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Miss Evans was going to give a lecture (...

Miss Evans was going to give a lecture (讲座) on Friday afternoon. But on Thursday night she was told that she had to go to an important meeting the next day at the same time. “No one can be in two places at the same time. What shall I do?” she thought. But soon, she had an idea. At five to three on Friday afternoon, Miss Evans went to the lecture room. There were twenty students waiting there for her. “I'm sorry,” she told them, “I won't be able to give my lecture today.” The students looked surprised. Miss Evans explained(解释) that she had an important meeting. “However,” she went on, “though I can't be with you myself, my voice can.” Then she put a small tape recorder (录音机) on the desk, “You see, I've recorded my lecture and you can listen to it without me.” Miss Evans turned on the recorder and left.

The meeting ended a little early. Miss Evans decided to go back to her students. She stood for a moment outside the lecture room, listening to her own voice. Then quickly, she opened the door. To her surprise, the room was empty. As she looked around, she saw a number of small recorders “listening” to her lecture!

“Well,” she thought, “If I can be in two places at the same time, why can't they?”

1.Miss Evans had to __________ on Friday afternoon.

A. give a lectureB. go to a meeting

C. record her lecture     D. both A and B

2. Miss Evans recorded her lecture so that          while she was away.

A. the students could listen to it

B. she could listen to her own voice

C. her voice could be with her

D. the students could do the same

3. When she returned from the meeting, Miss Evans found         her lecture.

A. all her students listening to

B. every student recording

C. her students had left some recorders recording

D. some of her students listening to

4. Miss Evans thought it was ________.

A. all right for her students to do the same as she did

B. wrong for her students to be absent(缺席的) from the lecture

C. kind of her students to leave so many recorders

D. good for her students to do the same as she did


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:埃文斯女士在星期五的时候要同时做两件事情,做报告和开会。所以她想到了一个好主意,把自己的演讲用录音机录下来放给同学们听,而她自己则是去开会。当她回来的时候发现学生们桌子上放着小录音机正在听她的演讲。埃文斯女士并不觉得她的学生有什么错。 1.细节理解题。句意:埃文斯女士不得不在星期五下午做什么?根据文章第一段Miss Evans was going to give a lecture (讲座) on Friday afternoon. But on Thursday night she was told that she had to go to an important meeting the next day at the same time.埃文斯女士打算在星期五下午做演讲。但是在星期四晚上她被告知她必须在第二天同一个时间去开会。星期四的第二天也就是星期五。所以选D。 2.细节理解题。句意:埃文斯录下了她的演讲的目的是在她离开的时候做什么?根据文章中第一段Then she put a small tape recorder (录音机) on the desk, “You see, I've recorded my lecture and you can listen to it without me.她把一个小的录音机放在了桌子上说“你看,我把我的演讲录下来了,当我不在的时候,你也能听演讲了。故选A。她希望学生们在她离开的期间也能听到她的演讲。 3.细节理解题。句意:当她开完会返回的时候,埃文斯发现了什么?根据文章中第二段As she looked around, she saw a number of small recorders “listening” to her lecture!当埃文斯环顾四周的时候,她看见很多的小录音机正在听她的演讲。故选C。学生们也留下了一些录音机。 4.细节理解题。句意:埃文斯女士认为这样做是怎么样的?根据最后一段“If I can be in two places at the same time, why can't they?”如果我能同时在两个地方,他们为什么不能?说明埃文斯女士并不认为她的学生有错,故选A 。 考点:故事类短文阅读。

Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten o'clock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma lives downstairs. She is happy with him.

One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house, she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future . They talked for a long time.

"Have a look at your watch, please," said the girl. "What time is it now?"

"Sorry, something is wrong with my watch," said Jack. "Where's yours?"

"I left it at home."

Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, "It's twelve o'clock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?"

1. Jack was ________ when he finished middle school.

A. sixteen     B. eighteen  C. twenty    D. fifteen

2.The old woman is happy with Jack because ________.

A. he's her grandson  B. he's clever

C. he can keep quiet  D. he gets home on time

3. The word "stamp" in the story means ______ in Chinese.

A. 盖印     B.     C. 贴邮票   D. 承认

4. Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order (为了) ________.

A. to wake his grandma up

B. to make his grandma angry

C. that his grandma was going to tell him the time

D. that his grandma was going to buy him a watch



The price of rice changes during the year.

It is useful for rice farmers to know how the price changes, then they can sell their rice when the price is high. But it was hard for farmers to guess how the price would change from month to month.

Last year, the price of rice was very low in November. This was a bad time for farmers to sell their rice. November, December, and January were all bad months. The best month for farmers to sell rice last year was April. July and August were also good times to sell rice.

Between August and November, the price of rice were down every month. During other parts of the year, the price went up and down.

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1.The price of rice was the highest in________ last year.

A. January         B. April       

C. July          D. November

2.The price of rice was the same in_________.

A. April and May            B. February and December

C. July and August           D. March and September

3.Which might be the best title of the reading?

A. Farmers and Rice         B. Buying and Selling Rice

C. High Price of Rice        D. Changes in Price of Rice



Mr. Evans lives and works in Sydney. Last week he had a______holiday, but he didn’t know______ to go. He said to his friend Robert “I hate the hot weather here, but I can’t______a cool place in Australia. Where should I go______a holiday?”

“That’s easy,” said Robert, ” You can go to Moscow. Snow and ice are covering the ground there now.” Mr. Evens______ his advice. He bought a plane ticket and______Moscow. He enjoyed himself there, but one day he got into trouble. After lunch______a cold day, he went to a park in the city. He found that a dog followed him when he walked______a house. It seemed hungry. Maybe it wanted some food______,he thought. However, Mr. Evans had______ food in his pockets. He tried to make the dog______, but it began to bark at him. Just at that moment, he   ______a small stone on the ground. He tried to pick it up, but he______.

“______strange these Russians are!” Mr. Evans said to_____.”They tie up stones instead of their dogs.

1.A.two weeks       B. two-weeks’       C. two week’s    D. two-week

2.A. what           B. which           C. where             D. how

3.A. think of         B. think about       C. think over    D. thought of

4.A. to              B. for             C. in                D. over

5.A. caught          B. thought          C. followed          D. forgot

6.A. reached in       B. arrived in        C. get to        D. arrived

7.A. in              B. on              C. at                D. with

8.A. passed          B. pasted           C. past              D. pass

9.A. eat             B. eating           C. to eat             D. ate

10.A. nothing         B. no              C. none             D. some

11.A. take away       B. throw away       C. go away          D. put away

12.A. saw            B. heard            C. watched          D. listened

13.A. can’t           B. won’t            C. couldn’t      D. may not

14.A. What a         B. How a            C .What            D. How

15.A. itself           B. himself         C. myself   D. yourself



__________the doctors in their hospital is about one thousand, and sixty percent of them___________ women.

A. A number of; is   B. The number of; are  

C. The number of; is   D. A number of; are



--- Did you __________ much time watching Li Na’s match last night?

--- Yes. It __________ me a few hours to watch this match.

A. spend; spentB. spend; took

C. take; took    D. take; cost



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