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完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列...




Don’t ________ _______ ______ ________ to be number one ______ _____.


He _____ ________ _____ ______ _______ _______ ______ for a long time.


Their hard work _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ ______ of cities.


You are sure to succeed if you ______ ______ _____ ____ _____ _____ ___.


Before he ______ ____ _______ ______ ____ _____, he would always think carefully.


1.put pressure on yourself ---all the time 2.tricked me into waiting in a queue 3.made a great contribution to the development 4.keep on putting in some effort 5.made a decision to do something 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3.……做出贡献”应表达为make a contribution to---。结合语境可知应填:made a great contribution to the development。 4. 5. 考点:短语翻译。

Apart from keeping fit, students can learn many important lessons about life from life doing sports. Sports can teach students about winning and losing, When they win, they will get a lot of 1.___, but they will also have to 2.   it when they lose. This will help students understand competition, and make them more 3.___ and hardworking. All this will4.    them for the difficult challenges they will face at school and in 5.____.

The introduction of school uniforms has helped to 6.___ school violence. Much of school violence is linked to the clothes which different youth gangs wear. In schools with youth gangs, the number of fights 7.___ by 40 percent after uniforms were introduced. Uniforms also 8.____ a message that students are at school to study, not to play. They create school 9._____. These things help to reform problem students and improve their 10.____ at school.



1.The present came to the school in p_________.

2. We’ve r_________ the workers with machines.

3. John is a good student. It’s unlikely that he’ll s_______ classes.

4.He a_______ himself to the cold weather.

5. You can watch the match on the Internet in r_______ time.

6.Christmas is the most important t__________ festival in the western countries.

7.The teacher was s__________ with the boy’s answer.

8.Without her family’s s_______, she couldn’t achieved her goal.

9.She e_______ her younger daughter at home every day.

10. If you want to learn English well, you must first find a c______ teacher.



For travelers with a sense of adventure and who so want to experience some of the history and mystery of the ancient world, here is a list of cool destinations that you may want to consider for your next holiday.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Built in the 12th century, Angkor Wat (meaning “capital monastery”) was a temple in the ancient Khmer capital city of Angkor. It is Cambodia’s best-known tourist attraction and appears on the country’s flag. The temple is known for its    beautiful architecture and reliefs. You'll need at least three days to fully discover the delights of the magnificent site.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu was built high in the Andes Mountains of South America by the Inca in the 15th century. Although well preserved its exact purpose is unknown. It is famous throughout the world not only for its incredible design but also for the natural beauty that surrounds it. Give yourself a week to explore this magnificent site and make you’re fit as there will be a lot of climbing.

Stonehenge, England

The entire Stonehenge site was constructed over thousands of years. But why and how it was built remains a mystery. As the weather can be pretty bleak in winter and the crowds huge in summer, we suggest autumn is the best time to visit these monster rocks.

Pompeii, Italy

When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D., Pompeii was buried under many layers of ash, preserving the city exactly as it was when the volcano erupted. Because so many objects were preserved, archaeologists and visitors are able to better understand daily life in the ancient Roman Empire.

1.Which location offers the most direct view into daily life in the ancient world?

A. Pompeii.  B. Stonehenge.

C. Ankor Wat.D. Machu Piccu.

2.Why may people want to visit Machu Piccu?

A. To climb the Andes Mountains.B. To discover how it was built.

C. To explore both history and nature.D. To learn to speak Spanish.

3.When is the best time to visit Stonehenge?

A. Summer.B. Spring.    C. Winter.D. Autumn.

4.Where would you probably read such an article?

A. In a history textbook.B. In an archeology(考古) journal.

C. In a travel magazine.D. In an adventure novel.



“I had a Welsh speaking test. I'd had to memorize a paragraph in front of the whole class. I just couldn’t do it,” says 13-year-old Mary. “I pretended to be ill.” But Mary did not enjoy her day off. “I watched TV all day — it was boring. I wished I had gone to school.”

Mary’s story is not unusual in Britain. According to the latest government figures, pupil absences are rising, despite schools taking a hard line on truancy (逃学).

