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书面表达(共1题,计15分) 随着我市创卫工作的不断推进,盐城已成为一个具有现代...


随着我市创卫工作的不断推进,盐城已成为一个具有现代化气息的城市, 它吸引着许多游客来此旅游、投资、学习。展示盐城人民的精神风貌是每一位盐城人的职责。请以  “To Be Lovely Yanchengnese为题写一篇短文。


社会公德 (如:主动让座、遵守交通规则、助人为乐)

环境保护 (如:保护花草树木、节约能源)

公共礼仪 (如:在公共场所不抽烟、不大声喧哗、不乱扔垃圾)


参考词语:遵守交通规则 obey the traffic rules, 花草树木 plants and trees


词数: 80左右,标点符号不占格。文章开头已给出,不计入词总数。

To Be Lovely Yanchengnese

Yancheng is developing quickly. It has become a modern city. To be lovely Yanchengnese, we should try our best to show its beauty. We should







Yancheng is developing quickly. It has become a modern city. To be lovely Yanchengnese, we should try our best to show its beauty.We should obey the traffic rules. We should take care of plants and trees. And we mustn't spit in public or throw everywhere. We shouldn’t smoke or talk loudly in public. As middle school students, we should respect our teachers and the old. We should also get on well with each other friendly and be polite to other people. Besides, we should be always ready to help each other. Do you agree with us?Let's start from ourselves ! 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇话题作文,所给材料要点清晰,要求明确,话题内容贴近学生学习生活实际,考生有较大的发挥空间。动笔前要认真审题,勾勒要点,并适当发挥。行文中要注意人称、时态的变化及主谓一致问题。同时注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 【亮点说明】这篇短文涵盖了题目要求的所有要点内容,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑。在文章的结构组织上注意句式的转换。同时,使用了一些常用的句式和短语,如:we should/shouldn’t/mustn't 、take care of、get on well with each other、 be polite to、be ready to以及连接词and、or、besides等,这为文章增色不少。在学习中注意积累,背诵一些常用句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:话题作文。  



The students always         the holiday without homework.


Your room is        mine.


To reduce the pollution, we should ride more         .


Last year,Zhang Ziyi        a lot of awards because of her efforts in the film industry.


All the Chinese people are working hard to        .




Mr Johnson didn’t have an experience of travelling in a plane before and he read a lot a1.  air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small p2.  , Mr Johnson was very w3.   about accepting. Finally, however, his friend promised him that it was very s4.  , and Mr Johnson boarded the plane.

His friend started the engine and began to taxi(滑行) onto the runway of the airport. Mr Johnson h5. the sound of the engine. He was extremely frightened and c6.  his eyes.

After a minute, he opened t7.  again, looked out of the w8.  of the plane, and said to his friend , “ Look at the people down there. They look as small a9.  ants, don’t they?” “Those are ants,”answered his friend. “We’re s10.  on the ground.”




1.We all know that smoking        ( not allow) in public places.

2.Boys and girls,        (put) all your effort into study and you will surely get good grades in the high school entrance examination.

3.Yancheng is well worth        (visit) because it has many tourist attractions now.

4.We really hope a high-speed rail        (build) between Yancheng and Shanghai in the near future?

5.Look, can you see those balloons        (rise) up in the sky.




1.It’s reported that Chinese couples can have their        (two) child if one of them is an only child.

2.I don’t think Jim does        (badly) of all the students in the race.

3. He is such a(an)        (polite) boy that nobody likes him.

4. Millie never copies others’ homework and she always does it by        (she).

5.We all know the ticket price of tourist attractions is high.        (hope), all the places of interest in Nanjing will be open to local people for free soon. [来




1.—When is the Dragon Boat Festival this year? —It’s on        (六月) 2.

2.The problem is too hard for me. I think it goes        (超过) my ability.

3.I’ve left my dictionary at home. May I use        (你的)?

4. Excuse me, could I        (借) the book a little longer, Miss Liu?

5.For many years,        (收音机)and televisions always bring us the latest information.



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