满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Have you heard of the good fireman, Qua...

—Have you heard of the good fireman, Quan Zhanrong?

—Yes, he thought of others ______ than himself.

A. less            B. fewer         

C. best          D. more


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你听说过优秀消防员全站荣吗?是的,他比自己更多地想着别人。than前用副词比较级,排除C;best最好。A. less更少,B. fewer 更少,D. more更多。故选D。 考点:考查副词比较级。  

There ____ lots of bad information that is not suitable for teenagers on the Internet.

A. seem to be                     B. seems to have

C. seem to have                   D. seems to be



—Is Kate coming to the party this evening?

—No, she _________ be at the party. She_______ to the UK.

A. mustn't; has gone                  B. mustn't; has been

C. can't; has gone                    D. can't; has been



―He’s never advised to achieve a balance between his job and hobbies, ________?

―Yes. His parents and teachers often offer him some advice.

A.has he             B. is he    

C. hasn’t he         D. isn’t he



________it was to see so many elephants ________ along the street!

A. How great fun; marching B. What a great fun; to march

C. What great fun; marchingD. How great a fun; to march



—I didn’t know this is a one way street, Sir.


A. That’s all right.               B. I don’t believe you.

C. How dare you say that.         D. Sorry, but that’s no excuse.



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