满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

- Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in...

- Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the next match?  

-Yes, they have better players, so I _______ them to win.   

A. hope B. except    C. expect       D. prefer 


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你认为巴西队在接下来的比赛中会击败日本队吗?是的,他们有更好的队员,所以我期待他们赢。A 希望,不能表述为hope sb. to do sth.; 其后可接that从句;B除了;C 期待,可接不定式做宾补;D更喜欢;结合题意故选C。 考点:考查动词。  

____ person like him won’t be simply satisfied with ___ progress that has been made.

A. The; aB. A; theC. The; /  D. The; the




In the past

1. 性格内向,不敢在人前讲话。

2. 历史学得不好。

3. 不爱运动,沉迷网上游戏。

At present

1. 乐于分享,与同学相处很好。

2. 各科成绩优异,……(举一例)

3. 积极组织并参加各类活动,……(举一例)

Your expectations


要求:1. 词数80-100词左右

2. 文中不得出现真实人名或校名。

3. 文章必须包含所提供的要点。

Wang Lin is a ninth grade student. He’ll graduate this summer. He’s changed a lot during the last three years.

In the past, ___________________________________________________________________



Can you write down a Chinese word being read to you? It can be difficult, e     1.  when the word is not included in most dictionaries.

Lu Jialei, 14, from Hangzhou Foreign Language School, w   2.    the CCTV Chinese Character (汉字) Spelling Contest on Oct 18, 2013.

About 160 people competed. The host read a word to the contestant (参赛选手), explained its meaning and gave sample sentences. The contestant was required to write d   3.   the word.

Winning the contest was a “surprise” to Lu Jialei. “I am not the smartest one,” she said. “But I pay a   4.   to details.”

To prepare for the contest, she and her teammates studied the Modern Chinese Dictionary for 10 days. There are more than 56,000 entries (词条) i   5.   characters, words and phrases in it.

She also has a secret weapon (武器). She studied h   6.   Chinese characters were structured (构成).

In the final, judges gave her the word wanluan and said it means graceful and pretty.“I’ve never h    7.   of that word!” said Lu. But she made a good guess. “Characters meaning pretty often have ‘女’ in it, w    8.  many characters pronouncing luan have ‘亦’. So I wrote it down: ‘婉娈’,” she said.

This secret weapon came from her good r  9.   habits.

“When others pay attention to the plot of a story, she looks at how writers use words and sentences to express themselves,” said Su Yunsheng, Lu’s Chinese teacher.

Su is happy to see students like Lu find the b    10.   of Chinese language.“Learning to write Chinese characters is an important part of inheriting (传承) culture,” said Su.

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词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空限一词 10分)

1. Some cities have taken actions by ____________ (control) the number of vehicles (车辆) on  the road and closing heavy-polluting factories.

2. It’s reported that the rivers in Jingjiang __________two weeks ago. (pollute)

3.This summer is going to be ____________ (excite) for many people on the planet–the World Cup will take place in Brazil from June 12 to July 13.

4. The advertisements of KFC and McDonald’s are everywhere, but they ____________ (appear) from kids’ TV channels in Taiwan soon .

5. China has opened its ____ (four) Antarctic research base (南极科考站)–the Taishan Station.

6.The Nanjing government is __________ preparing for the second Summer Youth Olympic Games.( active)

7.―Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help.

―Sorry, dad. I _________(put) away my books.

8. Selfie, the hottest word of 2013, is a photo that you take of ____(you) using a camera phone.

9.The purple scarf is as good as that pink one. It is difficult _______ (decide) between the two.

10. Many developed countries are taking action to attract as many Chinese ____________ (tour) as possible.



What is the strongest part of your body? Your head? Bones? It’s your teeth! There is a special thing called enamel (牙釉质) in teeth. It is the hardest thing in the human body and keeps bacteria (细菌) away. However, teeth are vulnerable (易受伤害的) to problems and disease. September 20 is National Teeth-loving Day in China. Let’s pay attention to the health of our teeth.

Tooth     (1)   are    (1)   around the world. Most children and young adults have tooth decay (龋齿). A study published on China Health Monthly magazine this year showed that 40.74 percent of a sample (抽样) of 1,306 Chinese students under age 15 had decayed teeth.

(2)Food that is rich in sugar increases the risk of tooth decay. After you eat, bacteria go crazy over the sugar on your teeth, like ants at a picnic. The bacteria turn sugar into acids (酸) that eat away at tooth enamel.This cause holes in your teeth.

Another common problem is crooked teeth (龅牙). When your new teeth begin to grow and the old teeth haven’t fallen out, there isn’t enough space for the new ones. This causes crooked teeth.

Don’t worry. Here are some ways to keep your teeth healthy.

Brush at least twice a day – in the morning and before bedtime.

Learn to use dental floss (牙线). The floss gets rid of food that’s hidden where your toothbrush can’t get it.

Visit a dentist. He or she can check if you have any dental problems and help you clean your teeth.

Pay attention to what you eat. It is better to eat lots of fruits and vegetables instead of fries and drink water instead of soda.

Wear braces (牙套) to make your teeth straight and beautiful.

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3. 回答问题:How many ways to keep your teeth healthy are mentioned in the passage?

4.在文中找出与 Most kids and young people have decayed teeth.意思相同或相近的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。

5. 在文中找出最能表达该短文主题的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。



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