Philippa James, a PhD researcher at Cardiff University’s school of social sciences, thinks she knows why: “The more schools improve methods of detection(检查), the more children work out better methods of deception.” Teenagers told her it was now harder to skip a single lesson, so they’d miss whole days to avoid being caught.

For several years, James has researched student truancy of 60 teenagers, aged 13 and 14, including Mary, to see how the teenagers truant, for how long, and why.

Through online conversations and face-to-face interviews, she discovered that most truancy was “a response to factors within the school”. Truants are not necessarily less advanced or less intelligent. They complained of teachers who failed to engage them, and of “boring” lessons. “Many truants really enjoy school and believe in education, but drop out when aspects of it were ineffective.” James says.

The views of students like Adam, who believes that skipping lessons has little impact on his schooling, were common. “I only take-off for a lesson, or a couple of days. It doesn’t affect my education,” he told James.

James’ study concludes that schools need to address the question of why pupils want to leave in the first place. “Pupils need help from the start.” she says. “It’s a two-way process – schools must be responsive. We need to look at the reasons for truancy rather than the number, so that instead of walking away from school, students have the skills and chances to talk through problems and make a change.”

1.What is one of the reasons for school truancy according to James’ study?

A. Truants are fallen behind in their studies.

B. Truants have no interest in school subjects.

C. Truants have more interesting things to do.

D. Truants are not satisfied with the teachers.

2.The underlined phrase “taking a hard line” (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to“         ”.

A. experiencing a problem withB. having a strict attitude towards

C. finding it difficult to solveD. having little success with

3. By citing Adam's remark, James wants to show that       .

A. school education is not efficient and needs improvement

B. it’s a popular belief that occasional truancy won't cause much harm

C. school truancy is becoming more serious and needs more concern

D. even good students may sometimes need a break from school

4. What is Philippa James’ suggestion to schools?

A. Schools should solve the problem of teachers.

B. Schools should be more active in helping beginner truants.

C. Schools should have a better control of hidden truants.

D. Schools should find out who truant and how they it.



With only fish and birds for company, Eric Erden has been rowing across the Pacific Ocean to Australia in his 23-foot-long boat since he left California on July 10, 2009.

But crossing the Pacific is only part of his incredible journey. Eric has decided to go all the way around the world using only his own energy. He will row, bike, and walk without help from any motors at all. Oh, and his plan includes climbing the tallest peak on six of the continents along the way, to honour the memory of a fellow climber.

He says he is doing this to show kids that they can achieve any goal, but he hopes to have some great adventures along the way.

As a solo traveller, Eric has already faced disappointments and challenges. Because he has to row about ten hours a day, he brought along an MP3 player to listen to music and pass the time. Unfortunately, the nearly daily tropical rain for several months has forced him to keep his player packed away where it's safe and dry.

Storms and huge wave wind regularly force him in the wrong direction and even threaten to overturn his boat. “Sometimes I really feel scared,” says a somewhat embarrassed Eric. “But that’s all part of the journey. I knew this wouldn’t be easy when I started. That's why I gave myself two years to finish.”

Protein bars(蛋白棒) give him energy, and he boils water to heat freeze-dried meals on a one-burner stove. A solar-powered machine removes salt from ocean water so he can drink it, but only when the sun shines. When that fails he sometimes tries to collect rainwater in buckets.

He’s not bothered by any of the hardships. Eric sees the world as a laboratory where there is much to learn. And when his trip around the world takes him across land, he enjoys meeting people - especially children. He has already visited several schools and shared his story.

1.Why is Eric making this trip?

A. To encourage children to reach for their goal.

B. To learn more about the world around us.

C. To have many great adventures in strange lands.

D. To honour the memory of a fellow climber.

2.What does Eric plan to do on each of the six continents he will visit?

A. Visit schools to share his story.

B. Study the culture of the local people.

C. Climb the tallest mountain.

D. Cycle from one end to the other.

3.When does Eric expect to finish his journey?

A. July 2009.    B. June 2010.

C. January 2011.D. July 2011.

4.Which of the following words best describes Eric’s character?

A. Determined.     B. Intelligent.

C. Fearless.D. Lonely.



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