-workers and I are planning a trip to several schools to promote      and to give these kids some of the       they need. That is where all of you come in. If you can, please       whatever school supplies you currently have     .

That would be a huge help.

I know how busy you are so thank you for taking the      to do this and I will post pictures of this    after we go.

Thank you again.

Todd Tucker

1.A. wonderB. worriesC. problemD. way

2.A. surprises    B. attractionsC. problems D. mysteries

3.A. emails    B. booksC. itemsD. dollars

4.A. surprised    B. confusedC. discouragedD. poisoned

5.A. recovered    B. diedC. goneD. returned

6.A. fairness    B. importanceC. possibilityD. absence

7.A. afraid    B. unwillingC. ableD. eager

8.A. receive    B. challengeC. sufferD. return

9.A. find    B. affordC. prepareD. expect

10.A. Information    B. Education     C. communicationD. medication

11.A. supplies    B. Clothes        C. knowledgeD. awareness

12.A. send over    B. send upC. send away        D. send for

13.A. lost    B. foundC. usedD. available

14.A. time    B. chanceC. responsibilityD. lead

15.A. Advertisement  B. emailC. donationD. event



In one's life, one usually has little understanding of oneself. When you succeed, you may be very proud. When you    __you may lose heart. If you don't get a thorough understanding of yourself, you may miss lots of       in life.

To get a thorough understanding of yourself is to know_      about yourself. You may realize your strong points and weak_      .You may hope for a wonderful future, but be sure not to expect too much because not all dreams can be       . You may be confident enough to meet challenges, but first you should know_       .

To get a thorough understanding of yourself needs self-appreciation. Maybe you think you are not a tall tree_      just small grass, but as long as you get full confidence, you are sure to face any trouble.

To get a thorough understanding of yourself also means to_    yourself.

When you are angry, find a quiet place so that you won't be hurt. When you

are sad, tell your friends about it to _     the mood(心情) into a good one. When you are tired, get a good sleep. If you don't take good care of yourself, you        _be able to stay away from illness.

So if you get a thorough understanding of yourself, and you will get a full control of yourself and find your life full of color.

1.A. fail  B. winC. beatD. have

2.A. lessons  B. problemsC. chancesD. choose

3.A. little  B. wellC. badlyD. worse

4.A. one  B. ones C. itD. those

5.A. realized  B. rememberedC. repliedD. receive

6.A. where to do  B. when to doC. what to doD. how to do

7.A. or  B. butC. andD. if

8.A. take after  B. run afterC. look afterD. see after

9.A. change  B. cutC. throwD. show

10.A. will  B. won'tC. needD. may



He has already gone home. But before he left, he__________ all the mistakes in his translation.

A. had correctedB. has corrected

C. correctedD. would correct



The guests were _________ in the front rows ________ to the president attentively.

A. seating; listenedB. seating; listening

C. seated; listenedD. seated; listening



---Jane wasn’t in when Jack came, was she?

---_____, but she returned a few minutes later.

A. No, she wasB. No, she wasn’t.

C. Yes, she wasD. Yes, she wasn’t.



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