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My old college roommate, Bob, was no ord...

My old college roommate, Bob, was no ordinary person. In the first _____, he did not come from an ordinary family, both his parents were famous. His father was a chess expert and rocket research (火箭研究) _____ for NASA. His mother had been an opera singer in Europe. _____, what made Bob unusual was_____ his parents were famous, he had _____ interest in school---he never studied and avoided(回避;躲开) activities that ____thinking. In general,学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! he was quite different from his parents. In fact, you might think Bob was rather stupid, ____ you asked a question about a car. When it came to working with or knowing about cars, Bob was a genius(天才)! He could take a car _____, put it back together again, _____ any mechanical(机械) difficulty, or give you the correct statistics(统计数字)for any American car built in the last 20 years. There was ____ he did not know about _____. That was what made Bob so unusual.

   After six months of college, he _____ all his classes and had to drop out. He left the school. After _____, he got a job in a garage (汽车修理厂) working with _     . In the end, I think he was secretly _____ that he had to leave school.

1.A. time            B. place              C. word              D. use

2.A. actor           B. player             C. scientist           D. lawyer

3.A. Howeve学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!r        B. Though           C. Certainly            D. Of course

4.A. because         B. as                 C. instead           D. though

5.A. great           B. special            C. no                D. never

6.A. offered         B. needed             C. reported          D. taught

7.A. unless          B. when              C. if                D. since

8.A. away           B. up                C. clearly           D. separately

9.A. ask            B. answer             C. repair           D. have

10.A. very much    B. very little           C. so many          D. a few

11.A. his father      B. his mother         C. himself           D. them

12.A. passed        B. chose              C. wrote            D. failed

13.A. graduating    B. leaving            C. working           D. mastering

14.A. cars         B. companies          C. friends           D. workers

15.A. successful    B. sorry              C. funny            D. happy  


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了我的大学室友鲍勃是个不一般的人,他的父母都是名人,但是他不一般不是因为父母,而是因为他对学习不感兴趣,他不喜欢任何动脑筋的活动,但是对与汽车,没有他不知道的。最后他不得不退学,去了一个汽车修理厂。 1.名词及语境的理解。A时间B地点,地方C单词D使用,根据上文可知,要例举他不一般的原因,故选B,第一点是, 2.名词及语境的理解。A演员B运动员C科学家D律师,根据句意,他的父亲是一个象棋专家还是一个火箭研究科学家,故选C。 3.连词及语境的理解。根据上下文的转折关系,故选A。 4.连词及语境的理解。根据前后两句之间的转折关系,故选D。 5.根据后文he never studied可知虽然他的父母是著名的但是他对学校没有兴趣。故选C。 6.动词及语境的理解。A提供B需要C报道 D教,根据句意,他从来不学习并且回避需要思考的活动。故选B 7.连词词组及语境的理解。实际上,你可能认为鲍勃很愚蠢,除非你问他关于汽车的问题,根据上下句之间的关系,故选A 8.副词及语境的理解。根据put it back together again再次把它组装在一起,可知前文是他能拆散一辆汽车,故选D。 9.A问B回答C修理D有,根据句意及上下文,修理任何的机械难题,故选C。 10.根据上下文可知他对汽车非常了解,所以,关于汽车几乎没有他不知道的事情。A非常B几乎没有,很少C那么多D有几个,故选B。 11.代词及语境的理解。A他的父亲B他的母亲C他自己D他们,根据句意及上下文可知,这里的them代指汽车。故选D 12.在大学的六个月后,他所以的课都不及格,他不得不退学。故选D。 13.】考查动词及语境的理解。根据上下文,可知是在离开学校后,故选B。 14.。在离开学校后,他获得了一份和汽车打交道的工作。根据上下文及结构,故选A,汽车。 15.最后我认为对他不得不离校他暗地里是遗憾的。A成功的B遗憾的C滑稽的D高兴的,根据上下文可知,故选B。 考点:人物介绍类短文。

—Is everything clear to you all now, class?

   —Sorry, I didn’t catch the first sentence. Would you please ______?

A. beg your pardon              B. repeat it again    

C. say it again                 D. speak it again



—Did you watch the basketball match last night?

   —Yes. Jeremy Lin didn’t play ______ he did last week.

A. well than       B. more better than    C. as well as    D. as good as



—You looked so tired this morning. How much_____ for the work?

   —Oh, I was just helping my friend.

A. were you paid     B. did you pay   C. would you pay      D. did it cost



A cat, ______ it is a white one ______ a black one, is considered to be a good cat as long as it can catch mice.

A. both; and                    B. not only; but also    

C. either; or                   D. whether; or



These wild flowers are so special, I would do __ whatever ____ I can to save them.

A.       B. that                C. which          D. Whichever



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