满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Make a list of the things you want to bu...

Make a list of the things you want to buy before you go to the supermarkets. ______, you will certainly forget some of them.

A. Therefore    B. Anyway     

C. However     D. Otherwise


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你去超市之前先列出你想买的东西。不然的话,你肯定会忘记一些东西。Therefore adv.因此; 所以; 故; 乃; Anyway adv.不论以何种方式,不论以何种方法; 无论如何,至少; 但是; 不顾; However adv.不管到什么程度; 无论如何; 然而; 可是; conj.不管怎样; Otherwise adv.否则; 另外; 别的方式; adj.别的,另外的; 不同的; conj.否则,不然。所以选D。 考点:考查副词。  

―Look at the lady there. ______ it be Mrs. Green?

―No, it _______ be her. She left for London this morning.

A. Must, can’t      B. May, mustn’t   

C. Can, may not       D. Can, can’t



We all want to try something new, but finding the ________ to start is always the hardest part.

A. success B. pride

C. courage D. progress



There are only ________ new words in the book, but I know _______ of them.

A. a little, none     B. few, all     

C. a few, none    D. little, all



The world paused to remember a cultural giant _______ April 17 after Nobel Prize-winning writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez died _______ the age of 87.

A. on; at    B. on; in

C. at; atD. at; in



―Excuse me, Jim. Do you have any books about Chinese history?

―Yes. ______ book above the shelf is _______ useful one.

A. The, a       B. A, the

C. The, an       D. An, the



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