满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Can you what Mr. King’s son is like? —O...

—Can you           what Mr. King’s son is like?

—Oh, he has the very look of Mr. King. I’m sure you can know him at the first sight.

A. describe              B. imagine         C. guess


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---你能描绘一下 King先生的儿子的长相吗?---奥,他很像King先生。我确信你一眼就能知道是他。A. describe 描述,描绘; B. imagine 想象;C. guess 猜猜。故选A. 考点:考查动词的含义。  

—Do you know where my key to the bike is, granny?

—I’m not sure. It            be in your drawer.

A. must                 B. might          C. should



—Do you mind me turning on the TV? The program I Am a Singer will be on at once.

       . I’m doing my homework.

A. You’d better not        B. Never mind             C. No problem



— Stop eating chocolates, my boy. They are bad for your teeth.

— Thank you for your          .

A. effort                B. email                  C. advice



—Who would you like to see you off at the airport?

        . A “good-bye” at home is enough.

A. Nobody           B. Somebody                 C. Anybody



Yesterday afternoon David hurried to school         his chemistry book, so he had to share Betty’s.

A. for                B. with                     C. without



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