满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Stop smoking, ________ your health will ...

Stop smoking, ________ your health will get worse soon.

A. and            B. or               C. but              D. s o


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:停止吸烟否则你的健康状况很快就会变得更差。A并且,B否则,C但是D所以。根据句意,故选B。 考点:考查连词的用法。  

________ dog is ________ useful animal and ________ honest friend as well.

A. A; a; an         B. A; an; a         C. The; an; a         D. The; an; an



今年,第二届夏季青年奥运会(Youth Olympic Games)将在南京举办。假如你叫周明,是一名九年级的学生,你想申请做一名自愿者。请写一份简介,介绍自己。 内容要点提示如下:





注意:1. 短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;

2. 第3、4要点内容须用2~3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;

3. 词数80个左右,短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir,

I am a student in Grade Nine. My name is Zhou Ming.








Yours sincerely

Zhou Ming





These suggestions are of such ________________________________________________.


Jim wonders ___________________________________________ last night.


Was the film Rio2 ____________________________________________?


____________________________________________________________ the strong enemies who want to rob us of our land.


The viewers of watching China On The Tough Tip__________________________________ my imagination.


The key to friendship is ___________________________________ others’ good points.



One of the main problems that a teenager faces is a lack(缺乏) of self-pride. A person with high self-pride can be c____1. and happy with their personality and their physical appearance . A person with low self-pride might be s_____2., anxious(焦虑) or unhappy with the way that they look. People who feel this way often w____3. that other people do not like them, or might even be afraid that their old friends do not like them! For example, perhaps a friend did not call when he said he w____4. because he forgot that he had to visit his grandmother. A person with high self-pride might think that something had h____5. to their friend to stop them from c___6. . However, a person with low self-pride might think their friend did not call because they did not like them. Feeling this way often makes them look at things d___7. from how they are in reality(现实) .

A teenager’s physical appearance is often the focus(焦点) of low self-pride and most people experience these f ____8. at least once in their life time. During their teenage years, their body will go t____9. a lot of changes. It is natural to be anxious about these changes and it is important for friends to try and s____10. one another during these times.




1.More than 2,000,000 US dollars ________ (raise) every year by the charity to help children in Africa.

2.The master often says that he can make everyone who tries his best ______ (get) good grades.

3.The Green family ___________ (hold) a party at home when the earthquake began

4. Jim _________  (shake) the bottle twice before he took the medicine.

5.Mary _________ (fall) asleep until her parents came back last night, so she looks rather tired.

6.Alice learnt to ride last year, and since then she _____________ (ride) to school.

7.Could you tell me whether the paintings he devoted all his life to __________ (show) successfully in a month?

8. The radio said the temperature _________ (not rise) until the next week.



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