满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The cost of renting a house in central J...

The cost of renting a house in central Jurong is more than     in any other area of the city.

A. that  B. this       C. it    D. one


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在九龙中心租房子的成本比在九龙其它区域租房子的成本要多很多。cost是不可数名词,用that指代。it用以指特定的物,即上下文提到的、同名称的、同样事物的那个名词,而不是同类事物的其他东西。one不带任何前置定语,单独使用时,表示泛指,指同名称中的另一事物,常常代替有不定词a/an的名词。One既可代替人,也可以代替物,但只能代替可数名词,其复数形式为ones. that可以代替the +单数名词(可数或不可数均可,这时that = the one), 用于特指。主要用于两种东西的对比,其复数形式为those。That用于代替物,不能用于代替人,而that不能带前置定语,但可以有后置定语。因此,选A。 考点:考查代词的用法。  

What do you usually do at the weekend?

I     the TV program “Who’s Still Standing? (一站到底)” with my family.

A. used to watchB. am used to watch

C. was used to watchingD. get used to watching



Excuse me, Mum. When can we have dinner?

Not until it    in half an hour.

A. is prepared      B. has been prepared

C. will be prepared  D. was prepared



—Thank you for the beautiful flowers.

    I thought they might cheer you up.

A. That’s right.   B. All right.     

C. I’m all right.  D. That’s all right.



— Could I use a computer to get the latest news about the missing Malaysian Flight MH370?

— Sorry, sir. But we don't have any computer      here right now.

A. available    B. suitable   

C. fashionable       D. valuable



Happiness and success often come to those    are good at recognizing their own strengths.

A. whereB. who        C. what       D. which



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