满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. Young has a big shop in the center o...

Mr. Young has a big shop in the center of the city. He tells all his employees to be      to the buyers and he gets a lot of     .

This morning a young man came to his     . He asked, "Do you smoke, sir?" "No, sir," answered the young man.

"Do you      ?" "No, sir."

Mr. Young asked him the other questions, and the young man's      satisfied him. Before he employed him, he asked him the last question, "You have       shortcoming, do you?" "No, I don't, sir. " said the young man. "I only like telling lies.”

1.A. strict         B. friendly          C. strange           D. terrible

2.A. business      B. surprise          C. money            D. hope

3.A. buy          B. borrow          C. look for           D. lend

4.A. threw            B. put             C. placed            D. left

5.A. found           B. knew           C. understood        D. wanted

6.A. somebody     B. anybody         C. nobody           D. everybody

7.A. hand        B. pocket          C. bottle             D. glass

8.A. won         B. lost             C. forgot            D. failed

9.A. sad          B. angry           C. happy            D. worried

10.A. place       B. seat            C. table            D. chair

11.A. both         B. all             C. neither            D. none

12.A. house          B. car              C. office           D. pigsty

13.A. dress        B. drink            C. eat             D. sleep

14.A. answers        B. clothes          C. knowledge         D. face

15.A. much       B. some           C. any               D. no


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:杨先生在城市的中心有一家大商店。他要求他的雇员对顾客要和气。所以他赚了很多钱。这天早晨一个女店员因为拿走了一个顾客落下的钱包而被解雇了。杨先生决定找一个诚实的男青年接任。结果不很乐观。 1.考查动词辨析。他告诉他的雇员要对买主友好才能多赚钱。A. strict.严格的;B. friendly友好的;C. strange奇怪的;D. terrible可怕的。故选B。 2.考查动词辨析。他告诉他的雇员对买主友好然后他赚了很多钱。A. business 生意;B. surprise惊奇;C. money钱;D. hope希望。故选C。 3.考查动词辨析。老妇人去商店应该是买丝质的衬衣,A. buy购买;B. borrow借入;C. look for寻找;D. lend 借出。故选A。 4.考查动词辨析。根据后面可知,她买东西后把钱包忘在了商店。A. threw扔;B. put放;C. placed放;D. left离开。故选D。 5.考查动词辨析。一个女孩拿起了它,发现里面有接近500美元。A. found发现;B. knew知道;C. understood理解;D. wanted想要。故选A。 6.考查动词辨析。她看了看四周,没有其他人看到。A. somebody某人;B. anybody任何人;C. nobody没人;D. everybody 人人。故选C。 7.考查动词辨析。她迅速地把钱包放进了她的口袋里。 A. hand手;B. pocket口袋;C. bottle瓶子;D. glass玻璃。故选B。 8.考查动词辨析。很快老妇人回来找钱包了,当然她没找到。A. won赢得;B. lost失去;C. forgot忘记;D. failed失败。故选D。 9.考查动词辨析。当晚,杨先生得知了此事。应该是他很生气,所以才会让那女孩离开。A. sad悲伤的;B. angry愤怒的;C. happy快乐的;D. worried担心的。故选B。 10.考查动词辨析。然后他决定雇佣一个诚实的人接替她的工作。A. place地方;B. seat座位;C. table桌子;D. chair椅子。take one’s place 是固定短语,意为:接替。 故选A。 11.考查动词辨析。有几个年轻人来应聘,但是没有一个人让他满意。A. both二者都;B. all所有;C. neither二者都不;D. none三者以上的人/物都不。故选D。 12.考查动词辨析。今天早上一个年轻人来到他的办公室。他问,“你抽烟吗,先生?”。A. house.房子;B. car汽车;C. office办公室;D. pigsty猪舍。故选C。 13.考查动词辨析。他问年轻人是否喝酒和前后一致。A. dress穿衣服;B. drink喝酒;C. eat吃;D. sleep睡。故选B。 14.考查动词辨析。杨先生问了几个问题,年轻人的回答都很令他满意。A. answers答案;B. clothes衣服;C. knowledge知识;D. face脸。故选A。 15.考查动词辨析。根据前文可知意思是:最后他说,你没有缺点是吗?年轻人回答说:是的。我只是喜欢说谎话。A. much大量;B. some一些;C. any一些、任何;D. no没有。故选D。 考点:故事类短文阅读。

---I’m sorry to have caused so much trouble.    ---     .

A. That’s all right B. You’re welcome C. You’re too kind D. Please don’t say so



The performance was very exciting and      the audience raised a shout of joy.

A. every timeB. from time to time C. at all times D. at the same time



The purpose of new inventions is to make life easier,     it more difficult.

A. not make  B. not making  C. not to make    D. do not make



Being not far      the sea, London is famous      its fog.

A. from; withB. from; forC. away; withD. away; for



---     do you      the TV programme?---Not bad, I think.

A. What; likeB. How; like   C. What; think   D. How; think of



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