满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Three years has passed _________ they ca...

Three years has passed _________ they came to this school.

A. since B. forC. whenD. before


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:自从他们来到这所学校,时间已过去三年了。A. since自……以来;B. for因为;C. when当......的时候;D. before在……以前。根据句意,故选A。 考点:考查连词的用法。  

The house is made _________ bamboo and it is made _________ six rooms.

A. up of; of    B. of; from

C. of; up ofD. from; of



You are late again. The class _________ for five minutes.

—Sorry. Theres something wrong with my bike.

A. began   B. has begun

C. was onD. has been on



Accidents are often caused by drivers who try to _________.

A. put out    B. put in

C. cut outD. cut in



—What a surprise! Harry used to get nervous because he couldnt organize his ideas well _________ to express _________ clearly.

—Great, haventt you heard, Where there is a will, there is a way. Lets give him a big hand.

A. enough; him    B. enough; himself

C. too; himD. too; himself



—Do you know the first ladies of China and the USA had________ interview on March 21?

Yes. And it was ________ great success.

A. an; /    B. the; a

C. an; aD. the; /



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