满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

‘I’____the first letter in the word‘irre...

‘I’____the first letter in the word‘irregular’,and there is___‘u’and ___‘l’in it.

A.is, a,an            B. am, an, a          C.is, an, a        D.am, a, an


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:单词irregular的第一个字母是I,这个单词里有一个u,和一个l。根据句意可知,句首的I 在这里表示的是一个字母,而并不是“我”这个意思,故应该用is;第二空后的u,是辅音发音开头的字母,所以用a来修饰;而l是元音发音开头的字母,故用an来修饰。故选A。 考点:考查动词和冠词。  

书面表达 (共1题,计15分)

今年儿童节,你们全家去公园游玩。请你根据以下要点提示,用英语写一篇短文参加以“How to Behave Politely”为主题的征文比赛,并适当加以评论。要点提示:


1. 我们玩得正开心,不和谐的一幕发生了;一位女士将垃圾扔在地上;

2. 我试图阻止,但她拒绝听我的;相反还嘲笑我;

3. 我将垃圾捡起来并扔进垃圾桶;


4. 我们应该关注自己的礼仪(manners);

5. 当在不同场合时,如:图书馆、过马路、乘车时,应该……

注意:1. 征文须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;

2. 第5点须用2~3句话展开合理想象,做适当发挥;

3. 词数90个左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

How to Behave Politely

During this Children’s Day holiday, all my family visited the park.







1. 汤姆学习非常认真,以致于关注课本中的任何细节。

Tom studies so carefully that he                     any details in the textbook.

2. 搬家后,你和你的新邻居相处融洽吗?

Do you                          your new neighbours after moving house?

3. 胡老师别无选择只能严格要求他的学生。

Mr. Hu had                                                   his students.


She always ____________________________ questions

5. 玛丽宁愿与别人分享她的快乐,也不愿炫耀自己的成功。

Mary would rather                                           her success.



In a famous story, a young boy called Ali Baba says “Open Sesame” and a door to treasures is opened before him. Ma Yun drew inspiration from this and founded Alibaba.com.

Over 14 years, Alibaba.com has become China’s largest e-commerce (电子商务) website. E-commerce is the a    1. of buying and selling goods and services and doing other business activities using a computer and the Internet. However, the founder c 2.___ to leave and to discover new areas of business on May 28, 2014, Ma became chairman of Cainiao Network Technology Co., Ltd. The company will set up China Smart Logistics (物流) Network. Its goal is to deliver p 3. ____(运送包裹) to people anywhere in the country  w  4.    24 hours.

The 48-year-old businessman, who is short and thin and often wears oversized suits, always had his c 5.___to dream big and try new things. Ma got the idea or started a business career in 1995. Ma had an idea: why not build a large Internet market to connect consumers and companies from all over the world and do business o    6.__ ?

That is how Alibaba began. His company grew quickly. But that doesn't mean e    7.     went well. Alibaba had a difficult time in 2000, when many Internet companies failed. Ma was successful because he m    8.    to attract investment(投资)in his company.

But there is a deeper r    9.   for Ma's success: his attitude. " we never g 10.__up hope."




1.When you are really thirsty, cold water is one of your best              (选择).

2.The school is         (专门地)open for those deaf or blind children .

3.There wasn't enough evidence to           (证明)him guilty.

4.Now China has become the next hottest           (亚洲的)market.

5. I wonder how many ______ (手术) ORBIS doctors perform during their visit to a poor country.


6. Everyone was in a state of great             (excite)when they heard the good news.

7. I’m afraid it will be much            ( rain ) later in the evening.

8. Lucy is a       (live) child and popular with everyone.

9.The terrible accident _________ (effect) him a lot and changed his dream of life.

10. —Did the book give the information you need?

—Yes. But ______ (finD. it, I had to read the whole book.

11. The physics teacher told us that the sunlight        (break)into different colours through a prism(棱镜).

12. “You needn’t describe Jimmy any more, I ___________(meet) him several times,” the young man said to his workmate.

13.Peter is busy these days. I suppose he ________ (work) hard for his coming exam, right?

14. —Excuse me, when can I see the doctor?

—Not until you ________ (ask) to in five minutes.

15.Sally took a photo of her friends while they_______ (play) computer games.



Life as a teenager can be so hard. We are trying not to go wrong or get hurt while still trying to make sense of life. I tell you, I have been there. But, looking back, I will tell you how to enjoy every experience in life. Let this be your little guide to enjoying life as a teenager.

You know, half the problems as a teenager arise because we hate doing things. We’d rather go and have fun than sit down and take care of our duties and responsibilities. That is exactly why you have so much drama in your life; your parents won’t let you have a night-out with friends because you didn’t clean your room or your teacher is threatening to take you to the headteacher because you haven’t finished your homework.

When you go wrong, you go back to bed every night blaming yourself for the mistakes you have made. If you don’t make mistakes, you won’t learn. When you make a mistake, forgive yourself and move on. Don’t repeat them because there isn’t plenty of time to go wrong. Learn from your mistakes and others’, and it will help you to develop your character. Don’t try so hard to be right all the time, or you will not end up being satisfied with yourself.

Most of us want to be popular in school and so, you beg your parents to get you the best clothes, which they obviously don’t. To deal with that situation, I’d say that if your parent is not willing to pay for all those expensive clothes for you, get yourself a part-time job or spend your money wisely. No matter what you do, you should take full responsibility for your own choices. And, instead of trying to be one of the crowd by having similar habits, dare to be different because not everyone does.

Most teenagers often tend to have the blues during the teenage years. If you think that ending your life would be better than dealing with all the depression, you are not alone. All we need is someone to talk to us and listen. So, find a listener. Just talking it through helps get rid of the stress of school, friends and everything else. You shouldn’t really be wasting your time when you time when you could develop your hobbies and interests!

I wish someone had given me all these tips to enjoy life as a teenager. In your teenage years, life is all about experiences and learning from them, so enjoy every bit of it to the fullest.

Title: How to enjoy life as a teenager


Teenagers need to have a 1.  to enjoy life while growing up.

What is it about

2.  for teenagers

Dealing with life

3.   what should be done today before you go to enjoy yourself.

Making mistakes

﹡Do not 4.  yourself forever for the mistakes you have made.

﹡Learn from mistakes and ensure you will not 5.  them.

﹡Be 6.)   with yourself even though you are not right sometimes.

How to be 7.

﹡Take a part-time job to wisely8.   for your favorite clothes.

﹡Avoid being9.   by others and be responsible for your own choices.

Dealing with depression

﹡Find a friend to listen to you and you will be 10.   of stress and cheer up.

﹡Take up your hobbies and some interests.



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