满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There was a farm,where lived Farmer John...

There was a farm,where lived Farmer John with his wife Molly. They raised pigs,cows and many other animals on their farm. Also there lived a little mouse.

One day John came back with a bag. From the bag,John took out a mousetrap and set it. When the mouse saw this, it ran away in fear and decided to run around the farmyard to warn all its animal friends.

First it met the chicken. "There is a mousetrap on the farm!" The mouse said in fear. But the chicken answered peacefully,"There is nothing to do with me. This is a danger for you, not for me." Then the mouse rushed to the pig and the cow to tell them about mousetrap. But they showed no worry about it,either. Sad and depressed,the little mouse returned to the house.

On that night,Molly heard a sound of the mousetrap. She hurried to see what was in it,but because of the darkness,she did not see that it was a poisonous snake,caught in the trap by the tail. Unluckily the snake bit Molly. John rushed her to the hospital. Later, when they returned home,Molly still had a fever. John remembered that chicken soup was good for a fever,so he went to his farmyard to bring the chicken. Molly's sickness continued and many friends came to visit her, the farmer killed the pig so he could treat all the visitors.

Unfortunately, Molly became weaker and weaker and one day she died. Many neighbors, relatives and friends arrived for the funeral . John had to kill the cow to treat all of them.

The mouse watched all that happened with great sadness.

1.How many animals are mentioned in this passage?

A.3          B.4         C.5          D.6

2.How did the mouse feel when he found the mousetrap?

A.Afraid      B.Excited     

C.Sad         D.Peaceful.

3.In what order did the story happen?

a.The mouse went to warn his farm animal friends.

b.John made chicken soup for Molly.

C.Friends came to visit Molly.

d.Molly went to find out what was in the mousetrap.

e.The cow and pig showed no worry for the mousetrap.

A.a-d-e-b-c      B.a-e-d-b-c      

C.c-b-d-e-a        D.c-a-b-d-e

4.What does the underlined word"funeral"(Paragragh 5)mean in Chinese?

A.聚会       B.田园      C.牛棚        D.葬礼

5.What can we learn from the story?

A. Don't tell anybody about your own trouble.

B. Sometimes helping others is helping yourself

C. When using a mousetrap,you must be careful.

D. It's better to leave your friends to their own trouble alone.


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲述了一个农场住着John和他的妻子Molly,他们在农场养着很多牛,猪,和其他的动物,也住着一只小老鼠,有一天他买回来一个捕鼠器,老鼠很担心的告诉其他动物但是他们都不在意,最后老鼠看到发生的一切他感到很悲伤。 1.通读全文可知文中提到了五种动物:牛,鸡,猪,老鼠,蛇可知选C。 2.根据文中第二段When the mouse saw this, it ran away in fear可知当老鼠看到捕鼠器时他非常的害怕。可知选A。 3.根据问题这篇文章发生的顺序是老鼠想警告农场的动物朋友们;牛和猪不担心捕鼠器;Molly去看什么在捕鼠器上;John为Molly做鸡肉汤;朋友们来看望Molly;可知选B。 4.词义猜测题。由文中句意可知亲戚朋友都来参加Molly的葬礼。故选D。 5.标题归纳题。通读全文可知本文主要讲述帮助别人就是帮助自己,故选B。 考点:教育类短文阅读 。

It was Friday night. Marty was_______in a chair. He put his feet up on the table,watching TV without a care. His mom was in the________. Suddenly she started feeling_______so she decided to finish washing the dishes later. Then she went to bed for a rest. She needed to______.

Marty turned the TV off and asked," Are you all right?" His mom said,"I'm OK. I'll wash the dishes later."

Marty felt a little sad. He wanted to be_______. So while his mother was in bed,he washed up all the dishes and every little spot. He worked for a long time.________the kitchen became so clean and Marty felt much better,because he made a ______there. When Marty's mom woke up,she came into the kitchen. She couldn't ______her eyes. She cried_______and held Marty in her arms. The kitchen was all cleaned up. It was such a nice________. She told him he was a super kid. So Marty learned that helping others could be fun to do. If you make someone happy,you will feel happy too.

1.A.studying      B.relaxing       C.cleaning       D.standing

2.A.bedroom      B.garden        C.kitchen        D.sitting room

3.A.lonely        B.lazy          C.sick           D.frightened

4.A.lie down      B.lie around      C.turn down     D.turn around

5.A.simple        B.pleasant       C.healthy       D.helpful

6.A.Finally        B.Suddenly     C.Recently       D.Hardly

7.A.difficulty      B.difference     C.description     D.decision

8.A.open         B.catch         C.believe       D.close

9.A.luckily       B.happily       C.seriously      D.angrily

10.A.chance      B.joke           C.choice        D.surprise



Keeping pets is nothing strange nowadays. Is_______good for people to keep pets in their house? People have different opinions.

Quite_______number of people think that it's good to keep pets in the house, especially for the old. The pets can keep them from being lonely as well as make them_______safe. If children keep pets, they______more caring and responsible. Because they need to look after their pets as_______as they can to keep them healthy. So keeping pets is quite a good way for young parents to educate their children. What's more, your house______care of by pets when there's no one at home.

However, some people disagree________those pet owners. These people think keeping pets is not healthy_______pets may have more viruses. Besides,carrying pets with you when taking public transportation is not so convenient, because________might feel uncomfortable.

As to me, if one keeps pets, he or she should treat them in the right way. For example, they should wash pets often to keep them_____. And never forget to spend some time with pets every day.

1.A.this      B.that       C.it              D.these

2.A.a        B.an        C.the             D./

3.A.feeling   B.feel         C.felt             D.to feel

4.A.become  B.becomes     C.will become     D.became

5.A.careful   B.more careful  C.more carefully    D.carefully

6.A.can take  B.must take    C.must be taken     D.can be taken

7.A.at       B.for          C.with            D.in

8.A.since     B.although    C.so              D.until

9.A.other     B.others      C.the other        D.the others

10.A.clean    B.cleaning    C.to clean         D.cleaned



A:My bike was broken so I had to walk a long way home today.


A.lucky you!       B. I am sorry to hear that.      

C. That's ok.     D.You're welcome.



A:Where were you when I called you last night?

B:I _______TV at home.

A.watch              B.am watching      

C.was watching       D.watched



A:Do you think Tom will come to the party tonight?

B:I don't think so. He has to ________the coming exam.

A.use for        B.look for       

C.play for        D.prepare for



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