满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



A young man saw an elderly couple (夫妇) sitting down to lunch at McDonald’s. They had o_____1. one meal and an extra drink cup. The gentleman c_______2.divided the hamburger in half and then counted out the fries, one for him, one for her, u_________3. each had half of them.

Then he p_______4.half of the soft drink into the extra cup and put that in front of his wife. The old man then began to eat and his wife sat w________5., with her hands folded (交叉) in her lap.

The young man decided to ask w_________6. they would allow him to buy a________ 7. meal for them. The old gentleman said, “Oh, no, we have b______ 8. married for 50 years, and everything has always been and will a______9.be shared, 50/50.” The young man then asked the wife if she was going to eat, and she replied, “It’s his t_______10.to eat with the teeth.”


1.ordered 2.carefully 3.until 4.poured 5.watching 6.whether 7.another 8.been 9.always 10.turn 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:他们预定了一顿饭和一个额外的饮料杯。所以填写ordered。 2.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:男士小心地把汉堡分成两半。所以填写carefully。 3.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:直到每人各有一半。所以填写until。 4.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:然后他把饮料一半倒在额外的杯子里,放在妻子面前。所以填写poured。 5.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:老先生开始吃,他的妻子坐着观看,双手交叉抱在膝上。所以填写watching。 6.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:这个年轻人决定问问是否他们会让他给他们买另一顿饭。所以填写whethe。 r7.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:这个年轻人决定问问是否他们会让他给他们买另一顿饭。所以填写another。 8.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:我们已经结婚50年了。所以填写been。 9.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:一直都是并将总是共享一切。所以填写always。 10.根据情景结合首字母可推知句意:轮到他用牙齿吃了。所以填写turn。 考点:短文填空。

句子翻译  按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子 (本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)


The plan _____________________________ and we ______________________________.


__________________ you show in English, __________________ you’ll find it.


Is it wise of him ____________________________________________________________?


I wonder what the twins ________________________________________ yesterday afternoon.


These suggestions are of such __________________________________________________.


It was reported that the thick haze ________________________________________________.



动词填空  用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)

1.The fish on the plate smells so nice. Who _____________ (cook) it?                   

2.He said the next time he came here, he _____________ (stay) for a longer period of time.  

3._____________ (not talk) to the boy who is learning German all by himself now, will you? 

4.When the teacher came in, I _____________ (complain) about too much homework.      

5.The chicken soup _____________ (taste) so salty that I had just a bit of it.              

6.The boys played computer games happily, _____________ (forget) all about their homework.

7.The fashion show _____________ (hold) unless it rains next Saturday.                  

8.She told us that the prices of fixed gear bicycles _____________ (rise) a lot recently.       




1.Look at ____________ (you) in the mirror. How dirty your faces are!   

2.It’s surely the __________ (tough) experience in his life that the brave young man has had. 

3.Seven ____________ (twelve) of the students in our school are boys. 

4.All of them want to know how the matter is ____________ (progress) at the moment.   




1.Too much time on computer games leads to the children’s poor ____________ (视力).

2.We made our way ____________ (穿过) the crowd to the centre of the square.     

3.What a beautiful wedding dress! It was ____________ (专门地) made for her.    

4.They went to the mountain for a trip and had an ____________ (令人愉快的) day there.



LONDON—Scientists have found an unusual way to prevent our planet from overheating: move it to a cooler spot. All you have to do is to send a few comets (彗星) in the direction of Earth, and its orbit (轨道) will be changed. Our world will then be sent moving into a safer older part of the solar system.

This idea for improving our climate comes from a group of US NASA (美国航空航天局) engineers and American astronomers. They say their plan could add another six billion years to the useful lifetime of our planet—hopefully doubling its working life.

The plan put forward by Dr. Laughlin, and his colleagues Don Korycansky and Fred Adams, needs carefully directing a comet or asteroid (小行星) so that it passes close by our planet and sends some of its gravitational energy (重力势能) to Earth.

“Earth’s orbital speed would increase as a result and we would move to a higher orbit away from the sun,” Laughlin said.

Engineers would then direct their comet so that it passed close to Jupiter (木星) or Saturn(土星). The comet would pick up energy from one of these giant planets. Later its orbit would bring it back to Earth, and the process would be repeated.

In the short term, the plan provides an ideal way to worldwide warming, although the team was actually worried about a much greater danger. The sun is certain to heat up in about a billion years and so “seriously compromise” our biosphere (生物圈)—by cooking us.

That’s why the group decided to try to save Earth.

The plan has one or two worrying sides, however. For a start, space engineers would have to be very careful about how they directed their asteroid or comet towards Earth. The smallest miscalculation (误算) in orbit could fire it straight at Earth—with deadly results.

There is also the question of the moon. As the present issue of Scientific American magazine points out, if Earth was pushed out of its present location, it is “most likely the moon would be stripped (剥离) away from Earth,” it states. This would greatly change our planet’s climate.

1.What makes the scientists plan to move Earth?

A. A few comets are moving to the direction of Earth.

B. Earth’s working life is coming to an end soon.

C. Earth will become too hot for mankind to keep alive.

D. The moon is moving farther and farther away from Earth.

2.If the plan is successful, Earth will have a working life of ________ years.

A. 12 billion        B. 6 billion            C. 18 billion        D. 24 billion

3.What serious problems might the plan cause according to the passage?

A. The comet might hit Earth and man might lose the moon.

B. Earth might be moved too far away and man might die because of the coldness.

C. The comet might hit Jupiter or Saturn and never return to Earth.

D. Earth’s working life might be greatly shortened.

4.What does the underlined word “compromise” mean?

A. provide         B. benefit (受益)      C. share           D. endanger



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