满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In this early day of the United States o...

In this early day of the United States of America, it wasn’t easy ____ from one town or city to _____. There were no trains. Of course, and the roads were very poor. If a man wanted to go from one place to another, he often _____ a horse. And because the roads were bad, he sometimes got very dirty.

One day a man came into a hotel in a little country town. His clothes were very dirty, and he looked very tried. “ Do you have a room here _____ me?” he asked. The hotel man at the desk thought, “ I don’t want this man ____ here. He’s too dirty for my hotel.” “ I’m sorry.” He said. “ We don’t have any ___ rooms. There’s a small hotel down the street. You can ask there.”

Soon an important-looking man having fine clothes came into the hotel. “ I’ve come to see Mr. Jefferson,” he said. “ Mr. Jefferson?” “ Yes, Vice-president(副总统) Jefferson. We planned to meet here.” The hotel man was ____ “ A man _____ dirty clothes was just here. I thought he was a farmer, and sent him to another hotel a few minutes ago.” The学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! hotel man _____ the Vice-president’s room in the other hotel.

“ Oh, Mr. Jefferson,” he said, “ I’m very sorry I thought you were a farmer. We have a room at our hotel. Please come back.”

“ No.” said Mr. Jefferson, “ If there’s no room for a farmer, there’s no room for the Vice president, _____.”

1.A.get           B.got          C.to get           D.getting

2.A.other         B.the other      C.another         D.the another

3.A.must to ride    B.have to ride   C.had to ride       D.has to ride

4.A.for           B.to           C.of              D.at

5.A.stay          B.to stay       C.stayed           D.staying

6.A.many        B.much         C.a lot            D.more

7.A.happy        B.sad          C.afraid           D.lucky

8.A.of           B.in           C.on              D.with

9.A.hurry        B.hurried       C.hurried to        D.in hurry

10.A.too         B.also          C.neither          D.either


1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了过去美国由于交通不便,人们主要是骑马出行,这经常使得衣服沾满泥水。一天,美国副总统杰佛逊来到一家乡村小旅店,由于衣服脏而被不知情的店主拒绝入住,后来在旁人的指点下,店主慌忙请其入住,但这种以貌取人的做法自然是于事无补。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 考点:故事类短文。

He’ll phone you as soon as he ________ Beijing .

A. reaches to B. arrives inC. will reachD. will arrive



It takes him too much time __basketball. He should spend more time __his homework.

A. to play, to do B. playing, doing C. to play, doingD. playing, to do



He fell off the bike ________.

A. while he rode  B. while he was riding  C. while he is riding  D. while on bike



The students were all tired but ________ of them stopped ________.

A. no, to rest     B. none, to rest     C. no, resting     D. none, resting



He is a teacher. He has been a teacher ____ 1990.

A. in      B. until   C. since   D. For



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