满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My daughter is much ______ now. The trou...

My daughter is much ______ now. The trousers she wore last year are already too short for her.

A. higher B. longerC. taller D. older


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我的女儿现在高多了,去年她穿的裤子现在太短了。根据句意指人身体高常用tall来表达,故选C。 考点:形容词的用法  

We live right here. Look! The house on the other side of the street is my uncle’s. His house is ______ ours.

A. in front ofB. next toC. behindD. opposite



— Lily, can you help me ______?   — Sure. Where’s the brush?

A. paint the door  B. move the boxes   C. mail the letters     D. turn off the light



—I always forget what I want to buy when I go to the market.

   —Well, you can make a ______ of things you want to buy.

A. habit B. wishC. listD. pack



We know ______ about the new teacher except that she just came back from the US. We hope to know her better.

A. everything   B. nothing       C. something       D. anything



If you buy ________ MP4 player in our store, you can get a watch for ________ free.

A. a; /        B. an; the    C. an; /     D. the; the



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